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Ridiculous article on what MKX needs.


My blades will find your heart
I agree to an extent actually, especially about the classic cast with 4-6 new characters mixed in.

Edit: I also want to see the other alities back in. Just wish the article wasn't written so poorly.
>I mean, how many times has this series killed Liu Kang by now?

Once, dickhead.

>If you can’t sum up the story in a quick text scroll, it’s not worth having. Shao Kahn invites everyone to an island to fight each other
>Shao Kahn invites everyone to an island to fight each other
>Shao Kahn

That was Shang Tsung, dickhead.

>Fatalities have become overly detailed and clinical, to the point they’re more gross than fun.

Maybe, but the general reaction to the Fatalities was a positive "OH MAN, THAT WAS SICK" instead of a negative one. Grow a spine. So that Sub-Zero can rip it out.

The only point I agree with is the Bring Back All The Alities one and that isn't even a real point. That's just something we wanna see.

This fuckin' guy is a dipshit. If it's a troll, it's worked. Jimmies status: rustled/10



i didnt read thoroughly but the subheadlines about what mk should do were nearly 100% correct

*make the gore ridiculous again. yes i want 49 torsos.
*bring back the alaties. why not?
*drop the stupid storyline. yes thank you just let me play the game.
*sekrets. i cant disagree with that.

i can see the point about SF cast but its clear they never played sf3 and i can see their point about lightening up a little (think umk3 babalities friendships voices gore etc.)

altogether the article was accurate even if it is on a shitheap website. although its kinda like they dont know mk9 exists, MK doesnt need saving or revigorating. it already happened.
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Brutal Chimney

vaporus punching bag
seemed to make sense to me, don't necessarily agree but its hardly the retarded article you're making it out to be.

1. the gore is actually something i understand. its difficult to explain, easiest way too understand would be to look at the gore in say Saw which emphasis pain and then play Ninja Gaiden 2 which is more a way to show how powerful the attacks are. MK9 falls more on the Saw side of things but ive seen these characters killed so often im numb to their painful screams.

2. he liked the alities of the previous games and would like them back, hes not the only one to have said this either.

3. he doesn't like the story, oh well

4. he wants a stable cast of characters, he wants for it not to become Armageddon again something many would agree with him about.

5. Secrets, once again this is one of those things people said they liked about the old MKs though personally id rather it not be characters as i dont want to have to unlock ANYONE

6. i can see what he means, but just because something is a bit ridiculous doesn't mean its not dark which is what MK has always been


MK has a very non serious tone in all the games. This last one had babalities, it doesn't get much less serious than that.


Master of Quanculations
I love websites that split tiny ass articles into multiple pages to maximize ad views.

Just love it.
I make it a principal to close any page that does that, regardless of content. Just like I refuse to click on links worded like "This video will make you cry! I was shocked!"


I make it a principal to close any page that does that, regardless of content. Just like I refuse to click on links worded like "This video will make you cry! I was shocked!"
its called click baiting

Extreme gore is ridiculous. I don't need 14 rib cages on the floor.

I want a story.

I don't need the humor.

Other alities suck.
well thats just like your fuckin opinion bro. doesnt make the author retarded or ridiculous like some ppl are saying here.

Brutal Chimney

vaporus punching bag
i think the article is kinda legit but has barely anything to do with the tym agenda.
of course not its just a casual fan of the series, those things exists remember? christ if yall react this way to something this minor cant help but wonder how y'all deal with the actual ridiculous articles claiming MK is causing school shootings and other BS like that.


The 6'4 King
I bet that if they made the game exactly how he's saying, he'd be complaining about the exact opposite stuff, what a f***ing tool