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Guide Shazam BnBs may 2013

Mid Screen

112 AT 18% / 23%
f12 22HM 19% / 24%
b12AT 13% / 19%
22 HM 15% / 20%
b2HM 14% / 19%
d2 ji2 112AT 20% / 25%
f223 112AT 26% / 30%
b3 ji3 ji2 112AT 35%
f3 ji3 3HM 32%

1 Bar meter

112ATmb 22% / 27%
b12ATmb 18% / 23%
f12 HMmb b3 ji2 f223HM 35% / 39%
22HMmb b3 ji2 f223HM 32% / 35%
b2HMmb b3 ji2 f223HM 34% / 37%
f223 ACmb 112 AT 35% / 39%
f22 HMmb b3 ji3 f223HM 43% / 49%
d2 ji2 112ATmb 23% / 27%
b3 ji3 f223HMmb f223HM 41%
f3 ji3 11HMmb~ ji3 11HM 40%
HMmb b3 ji3 f223HM 37%
ACmb f223HM 33%

Trait Combos

112AT 29% / 33%
b12AT 21% / 26%
b2HM 18% / 23%
f223 112AT 39% / 42%
d2 ji2 112AT 31% / 35%
b3 ji3 ji2 112AT 49%
f3 ji3 112AT 46%

1 Bar meter

112ATmb 33% / 37%
b12ATmb 26% / 30%
f12 HMmb~ ji3 112AT 43% / 46%
22HMmb~ji3 112AT 39% / 42%
b2HMmb~ji3 112AT 46% / 49%
b2HMmb b3 ji3 112MS 46% / 49%
f223 ACmb 112 AT 47% / 49%
f22 HMmb b3 ji3 112AT 58% / 64%
d2 ji2 112ATmb 33% / 37%
HMmb b3 ji3 112AT 48%
ACmb 112AT 40%
f3 ji3 11HMmb~ ji3 11HM 59%
b3 ji3 f223HMmb f223HM 52%

Bounce Cancel 2 bars meter

12 or 11 BCB3 ji3 ji2 112AT 55%
f1 BCF3 ji3 112AT 47%
b2 BCF3 ji3 112AT 48%
JI3 Combos

Ji3 112 AT 27%
1 Bar: Ji3HMmb b3 ji2 f223HM 42%
Trait: Ji3HMmb~ji3 112AT 54%

Super Combos

f223SUPER 42% / 45%
Trait: ji3 f223SUPER 56%

Corner Combos
All corner combos can be ended with Trait or AT instead for the same damage different okie setup.


112 112 112 112AC 32% / 36%
f12 112 112 112AC 30% / 34%
F223 112 112 112AC 34% / 38%
b2 112 112 112AC 29% / 33%
f3 ji3 112 112AT 35%
f3 b3 Transition 34%

1 Bar
HMmb b3 forward dash 112 3AC 32%

112 112 112 112AC 62% / 63%
f12 112 112 112AC 52% / 54%
F223 112 112 112AC 58% / 59%
b2 112 112 112AC 56% / 57%
f3 ji3 112 112AT 56%
f3 b3 Transition 41%

1 Bar
HMmb b3 forward dash 112 3AC 43%
How to understand this guide:

1 = Light Attack
2 = Medium Attack
3 = Heavy Attack
f = Forward
b = Back
d = Down
u = Up
/ = JI2 included
HM = Herculean Might :d:l:rLight
AT = Atlas Torpedo :l:rMedium
AC = Achille's Clutch :d:lLight
MS = Mercury Storm (backwards):d:lHeavy (forwards) :d:rHeavy
BZ = Bolt of Zeus :d:lMedium
mb = Meter Burn
Ji = Jump In :u+:r
Jb = Jump Back :u+:l
Nj = Neutral Jump :u
~ = Jump Cancel
BCF3 = Bounce Cancel Forward Heavy :r:rmb
BCB3 = Bounce Cancel Back Heavy :l:lmb

can I have this stickied?


Regarding the Midscreen 1 Bar Trait combo, I can't seem to do this one: f22 HMmb b3 ji3 112AT.

The 112 after the ji3 is tough and then even when that connects the AT always whiffs. Instead i've been doing f22 HMmb xxji3 112 AT. That's a solid 51% that is hella easy to do.

G4S MinotaurLord

Wielder of Toxins
Nice stuff. I take it the 2nd number is the damage including a j2? Also, happy to see my 47/49% trait combo up there :)

Admittedly, I mostly use 22, f223 (or f22 off of a j2 hitconfirm into the grab) for combos and d1, b2, and d3 for pressure. How viable are these other combo starters? Do you use f12 or b12 often? In which scenarios?


Ruthlesss Mayhem
Regarding the Midscreen 1 Bar Trait combo, I can't seem to do this one: f22 HMmb b3 ji3 112AT.

