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Salt! Ever been spreading it?


Aquaman is dead lel
When we get salty, it's bad, but when we make someone salty, it's priceless. Share your salt-spreading stories :p .

Here is mine:
I've bumped into that guy called Biggy Smalls UK or something in player matches and I've beaten him with Liu Kang, before agreed to rematch he sent me a message that said "cunt". I took it as a compliment and then I've picked LK again and him a different char, battle starts, I've beaten him again with minimal effort and sent "STOP SPAMMING" which I did not understand as I was in his face during the whole match mixing up 4-5 strings what he couldn't block. After about 4 or 5 matches I've finally managed to understand what he meant by spamming, the b312 walljuggle. I was like lol. So he was calling me a pussy a spammer and stuff. So in the end we've been playing private and voicechatting and after a time I picked characters I don't know shit about and he started beating me, and the funny thing was he started to actually compliment my game after that. He also said something like "Your not retarded after all". I lol'd so hard man... Anyway, he sent me a friendinvite and said we should meet up again sometimes and told me to use characters I know how to use. After about 2-3 weeks we played again, and he was raging so hard man, I loved it! :D I was Mileena and he was Skarlet and I've beaten him effortlessly and he was yelling that I won only because I was spamming "that stupid splitkick and those stupid daggers". I chose Raiden next time. Yes, I've beaten him BUT only because I have only used "the retarded superman and that fucking teleport" and told me he is going to "show how Raiden really works". He got beaten again, because "you was doing the same thing as you did the previous match". It also worth noting that he doesn't know shit about Raiden, all he did was F24 and if somehow he managed to hit me with it he couldn't follow it up with superman. So in the end I was in Koth with him and his friend who is a "great Mileena player". So I've beaten Mr Biggy and then the "great Mileena player" in a mirror match with ease. Then Biggy failed again and "the great Mileena player" choose Cage. I haven't played Cage before online so he has beaten me with a tad of heatlh remaining. The "great Mileena player" didn't really cared but Mr Biggy was yelling "fucking spammer got served!" and stupid things like that and I had to laugh :D . I've left after this, but he's still on my friend list, I should invite him to have some phun again! :banana:

I hope we will have stories here at least half as entertaining as in the salt thread :p