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Scorpion Guide


My mom tells me I'm pretty
General Strategy
Scorpion's biggest strength is his ability to punish and to keep momentum. He punishes with good damage and his BnB combos do not allow his opponent's to wake-up attack which means they are forced to keep guessing which way to block even after a full combo. He can easily do close to half life with one punish, and possibly much much more if you’re willing to risk it. That being said, learning how to punish your opponent's character is huge. Know how to punish their moves, strings and special moves. No special move is safe in the game when Scorpion has meter, so keep that in mind. Once you have your opponent scared to do their special moves, Scorpion can play his game. If he's fighting against a good zoner, it allows him to move in close for rush down. If he's fighting someone who wants to get in, he gets to incorporate his zoning game.

Long Range Zoning: Scorpion’s long range zoning is fairly generic, but effective on some characters. It mainly consists of Hellfire, an unblockable that will hit any opponent who is on the ground, mixed with Spear when they come down from a jump to try and avoid Hellfires. This works particularly well on characters that don’t have mobility in the air. Characters that can air fireball or teleport in the air makes doing anti-air Spear much riskier as they can cause it to whiff, so you have to be careful of your opponent’s knowledge of the match-up.

Jump Distance Zoning: Hellfire is much riskier at jump distance since if they jump it you’ll eat a full combo, so you might want to use Scorpions pokes to keep people away safely. :d+:bk and :fp:fp:fp will be your main tools. Use your spacing well and this will cause your opponent to jump so you can anti-air them into a vortex.

Closing the gap: There are a lot of match-ups Scorpion will get outzoned so you’ll have to rely on your ability to get in to win the match. If your opponent is abusing special moves to keep you out, you can get in easier because Scorpion does a great job blowing up other character’s special moves. In short, :exSpear and :exTeleport Punch will deter any character from getting too liberal with their zoning with special moves. Once they learn to respect :exSpear and :exTeleport Punch, or if you don’t have meter and the risk of throwing out a random TP is too great, you’ll have to trek your way to your opponent’s jump distance to force some action.

Once you get there you can safely dash forward and :d+:bk. You can also use :d+:bk~Takedown if your opponent does not learn to respect :d+:bk by itself. Once you get them crouch blocking, you can start using :r+:fk and if you want more damage you can try a :l+:bp. :fp:fp is also solid as it slightly moves you forward away from jump ins and gives you the advantage on block. Don’t forget Hellfire is unblockable, and Spear is a very fast projectile than can catch people off guard when you are this close. Mix all this in and it will allow you to get in on your opponent with even deadlier tools.

Once you’re in: Now that you’ve got your opponent totally respecting your mid-range options, they will start blocking and allow you to open of the best of Scorpion’s arsenal.

The Dollar Menu (111 string): :fp:fp:fp is Scorpion’s best pressure string. The first :fp is a high but will connect on opponent’s crouch blocking. The last two hits are mid that recover very fast. Mixing up doing one, two, or all three hits linked into a special makes your opponent guess when they are supposed to release block. Mix these up with throws to get your opponent to release block as well and next thing you know your opponent is getting hit with no risk to you at all. Depending on how your opponent is reacting to the Dollar Menu allows you to open up other forms of offense as well.

:fk:fk:bk: This string is best used when opponent’s try to duck jab or uppercut in between the Dollar Menu string attempts. Scorpion is at very little disadvantage after this string. This string can be risky if your opponent likes to jump.

50/50: Scorpion has good 50/50 mix-ups between overheads and lows. His safe options are :r+:fk mixed with :r+:bk~Takedown. His high risk/high reward options are :l+:bp mixed with :r+:bk~Spear. Scorpion can also do :bp:fp+:bp into vortex combo mixed with :bp~Takedown which is also very effective.

Anti-Air: Scorpion has some great anti-air tools. The most obvious is the standard uppercut. Decent speed and has good range, probably his most reliable but yields the least amount of damage. His :d+:fp has a sharp hitbox, and if you can avoid the input bug, beats nearly all JP’s and JK’s at most angles as well. Doing :d+:fp into Teleport Punch into combo into vortex is a heavy deterrent for anyone to jump in on Scorpion. :fk into Teleport Punch is also a solid choice if the input bug is getting you killed.

Meter Building: Sometimes you just need that little extra bit of meter to get that :ex move. The most effective and least risky way to gain meter is the jump back, and right as you are about to land do an Air Throw. When you land a spear after a juggle combo, before going into the vortex you have time to jump over your opponent, whiff an air grab at the last second, and then jump over your opponent again with the JiP,:r+:bp:fp~Teleport Punch.

