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Should X-Rays be modified?


Neutral Skipper
Personally I'd like to see them closer in terms of presentation to what we saw in the trailer, so they feel more seamless and don't break up the flow of the fight, and somehow actually made useful so everybody uses their meter for something other than Breakers.

Another idea is that each character could possibly have two X-Rays so that not only are they less repetitive to look at but some could have different properties (counters, allow to combo afterwards, etc).


That Welsh Guy
You just took my thread :(

EDIT: But on point I agree a second X-Ray to not make it so dull to watch over and over & to mix up how you'll hit them with an X-Ray would be very nice!
Perhaps X-Rays Could be built up on a different meter like and Ultra meter in SF, i've always wanted it like that, or is that too much like SF then?


That Welsh Guy
Didn't even see your thread, dude. Yours seems to focus on Scorpion's alone, though.

@Mods, close, merge or whatever if you have to.
lol it's cool Yours is more General about it, mine's going to steer into a convo about how the trailer is all a lie and everything in it is wrong and sub zero is going to be yellow and scorpion will be rainbow coloured because it's just a CGI trailer lol.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
I like the idea of each character having two x-rays. They would just have to be balanced well enough so people wouldn't just want to use one over the other all of the time. Like for example, if Kung Lao had 2 x-rays you would almost never use anything besides the one that launches your opponent after.


The Netherrealm beckons
I wonder if they ditched EX moves completely and you just use meter to enhance your combo strings, causing an X-ray effect mid combo. I doubt it though, since that means completely retooling the meter system. But it's NRS, they might be crazy enough to completely ditch the meter system and do something else.

Man this speculation is driving me nuts, IS IT E3 YET


That Welsh Guy
I like the idea of each character having two x-rays. They would just have to be balanced well enough so people wouldn't just want to use one over the other all of the time. Like for example, if Kung Lao had 2 x-rays you would almost never use anything besides the one that launches your opponent after.
They would have to do different things in the oppisite manor is all, Like Say you could use one as an AA and the other on the ground but it could be Ducked or blocked or something.

Or You could have an X-Ray that hits low and one that hit's high, or one that is extremely close range and a good punish to players who jump in like Kung Lao's in MK9 or a further ranged one to counter part it, both doing the same thing essentially but Used in different situations, keep the damage the same and everything and make them just as easy to defend against you've just got to do it in different ways.


I like the idea of having two different X-Rays that function differently than the other.

Have one that prioritizes damage, but CANNOT have any kind of a combo follow-up.

Then have another that can have a combo follow-up but the X-Ray itself does less initial damage or causes quite a bit of scaling when a combo is used afterwards.

They would each have more properties than that, of course. The one that is focused on damage gives armor, while the other does not, some can anti-air, some are parries/counters, etc. Maybe even make some cancellable a la Sub-Zero's for those sick clutch wins at the end of a match.


That Welsh Guy
I like the idea of having two different X-Rays that function differently than the other.

Have one that prioritizes damage, but CANNOT have any kind of a combo follow-up.

Then have another that can have a combo follow-up but the X-Ray itself does less initial damage or causes quite a bit of scaling when a combo is used afterwards.

They would each have more properties than that, of course. The one that is focused on damage gives armor, while the other does not, some can anti-air, some are parries/counters, etc. Maybe even make some cancellable a la Sub-Zero's for those sick clutch wins at the end of a match.
I like this, I thought it would be a good idea to have different setups to use your X-Rays in a more Mixup style but this could always be a thing, something more to extend a combo and something to just deal plain old damage that scales down in combos like in MK9


Neutral Skipper
Have one that prioritizes damage, but CANNOT have any kind of a combo follow-up.

Then have another that can have a combo follow-up but the X-Ray itself does less initial damage or causes quite a bit of scaling when a combo is used afterwards.

They would each have more properties than that, of course. The one that is focused on damage gives armor, while the other does not, some can anti-air, some are parries/counters, etc. Maybe even make some cancellable a la Sub-Zero's for those sick clutch wins at the end of a match.
This is pretty much what I meant but was way too lazy to type up.


Chode Juggler
That would be sick...or like a normal x-ray and then a situational one that does more damage/launches...like if you used x-ray as a tech or a parry or something..more risk..more reward. .maybe make the inputs slightly harder


Believe in Magic yet? Let us Dance
They should have an xray that changes depending on what side of the screen you're on. That way it isn't depending on anything and still keeps things entertaining.


TYM's Head Herpetologist
You just took my thread :(

EDIT: But on point I agree a second X-Ray to not make it so dull to watch over and over & to mix up how you'll hit them with an X-Ray would be very nice!
Perhaps X-Rays Could be built up on a different meter like and Ultra meter in SF, i've always wanted it like that, or is that too much like SF then?
You both took my thread that I posted literally only a few hours before this one haha


Alone is where to find me.
X-rays have to be modified in the sense that EX and breakers in particular are far more valuable the way it is now in MK9. If they choose to keep that meter system then X-rays have to be buffed to become relevant. It depends though. If the new fighting engine increases damage scaling from combos then breakers will automatically become less valuable.

Given how breakers have eclipsed X-rays in MK9 I doubt they'll be put under the same meter in MKX, even with buffs or nerfs.

Two X-rays ? I suppose they could do that to add some variety. But like fatalities they'll grow stale all the same.
I hope it's less bland I hated seeing the same one over and over, and least make variations in the animation.
Yeah I agree about always seeing the same animations. We need variety NRS. No more slo- mo either and breaking the pace of the fights. And I'm hoping they don't use black & white when they cut to Xrays. But leave everything colored like in the MKX trailer.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Termômetro from the trailer, you can see guts, flesh and blood coming out, hopefully this is how will look in the game, hopefully we get two x-rays too.