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Should i drop reptile?


I love reptile I've played him since i got the game which was two weeks ago. I saw though in a thread that everybody is so familiar with playing against reptile that his combo strings are easy to anticipate and block properly. My question is, should i drop reptile and start with another character or should i just continue playing him?


Sig Maker
I love reptile I've played him since i got the game which was two weeks ago. I saw though in a thread that everybody is so familiar with playing against reptile that his combo strings are easy to anticipate and block properly. My question is, should i drop reptile and start with another character or should i just continue playing him?
Never drop your character just because people have gotten used to him/her; take it as a chance to further evolve your game with the character. Reptile is a versatile character who has tools to deal with almost everything in the game so there are always alternative options for him.


No man you just have to keep playing, keep trying to level up and get better. Just because people know reptile's strings, doesn't mean Chris G won't get wins anymore. Know what I mean? It's getting to a point anyway, where a lot of people know EVERYONE's strings. I know i've made it a point to try to learn as much about everyone as I can... but that doesn't mean that those characters are now useless. At the end of the day it comes down to the skill of the player, the mind games, etc. Not so much about "oh i've never seen that combo before". If that makes sense... I dunno I just woke up.


FC Bound
I love reptile I've played him since i got the game which was two weeks ago. I saw though in a thread that everybody is so familiar with playing against reptile that his combo strings are easy to anticipate and block properly. My question is, should i drop reptile and start with another character or should i just continue playing him?
No... Dude..... Its only 2 weeks for you. I say atleast wait for about 2 months then drop him if you want. Start woth 1 character to get the feel of the game so it will be easier to adapt with another. ( 2nd non-troll post :D )


something I posted in one of the news articles from the front page

retic said:
things learned form Indestructible 20111) Kung Lao is NOT the big bad wolf....trust me.2) Never drop your main character due to "perceived bad matchups"; I was VERY close to dropping Reptile in this tourney for Sub Zero due to "match up issues"; I once reasoned to myself that "slow normals = low chance of winning". If I DID drop Reptile, I prolly won't make it at the top at all. :)You could main Sheeva/Baraka/Dan for all I care; if you feel most comfy/confident with them, stick!Until NRS nerfs Reptile's dash with a recovery time that gives the opponent enough time to release the block button, scratch his butt (twice), walk up and uppercut, gives Kung Lao 20frame jab strings or making Raiden's X ray do 50% damage....to himself, do NOT drop your main who gives you 100% confidence ;)
Try to do more 50/50 MixUps, Zone with ForceBalls/AcidSpit and use Invisibility once in a while. if you want to know more about Reptile and how to get better with him, feel free to PM me.


Thanks for all the replies and no question about I will not drop Reptile (HaPPYIEs). I've always loved reptile since mk3, and I will prolly main him till MK10. Punishers do you mind if i add you on psn?


good to hear your not dropping him. I would never drop a character based on what people have said. If you like him play him if not drop him.


I played around 10 games and I won almost all of them. Reptile really fits my play style and not to mention he is the most BA character ever made. Anyhow, thanks for helping me see that dropping Reptile would've been a huge mistake.
Nah man, I feel most confident using Ermac and he's my go to character but people know almost every trick with him. I still manage to win though because of my confidence in using him.
Man sounds like someone wasnt even dropping there main. I propose that you were attempting too start a Reptile circlejerk.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
I went through this same issue when I first started playing dude, the beauty of Reptile is that he has so many different ways to mix up that pretty everyone cM use them in their own unique way. Just play around in the lab and try to find strings that are hard to block and even ways to make you you can get through your opponents block.
That general rule can apply to nearly the whole cast. Each character has their optimal BnBs, and Block Strings. It's depending upon the player to change up the pace of the game, play mindgames, have solid mix ups, pokes, etc, play zoneing or rush down, or alternate depending on how confident you are against the matchup.

Who expected Tom to play Subzero really aggressive? Or who expected Slips to body people with a generic character like Scorpion?

I'd stick with Reptile, he's great, I'm still learning him and trying to improve my execution best as possible. I'm not that great of a player, I'm average at best, but I understand concepts, and I try to apply that to better my self.

You don't always have to do 321~Green Hand, you can do into pokes, throws, crossovers.

Do you know why Chris G is great? Because he's not a generic Reptile player, if you've ever watch ANY of his matches, he's unpredictable to an extent IMO. He goes for the most difficult combos when others are a lot easier. He can zone or be aggressive too.

Hope this helped.

Stick with him, he's great.
What´s up guys? I´m a Stryker player, but i admit Rep has tools to deal with everything, even with the police.

Motivational Videos:

I promisse "Leooooh666", that I would post our games here to.
Sorry, i don´t know if this is a good Thread to post, but I think the title, make the videos suitable.

Just a thing i noticed... Reptile don´t have an armored move, except X-ray?


Two men enter, one man leaves!
Thanks for all the replies and no question about I will not drop Reptile (HaPPYIEs). I've always loved reptile since mk3, and I will prolly main him till MK10. Punishers do you mind if i add you on psn?
As a Raiden player that is music to my ears <3
You can read a million threads, and watch a million youtube tutorials, but the bottom line is that you need to develop your own familiarity with the character that you are going to main. Its not all about what tools the character has available, it is how the person playing the character can use the tools. Get your own style, learn how to adapt to your opponent, and definitely get some matchup experience online and offline.