Vortex: The vortex is when you eliminate your opponent from being able to do wake-up attacks and forcing them to keep guessing after a combo on which way to block. This is mainly accomplished with ending a combo with TP on a standing opponent after a Spear. Scorpion can also perform a vortex after the second Spear in a combo hits at full screen. This ability makes Scorpion very unique in the MK9 cast and gives him huge damage potential and comeback ability. Learning all his vortex set-ups after his combos is essential.

Throw wake-ups: After Scorpion throws his opponent, he is awarded a free hellfire. The only way to avoid the hellfire is to do a wake-up attack. Learning how to punish character's wake-up attacks full screen allows for a pretty decent 50/50.

Just Frame Teleport Punch: Scorpion actually has a just frame TP where it does not connect on the opposing character. He will land right next to them instantly allowing you to apply pressure at a most unexpected time. His TP needs to be done on the very first frame he is considered off the ground. You can do this either on the way up, or on the way down which is slightly easier to time but more telegraphed to your opponent. Incredibly hard to master, but is worth the risk in times of need.

Scorpion's best punish is the :bp:fp+:bp bread and butter combo.
Punish Reptile's Elbow Dash with :fk~Spear
Punish pop ups with :l+:bp

Jump Ins
Jump Punch,:bp:fp+:bp, Teleport Punch,:bp~Teleport Punch,:qtl+:fp~Spear, Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~Teleport Punch
38%+Vortex Setup

Jump Punch,:fp:fp~Spear, NJP, Jump Kick~Teleport Punch, Dash,:r+:bk,:fk~Spear
35%+Great Void Setup

Jump Punch,:fp:fp~Spear, NJP, Dash,:l+:bp, Jump Kick~Teleport Punch, Dash,:r+:bk,:fk~Spear
38%+Great Void Setup

Jump Punch,:fp:fp~Spear, NJP, Dash,:l+:bp, Jump Kick~Teleport Punch, Dash,:bp~Teleport Punch,:d+:fp~Spear
41%+Opportunity for :d+:fk

NJP,:l+:bp, Jump Kick~Teleport Punch, Dash,:fp:fp:fp~Spear, Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~Teleport Punch
39%+Vortex Setup

Close :l+:bp, Jump Kick~Teleport Punch, Dash,:bp~Teleport Punch,:qtl+:fp~Spear, Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~Teleport Punch
30%(40% AA)+Vortex Setup

Far or close :l+:bp, Teleport Punch, Jump Kick~Teleport Punch,:qtl+:fp~Spear, Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~Teleport Punch
29%(38% AA)+Vortex Setup

:r+:bk~Spear, NJP, Jump Kick~Teleport Punch, Dash,:r+:bk,:fk~Spear
29%+Great Void Setup

:r+:bk~Spear, NJP, Dash,:l+:bp, Jump Kick~Teleport Punch, Dash,:r+:bk,:fk~Spear
32%+Great Void Setup

:r+:bk~Spear, NJP, Dash,:l+:bp, Jump Kick~Teleport Punch, Dash,:bp~Teleport Punch,:qtl+:fp~Spear
35%+Opportunity for :d+:fk

AA Spear
AA Spear, NJP, Dash,:bp~Teleport Punch, Dash,:r+:bk:fk~Spear
26%+Great Void Setup

AA Spear, Jump Over Punch,:bp:fp+:bp~Teleport,:bp~Teleport,:qtl+:fp~Spear
31%+Opportunity for :d+:fk

AA Teleport Punch
AA Teleport Punch, Dash,:l+:bp,Jump Kick~Teleport Punch,:qtl+:fp~Spear, Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~Teleport Punch
37%+Vortex Setup

AA Jump Punch
AA Jump Punch, Dash, :fk~Teleport Punch, Dash,:bp~Teleport Punch,:qtl+:fp~Spear, Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~Teleport Punch
27%+Vortex Setup

AA Jump Punch, Dash, :fp:fp~Teleport Punch, Dash,:fp:fp:fp~Spear, Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~Teleport Punch
25%+Vortex Setup

Instant Jump Kick/AA Jump Kick
Instant Jump Kick/AA Jump Kick~Teleport Punch, Jump Kick~Teleport Punch,:qtl+:fp~Spear, Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~Teleport Punch
38%+Vortex Setup

High Jump Kick To Standing Opponent
Jump Kick~Teleport Punch, Dash,:bp~Teleport Punch,:qtl+:fp~Spear, Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~Teleport Punch
38%+Vortex Setup

