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Slow connex vs Fast connex

Do you lose online because of lag

  • No, everyone is a noob here

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I never really hear people speaking about this, strangely enough but: I have the experience while playing online that my opponent clearly has a faster connex (it happens quite often). Now, you guys talked about input delay, shaky lag, and a slower connexion (but most of the people that talked about that, said if there was any lag, you would survive both from it, I think that is not always true). But I am talking about this specifik lag that causes a slower connexion for you and a faster for your opponent, I have cable so should be good right? I had some matches where my opponent was jumping happily around and I could almost not move. Does anyone recognise this problem? Please, since I dont hear anybody talk about this, I feel like I am the only one with it :(


Worst Lao Ever.
I've never lost to a random and thought "He outplayed me". It always comes down to them doing things i can't stop online.
I've never lost to a random and thought "He outplayed me". It always comes down to them doing things i can't stop online.
Yes, like this small things, for example I was on my back and someone tried too grab me so I quickly press 11111111, but... it didnt work lol he still grabbed me - that really sucks hard

AREZ God of War

The Crazy BeastMaster
I never really hear people speaking about this, strangely enough but: I have the experience while playing online that my opponent clearly has a faster connex (it happens quite often). Now, you guys talked about input delay, shaky lag, and a slower connexion (but most of the people that talked about that, said if there was any lag, you would survive both from it, I think that is not always true). But I am talking about this specifik lag that causes a slower connexion for you and a faster for your opponent, I have cable so should be good right? I had some matches where my opponent was jumping happily around and I could almost not move. Does anyone recognise this problem? Please, since I dont hear anybody talk about this, I feel like I am the only one with it :(
You got it backwards man......YOU are the one who suffers because your connection is likely faster than your opponents'. The slower connections is making your connection attempt to overcompensate for their lack of bandwidth, thus making a very one-sided lag (or worse, input delay). Internet "experts" will tell you differently, but I don't trust business and I have my own 2 eyes to judge reality.

When you play people who have similar speed to your own, there should be very little if any lag, so long as they aren't sharing bandwidth with anything besides PSN. Outside of that, there are numerous factors that contribute to lag at high-speeds, but you're wasting your breath talking to online warriors about this concept, I know I have and they just seem to get mad that you are mad that it's lagging and live in their own little fantasy world where they make up the rules and pretend online is viable and lag doesnt exist.

TBH, why would you NOT be mad that it's lagging which is causing you to not be ableto play even your B+ game.....if nothing else ruining what's supposed to be fun for you? Some people are just stubborn selfish little bitches.
OKey well thnx for the reply man :) I did had a match with a reptile player that could dash so fast I couldnt respond to it (never had that one before), it was like 2 times faster then normal dash, impossible to react on

AREZ God of War

The Crazy BeastMaster
OKey well thnx for the reply man :) I did had a match with a reptile player that could dash so fast I couldnt respond to it (never had that one before), it was like 2 times faster then normal dash, impossible to react on
Online will add steroids to any character that has a fast move w/ little recovery....the fewer frames of recovery, the more invincible it becomes. Reptile's Dash has been an issue going back to UMK3.....Slides, Shoulder Charges, etc. You can clearly see who knows how to play online-only vs who knows what works offline by the way someone plays. LOL@ people spamming Slides and Shoulders like they are safe offline.

Anyone remember the Tom Brady vs Emperor Bladez beef from MKDCU??? Poor Tom. People trying to make him think he's crazy when he was spot-on correct.