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Server Trouble?

knight x1868

Blue Lantern Corps
Is anyone currently having server issues? I am not able to see people in rooms and I do not believe all of the rooms are appearing in the XBL menu.

*Not sure if this is the right place to post this.


Grapple > Footsies
Yea they are being glitchy atm. You can still do private/ranked matches but the rooms are messed up.
Funnily enough, this happened to the PSN side of the Force as well. Judging by the time this thread has been made, these issues occurred to both the PSN and XBL servers on the same hour.

An hour or so later, the rooms were back up and normal on PSN MK9. Some disconnecting issues seemed to be present, though. I'm sure whatever's happened, it has been resolved by now.