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Skeletal Boostinz

Skeletal Boost has always been pretty useless, but it seems to have new properties. (New to me at least) I remember the boost dissipating on block, making it total trash, considering how unsafe the move is in the first place. Regardless of this, I've been attempting to incorporate it into my game with limited success until now.

I'm not sure if it's common knowledge that the boost no longer fades on block, and if you keep proper pressure and apply rune traps into the mix, you get the keep the boost for some massive damage. My recording equipment is garbage, so enjoy the next 12 seconds.

~Woolay bitches.



"Strength isn't everything"
I have been trying since he was patched to remove his boost on trade to get it into his playing, and it's most likely after all this time, not safe possible.

All I found was after a trance, JIP :l:bp:fp x2, uppercut - Skeletal boost, your animation is off screen, so the opponent won't recognise it until it is finished. Apart from that, no. :( But I will keep trying.


missiles are coming
This is one of those moves that once someone finds an applicable way to use it during a fight, it will change the way people think about Quan Chi. Don't give up guys!


I decided to pick Quan up for a whirl tonight. While in training mode (havent faught any matches with him yet), i noticed that if i try the SB after certain combos (mainly, ending with 112) he doesnt get a proper damage boost. He does the animation and the cheeky "hahahaa", but he literally flashes red for half a second and the boost just disappears. i doubt its even long enough to get a d4 out. The health boost always works fine though.

Whats the crack with this? Is this just a weird training mode thing or does it always happen after combos? If so, what...in the name of Christ's dangly bits...is the point of even putting this move in the game?

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
A meter for boostin' and more meter for runein'. God, Quan Chi sucks. lol.

Faster normals = good character. I'll happily give up the rune trap.