High Jump Kick To Crouching Opponent
Jump Kick~Air Throw

Deep Jump Kick To Crouching Opponent
Jump Kick, Dash,:qtl+:fp~Spear, Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~Teleport Punch
27%+Vortex Setup

AA :fp (resulting from :fp:fp:fp pressure)
AA :fp:fp, Dash,:fp:fp~Teleport Punch, Dash,:fp:fp~Spear Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~Teleport Punch
32%+Vortex Setup

AA :fk (best for anti close jump ins that don't cross up)
AA :fk~Teleport Punch, Jump Kick~Teleport Punch,:qtl+:fp~Spear, Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~Teleport Punch
35%+Vortex Setup

AA :d+:bk (best for anti long range jump ins)
AA :d+:bk~Teleport Punch, Jump Kick~Teleport Punch,:qtl+:fp~Spear, Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~Teleport Punch
34%+Vortex Setup

AA :d+:fp (best for anti mid range jump ins, as well as anti cross up)
High AA :d+:fp~Teleport Punch, Jump Kick~Teleport Punch,:qtl+:fp~Spear, Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~Teleport Punch
33%+Vortex Setup

Mid AA :d+:fp~Teleport Punch, Dash,:bp~Teleport Punch,:qtl+:fp~Spear, Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~Teleport Punch
32%+Vortex Setup

Low AA :d+:fp~Teleport Punch,:bp~Teleport Punch,:qtl+:fp~Spear, Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~Teleport Punch
32%+Vortex Setup (this is the best punish for Mileena's :exTeleport Kick)

(Crouching in wait) AA :d+:fp, Dash,:fk~Teleport Punch, Dash,:fp:fp:fp~Spear, Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~Teleport Punch
31%+Vortex Setup

(Crouching in wait) AA :d+:fp,:d+:bk~Teleport Punch, Dash,:fp:fp:fp~Spear, Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~Teleport Punch
29%+Vortex Setup

Back To The Wall Combos
Scorpion doesn't really have good non :ex wall combos. However, he can add some damage to his AA combos when his back is to the wall.
These opportunities are very situational...

AA Teleport Punch, Dash,:l+:bp,Jump Kick~Teleport Punch,:fk:fk~Spear, Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~Teleport Punch
39%+Vortex Setup

AA Jump Kick~Teleport Punch, Dash,:l+:bp,:fk~Teleport Punch,:qtl+:fp~Spear, Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~Teleport Punch
39%+Vortex Setup

AA :fk~Teleport Punch, Dash,:l+:bp,:fk~Teleport Punch,:qtl+:fp~Spear, Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~Teleport Punch
36%+Vortex Setup

AA :d+:bk~Teleport Punch, Dash,:l+:bp,:fk~Teleport Punch,:qtl+:fp~Spear, Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~Teleport Punch
35%+Vortex Setup

AA :d+:fp~Teleport Punch, Dash,:l+:bp,:fk~Teleport Punch,:qtl+:fp~Spear, Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~Teleport Punch
34%+Vortex Setup

Wall Combos
:fk:fk:bk,:qtl+:fp~Spear, Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~Teleport Punch
28%+Vortex Setup

Deep Jump Kick,:fk~Teleport Punch, Dash,:fp:fp:fp~Spear Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~Teleport Punch
38%+Vortex Setup

Vortex Follow Ups
Okay, you've setup the Vortex, now what??
You've got more than a dozen options to choose from.

1. Safe Jump Punch, Dollar Menu Pressure
2. Safe Jump Punch,:bp:fp:bp
3. Safe Jump Punch,:bp:fp~Takedown
4. Safe Jump Punch,:r+:fk
5. Safe Jump Punch, Throw
6. Safe Jump Punch,:r+:bk~Takedown
7 .Safe Jump Punch,:bp:fp+:bp
8. Safe Jump Punch,:bp~Takedown
9. Safe Jump Punch,:r+:bk~Spear
10. Safe Jump Punch,:l+:bp
11. Don't Jump,:r+:bk~Spear
12. Don't Jump,:l+:bp (doesn't work if you used a :l+:bp previously in your combo)

Add in delays for even more mind games.

Great Void Follow Ups
Congratulations on successfully landing your Great Void setup.
You have over half a dozen options for you to follow up with now.

