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Schadenfreude on Apple


I don't know why this makes me chuckle, but it does:

Its funny to see all the lawsuits pop up because of bad antenna design on an expensive phone that tons of people waited in line to buy.

I understand that many people use the phone without encountering the issue. I also understand that the issue is not very hard to reproduce and has a fairly clear explanation.

This is just some good old fashioned chuckling. Especially after Steve Jobs held the phone the wrong way on stage and couldn't get signal, which he blamed on the equipment in the room.

Apple is becoming the new Microsoft.
I think it's been a while that Apple took MS's throne as the "evil corporation", solidified by the raid on that Gizmodo editor's house... when he wasn't home. And of course, there is that extra angle of them essentially being a fashion company catering to cafe douches that leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.