This glitch is the exact same one that Tom Brady showed in a video for Ermac. During a jump in punch, if the opponent blocks the jump in punch, then any resulting hit on the opponents block will trigger the glitch. While not as bad as the Ermac glitch, this still causes Scorpion to take at least twice as long to recover and be able to block again. There are ways around it, such as crouch blocking though. You can still hit the opponent, you just can't block standing or use a throw. Even though you can keep hitting your opponent though, the glitch still applies. So my opponent stays blocking after the jump in punch and I do 11, and 11, right after each other. Once I try to block after the second set of hits it will still take at least twice as long to recover.
Here's the video of the Ermac glitch just for reference.
Here's the video of the Ermac glitch just for reference.