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Should MK X have unblockable throws again with techs or blockable?

What should MK X's throwing system be like? Blockable or Unblockable, interactive or not?

  • They should be unblockable without techs, but once thrown IF you recover no damage

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • They should be like MKvsDCU's throws, unblockable with tech & recover option(with/w/o juggle bounce)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I honestly don't know, tough question so undecided

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ALL of the above, the more options the better, hell give me multiple throws!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm for anything they choose as long as I can turn off throwing into interactables

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • My only issue with throws is that different characters do different damage! All should be equal!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Been wondering a few days now, since we know MK X is official and we know the news about each character having different methods to fight, options etc do you think this will effect throws? If so how?

Personally, I'm wondering if say a style change based off whatever we pick before the match(ie zoning, more rushdown, turtling etc etc) whatever, if this will alter the kinds of throws as well or will the throws just be standard like always? I'm SURE we'll have the option to throw in front or behind again, but what I'm curious about is if they'll make some throws blockable. Personally, I hope not just bring it like MK 9's throws with it being unblockable yet you can tech out of it. With updates, improvements of course etc.

or do you want a throw that's 100% blockable like the oldschool MK's?

or do you want an MK vs. DCU like throwing system where you throw someone(unblockable) but if you can't tech it in time, you can recover from the throw and thus less damage is done to you?

Also, a newer possibility that I'm wondering about given the trailer teases say we have interactables as it's hinted(sub grabbing a branch and hitting someone in the face with it) could we see throws possibly be mixed with that? Example, in the trailer(I know it's CGI and not gameplay) but one point you see Sub-Zero throw Scorp threw a tree therefore causing more damage probably(some what like MKDC but maybe this time without juggles?)

Damn I forgot one poll option: command throws unblockable while normal throws are blockable. ;)

Too many poll options fuck that. The whole point of a throw is to threaten damage vs players who block a lot, and it's crucial to characters without fast high-low mix-ups. Throws are a fundamental balance to keep constant blocking in check. Making them blockable sounds pretty stupid, it's basically just a dumbed down normal at that point. Lame.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Too many poll options fuck that. The whole point of a throw is to threaten damage vs players who block a lot, and it's crucial to characters without fast high-low mix-ups. Throws are a fundamental balance to keep constant blocking in check. Making them blockable sounds pretty stupid, it's basically just a dumbed down normal at that point. Lame.
lol so I've been told ;) but I like to give people options heh. But I do agree, I love to throw because people block sometimes a little too much if you're attacking and they magically guess your mix ups, throws come in handy no doubt. I have heard over the years some people want "throws blockable" though, I'm NOT one of them but some have lol.

What the hell is this thread on?
If you like throws or WHAT kind of throwing options do you prefer, pokemon guy. ;)
Definitely need throws in the game--some characters will need to rely on them more than others, but I think it's a critical component to offense overall. MK9 throws were ok to me, wouldn't mind if they stayed the same


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Throws are fine, just make teching them the same as Injustice, with the throw button.
Yeah or perhaps with more options like say deeper configuration "throw button to tech or X and A again, or both. As long as it's not too complex.
The point of throws in almost all fighting games has always been to open up someone who keeps turtling. Why the hell would you even think about making them blockable? Why even ask lol.

Also MK9's throw system sucked imo because you could crouch under throws and had to 50/50 guess even on a good read. Playing MK9 made me a worst player in general because I got into the habit of never teching throws because they were just a random guess and it was better to D1 or D3 than to try and tech anyway. Plus a lot of the throws didn't even give you good okizeme or decent frame advantage.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
I honestly didn't mind the MK9 3D-esque throw system. Because even though you had to guess whether it was a front or back throw, you could just neutral crouch and have them whiff it. Then punish that instead.

Although I wouldn't mind SF/Injustice throw system but IMO that's too defensive and can be option-selected. MK9's encouraged reads.


What if they were air-techable like in streets of rage in addition to normal techs. If you don't air tech you take the damage. If you do air-tech, you don't get the damage and you recover from the throw but you enter a juggle-able state until you land on your feet again.

Normal throws are fine for me, tho. Just not put that 50/50 tech in like in MK9. Reading the throw should be enough to break it.


Traditional but while teching you shouldn't need to worry about if it is a front or back throw. A tech is a tech. Also shouldnt be duckable when not holding block.