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Should i switch mains?


Button Masher
So ill be getting my xbox back tonight. and i dont know if i want to go back and play mileena again or switch to a new fighter as my main. I've wanted to main Skarlet for soo long but shes soo odd to play. i was discouraged from trying. Should i just try Skarlet hit the lab like crazy and try to play her? or should i just stick to mileena who i know how to play ( well i did havent played in 4months so idk the buffs and nerfs that went out) or should i just pick up someone new who isnt one of these two? UGH idk what to do guys any advice? PS i cant wait to see you guys online! i missed MK


Dojo Trainee
I've always been a proponent of playing who you like...regardless of tiers, nerfs and all of those shenanigans. If you like skarlet I say go for it.


Button Masher
I love mileena but Skarlet has fascinated me since she came out. Just the character her self drew me in but her odd play stay and massive execution pushed me away. I just dont know. i fucking love mileena. shes fun to play and her d4 is god like but i dont know.

Sage Leviathan

I'm platinum mad!
( well i did havent played in 4months so idk the buffs and nerfs that went out) or should i just pick up someone new who isnt one of these two? UGH idk what to do guys any advice? PS i cant wait to see you guys online! i missed MK
From this day, 4 months ago, there were no patches :p

As for your mains? Your Mileena was amazing, if youd like to get back to her!
Skarlet is great. Tough to pick up, but well worth it if you get her dagger cancels down.
Id recommend any of the characters i play as or dawdle with too:
-Noob <3
-Quan Chi

And of course, i discourage everyone from using Raiden or Kung Lao...because.


Button Masher
I might just continue to main Mileena but keep skarlet at a close 2nd. but idk playing mileena gets boring sometimes. D4 get repetitive :p


Dojo Trainee
Skarlet & Mileena is a deadly duo. It's tough which one is better. Skarlet has high dmg output, including 41% punisher for blocked teleports. While Mileena is very versatile & has true 50/50 mixups. Just pick up both.


Dojo Trainee

Here it is: it's u3 u3 df2 xx 23 df2 xx 23 df3 4

Got some Skarlet BnB's, she's one of my pocket characters.

212 df2 xx 23 df2 xx 23 df3 4
f312 df2 xx 23 df2 xx 23 df3 4
f2121+2 df3 f3 xx f4 df2 xx 23 df3 4
b11f4 df3 f3 xx f4 df2 xx 23 df3 4

All these combos can be ended with a reset as well (112 leaves them standing, which lets you red dash in for 50/50. Slide or the down slash. Maybe even a throw. EX dags also gives frame advantage & jails them for another string, i'd recommend doing f2121+2 after this. It hitconfirmed, do the 3rd combo above.) instead of the df3 4 (red dash slide). You can also end them with f43 to knock them back full screen if the character has a hard time getting in with characters with projectiles (Subzero, Johnny Cage, etc.) Just zone carefully with dagger cancels. Maybe even close some space with a dagger cancel(s) into red slide dash. I have alotta info on this character but i dont feel like typing lol hope this helps man. :cool: