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SCR 2013 Hotel Plans


Use this thread to find people to room with for SCR

We're currently looking for 1-2 more people to get a hotel with, no free loaders

Gonna tag NorCal players first since carpooling will be easier
WoundCowboy, michaelangelo, NastyDannyP, Blind_Man, Reno_Racks . . . what are your guys' current plans/situations?

If anyone else is looking for rooms, let us know or just post on the thread if you're looking for hotel mates/carpool buddies/whatever

Krayzie, EGP Wonder_Chef

YOMI Reno_Racks

I have a dream...
Use this thread to find people to room with for SCR

We're currently looking for 1-2 more people to get a hotel with, no free loaders

Gonna tag NorCal players first since carpooling will be easier
WoundCowboy, michaelangelo, NastyDannyP, Blind_Man, Reno_Racks . . . what are your guys' current plans/situations?

If anyone else is looking for rooms, let us know or just post on the thread if you're looking for hotel mates/carpool buddies/whatever

Krayzie, EGP Wonder_Chef
Michealangelo told me him, cowboy, and a couple other people have a packed full car they're driving down so instead of renting a car i think I'm just gonna Amtrak it from the bay. I have no plans for hotel when I get down there so I could room with you if you want. You know that shit would be fun :)


Michealangelo told me him, cowboy, and a couple other people have a packed full car they're driving down so instead of renting a car i think I'm just gonna Amtrak it from the bay. I have no plans for hotel when I get down there so I could room with you if you want. You know that shit would be fun :)
Let's do it man! You should carpool with us too, it's only me and my cousin in the car so far.


I might be able to room 3 people. As long as I get some gas money to get to the venue and back, were good.

My place is about 40 minutes from the event.

WoundCowboy gets a spot since I talked to him first. Otherwise, I'll let you guys know for sure if I can do this in a few days.

YOMI Reno_Racks

I have a dream...
Let's do it man! You should carpool with us too, it's only me and my cousin in the car so far.
I'm such a dumbass. I just realized when going through my emails that I actually booked a flight to LAX from SFO. Amtrak was my original plan but I forgot I decided against it one night really late(my excuse) a while back. What do you plan on doing for a place to stay? I might take Krazie up on his offer but I'm not sure yet.


I'm such a dumbass. I just realized when going through my emails that I actually booked a flight to LAX from SFO. Amtrak was my original plan but I forgot I decided against it one night really late(my excuse) a while back. What do you plan on doing for a place to stay? I might take Krazie up on his offer but I'm not sure yet.
Not sure about where exactly we're staying yet, still haven't booked a room yet. We're basically gonna get the cheapest thing we can find that's close to the venue. I really don't care about the luxuriousness of it since we're literally only sleeping there. If you want in, let me know! :)

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Im booking a hotel this week for SCR 2013 it'll be a nicer hotel maybe The doubletree or courtyard but will be near venue

Tom is staying w me i think and could take 2 more ---PAYING--- people. Ill be staying there thur and fri night only, i fly back to atlanta 10:45pm sat night to get back on time for work

post here and we'll see if we can work anything out


Im booking a hotel this week for SCR 2013 it'll be a nicer hotel maybe The doubletree or courtyard but will be near venue

Tom is staying w me i think and could take 2 more ---PAYING--- people. Ill be staying there thur and fri night only, i fly back to atlanta 10:45pm sat night to get back on time for work

post here and we'll see if we can work anything out
Would it be alright if my cousin and I join you guys? We are definitely paying, I can't stand freeloaders. Completely understand if you have certain people as priority since we haven't met yet ;). Just let me know and we can figure things out...or I can book a room haha


OK, just booked a room . . . Reno_Racks, do you know where you are staying yet? Let me know if you'd like to join us. If anyone else is interested as well, just let me know.


Alternative-Fact Checker
Me and @4x4lo80 are at the Atrium Thursday-Sunday. We'll probably gladly take anyone willing to pay to stay.


Me and @4x4lo80 are at the Atrium Thursday-Sunday. We'll probably gladly take anyone willing to pay to stay.
Way to mess up my tag, bro.

It's me, you, and Aysamo for sure. I think Ethan is coming but he's still being wishy washy. He's gonna train with us tonight and I think if Detroit tells him he should go then he'll go.
I don't know if Detroit is staying in our room or not, he was talking about staying with family last time I asked.

Anyone else looking for a cheap spot on a floor is welcome. We had like 8 people in our room at Dallas and it was awesome. I'll have at least 2 set ups again and maybe streaming equipment