TYM's Head Herpetologist
Hey everyone! I've been looking at these forums for a little while now and I finally decided to join in. I've been playing Injustice since launch and while I wouldn't say I'm a fantastic player, I would say that I am an above average player. However, I feel my skill is stagnating because of the inconsistency of skill level of the opponents I play. I'm looking to play with and discuss with some of the people here to hopefully take my skill to a new level. I main Doomsday because I like his fast, intense rushdown style. However, I also play Ares, and am currently trying to learn Raven and Lobo. I'm actually friends with Eldriken from this site on Xbox live, but we don't play each other much because we're rarely on at the same time. Anyway, that's my intro! If anyone wants to add me on Xbox Live or message me, I'd love to get started. My gamertag is ironinvader666.