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Video/Tutorial "SHAZAM!" The Wrath of Billy Batson and Anti-Clash Setup


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He's got some of the coolest combos in Injustice: Gods Among Us and yet it seems as though he's one of the lesser used characters. A few days ago, YouTube user, Ronald Rogan uploaded a very awesome Shazam combo video showcasing his combos in a cinematic way. While many of the combos may be basic there is a seamless use of the stage interactables.

In addition to this, @EGP Wonder_Chef uploaded a short video showcasing an "anti-clash" setup with Shazam.

Source: Ronald Rogan via EventHubs, Wh4t1t1s


KC H0oKsw0rds

iK A B A L
Dang nice setups. Coulda got hella more damage on Asylum where freeze pipes gives free trait and ji2 but still nice to see Billy getting some love.


I'm guessing the "anti-clash setup" is because they have no idea which way is forward when the hits connect? Nice stuff :p