The 112 after the ji3 is tough and then even when that connects the AT always whiffs. Instead i've been doing f22 HMmb xxji3 112 AT. That's a solid 51% that is hella easy to do.
I think that f22 to HM is the guaranteed reset, but since this is a bnb combo guide maybe not.
probably the ji 3 timing.

f12 f12 AT 17% / 23%
a meterless hit confirm bnb! thanks
Regarding the Midscreen 1 Bar Trait combo, I can't seem to do this one: f22 HMmb b3 ji3 112AT.
The 112 after the ji3 is tough and then even when that connects the AT always whiffs. Instead i've been doing f22 HMmb xxji3 112 AT. That's a solid 51% that is hella easy to do.
This is the reset combo, F22 on hit is a plus 20 frame advantage that lets you get a free HM. so after F22 pause and do a HM before they can duck it. Your combo looks better tho so I might have to replace mine. Im also gonna add anti air combos, metered corner, 2 bars blah blah. what ever is practical
Now that we are v1.2 all shamans bnbs are reduced by 15%, has no hard knockdowns, f22 reset removed, and no more projectile. Torpedo is a high and can be ducked, and command grab is blockable at -38 on block
I would not be surprised if they nerfed or didn't touch this character everyone wants to play but is renown bottom 5, unsafe on very option but a teleport that leaves him open to zoning free and destroys his own rush down and safe options which arnt even good. His rush down garbage because of push back, he can't stay on people without putting himself at full combo punish frames. all his best setups and knock down setups are some of the most punishable in the game. his trait isn't good, he can't activate it in combos or when he wants to. superman, GL, Bane have simular traits that just increase combo damage but are amazingly better than shazams in every way. activation, payoff, cool down, rate of fire, duration all patheticly bottom tier against supermans trait alone. Some character just have an AA atack, shazam has to respect all jump attacks in a game where the focus of every action is towards grounded standing opponents attacking left or right only and aerial attacks are many, powerful, and lead to full combos. This is without a doubt a bottom tier character and most likely the worst character in the game. he has everything a "worst character" needs and nothing viable or safe. The patch should replace his lightning bolt with a target and put a kick me sign on his back.


Hahaha, I cannot agree more. But I just frickin' love the guy!
To be honest all he needs to move from the worst character to being a solid character in the top half is for his teleport to be 1-3 frame activation with maybe 10 frame recovery. Then his eX lightning bolt should bloody be faster than the standard one, NOT SLOWER. Then his trait should be cancellable like GL and finally the HM being bf1 and not dbf1.

Edit: oh and you shouldn't be able to back dash out of 22 HM/AC because that is just a JOKE


Ancestors give me Strength!!
I would not be surprised if they nerfed or didn't touch this character everyone wants to play but is renown bottom 5, unsafe on very option but a teleport that leaves him open to zoning free and destroys his own rush down and safe options which arnt even good. His rush down garbage because of push back, he can't stay on people without putting himself at full combo punish frames. all his best setups and knock down setups are some of the most punishable in the game. his trait isn't good, he can't activate it in combos or when he wants to. superman, GL, Bane have simular traits that just increase combo damage but are amazingly better than shazams in every way. activation, payoff, cool down, rate of fire, duration all patheticly bottom tier against supermans trait alone. Some character just have an AA atack, shazam has to respect all jump attacks in a game where the focus of every action is towards grounded standing opponents attacking left or right only and aerial attacks are many, powerful, and lead to full combos. This is without a doubt a bottom tier character and most likely the worst character in the game. he has everything a "worst character" needs and nothing viable or safe. The patch should replace his lightning bolt with a target and put a kick me sign on his back.
damn i want to slit my wrists after reading this...hehe i dont think hes that bad, once hes in he can pretty much stay in..when hes not...damn he blows lol
If this character does go untouched, it is because we didn't cry and bitch enough or at all. we didn't make a sound effort to piss everyone off with buff demands and tried to learn our character and game has much as we could. but that's not how we get shit done and good will not be rewarded.
We just need to be louder than everyone else with daily Shazam buff demands. Angry demands that insult the intelligence of the good people at NRS. Demands no one can agree to because how unfair and dickish we are about it.


Ancestors give me Strength!!
If this character does go untouched, it is because we didn't cry and bitch enough or at all. we didn't make a sound effort to piss everyone off with buff demands and tried to learn our character and game has much as we could. but that's not how we get shit done and good will not be rewarded.
We just need to be louder than everyone else with daily Shazam buff demands. Angry demands that insult the intelligence of the good people at NRS. Demands no one can agree to because how unfair and dickish we are about it.
haha...so day 1...petition to get a better projectile
day 2...better teleport
day 3...super that does 200%, am i asking too much? ;D


If this character does go untouched, it is because we didn't cry and bitch enough or at all. we didn't make a sound effort to piss everyone off with buff demands and tried to learn our character and game has much as we could. but that's not how we get shit done and good will not be rewarded.
We just need to be louder than everyone else with daily Shazam buff demands. Angry demands that insult the intelligence of the good people at NRS. Demands no one can agree to because how unfair and dickish we are about it.
Okay lets go for it. Make a thread with our demands!
Okay lets go for it. Make a thread with our demands!
This is what I think he needs:
Torpedo takes priority of air attacks.
D2 takes priority of air attacks
B2 is 0 on block
Trait start up greatly reduced at least so he can convert in a corner combo
This what I want:
22 is 0 on block
12b3 has no pushback to continue rushdown

thats about it for me, the no AA thing is what will really keep him bottom 2