1. :l+:bp (doesn't work if you used a :l+:bp previously in your combo)
2. :r+:bk~Spear
3. :r+:bk~Takedown
4. :fk:fk:bk
5. :fk:fk~Takedown
6. :d+:fk (followed by Dash Grab or Dash :fk:fk pressure)
7. :d+:bk~Takedown


AA :exTeleport Punch
AA :exTeleport Punch, Teleport Punch, Dash,:fp:fp:fp~Spear, Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~Teleport Punch
39%+Vortex Setup

Back to the wall :exTeleport Punch
:exTeleport Punch,:bp~Teleport Punch, Jump Kick~Teleport Punch,:qtl+:fp~Spear, Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~Teleport Punch
46%+Vortex Setup

Back not close enough to the wall :exTeleport Punch, Dash,:bp~Teleport Punch, Dash,:bp~Teleport Punch,:qtl+:fp~Spear, Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~Teleport Punch
44%+Vortex Setup

AA :exTeleport Punch,:fk~Teleport Punch, Dash,:fp:fp:fp~Spear, Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~Teleport Punch
40%+Vortex Setup

:exHellfire Ender
Jump Punch,:fp:fp~Spear, NJP, Dash,:l+:bp, Jump Kick~Teleport Punch,Jump Kick~Air Throw,:exHellfire

Jump Punch,:fp:fp~Spear, NJP, Dash,:l+:bp, Jump Kick~Teleport Punch, Dash,:bp~Teleport Punch,:qtl+:fp~Spear,:exHellfire

:exSpear, NJP, Jump Kick~Teleport Punch, Dash,:r+:bk,:fk~Spear
31%+Great Void Setup

:exSpear, NJP, Dash,:l+:bp, Jump Kick~Teleport Punch, Dash,:r+:bk,:fk~Spear
34%+Great Void Setup

:exSpear, NJP, Dash,:l+:bp, Jump Kick~Teleport Punch, Dash,:bp~Teleport Punch,:qtl+:fp~Spear
38%+Opportunity for :d+:fk

AA :exSpear, NJP, Dash,:bp~Teleport Punch, Dash,:r+:bk:fk~Spear
30%+Great Void Setup

AA :exSpear, Jump Over Punch,:bp:fp+:bp~Teleport,:bp~Teleport,:d+:fp~Spear
35%+Opportunity for :d+:fk

:ex Wall Combos
Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~:exTeleport Punch,:fk~Teleport Punch, Jump Kick~Teleport Punch,:qtl+:fp~Spear, Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~Teleport Punch
52%+Vortex Setup

Not close enough to the wall Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~:exTeleport Punch, Dash,:bp~Teleport Punch, Dash,:bp~Teleport Punch,:qtl+:fp~Spear, Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~Teleport Punch
51%+Vortex Setup

Jump Punch,:fp:fp~Spear, Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~:exTeleport Punch,:fk~Teleport Punch, Jump Kick~Teleport Punch,:qtl+:fp~Spear
51%+Opportunity for :d+:fk

Not close enough to the wall Jump Punch,:fp:fp~Spear, Dash, Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~:exTeleport Punch, Dash,:bp~Teleport Punch, Dash,:bp~Teleport Punch,:qtl+:fp~Spear
50%+Opportunity for :d+:fk

Jump Punch,:fp:fp~Spear, Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~:exTeleport Punch,:bp:fp,:bp:fp,:bp:fp,:fk:fk~Takedown

:fk:fk:bk,:qtl+:fp~Spear, Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~:exTeleport Punch,:bp~Teleport Punch, Dash,:fp:fp~Spear
40%+Opportunity for :d+:fk

:fk:fk:bk,:qtl+:fp~Spear, Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~:exTeleport Punch,:bp:fp,:fk:fk~Takedown

Full Meter Wall Combos
Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~:exTeleport Punch,:l+:bp, Jump Kick~Teleport Punch, Dash :bp~Teleport Punch,:qtl+:fp~Spear, Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~:exTeleport Punch, Dash, Jump Kick~Air Throw,:exHellfire

Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~:exTeleport Punch,:fk~Teleport Punch, Jump Kick~Teleport Punch,:qtl+:fp~Spear, Dash, Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~:exTeleport Punch, Jump Kick~Air Throw,:exHellfire

Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~:exTeleport Punch,:l+:bp, Jump Kick~Teleport Punch, Jump Kick~:exTeleport Punch, Dash,:fp:fp~Spear, Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~:exTeleport Punch,:r+:bk,:fk~Takedown

Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~:exTeleport Punch,:l+:bp, Jump Kick~Teleport Punch, Jump Kick~:exTeleport Punch, Dash,:fp:fp~Spear, Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~:exTeleport Punch, Jump Kick~Air Throw