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Reset Kombat 9


I'm a little salty now. I was wondering why I've been playing against so many Quan Chi's lately and its because of his lowmixup that leads right into his mind control reset. I'm switching over to street fighter 4 for a while. The Cyrax's and Quan Chi's have stolen whatever heart I had for this game. At least for today ;)


Another semi "I quit MK thread"... You'll come crawling back when the chess game that is SF gets boring. Until then, I'll hold my I TOLD YOU SO =]


Lol, common now. I'm just kidding. Why so serial?? And street fighter 4 is amazing and so is MvC3.


John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
I'm a little salty now. I was wondering why I've been playing against so many Quan Chi's lately and its because of his lowmixup that leads right into his mind control reset. I'm switching over to street fighter 4 for a while. The Cyrax's and Quan Chi's have stolen whatever heart I had for this game. At least for today ;)
Have fun with Yun Fighter 4, dude.


Lol and I thought I was salty. I guess I should have known better than too mention other good fighting games on an mk board.

Name v.5.0

Iowa's Finest.
Quan Chi has been able to do that since day one. He deserves to have it too. The rest of his game is so damn weak.

Lets not cry about it.
It's called: blocking low and standing up after f+3. It's not like the shit is lightning-fast.

Have I missed something, though? How is b,f+3 a reset? The only iterations I've seen of it are combos that do not reset damage or the accrued juggle properties.

For the record, SSF4 is not a good game, and many top players agree with that sentiment. Even Daigo was quoted as saying "It's not worth my Ryu".

I would like to explain the many reasons why, but I'd rather not derail the thread. I'll be brief: meaties are useless, reversals are far too easy, footsie is way too limited, hit-boxes suck ass, too many option-selects, comeback mechanics are retarded (period), etc etc.

Alpha 2, Alpha 3, CVS2: deep games.

Also, not all fighting games are chess. DOA is tic tac toe, Soul Calibur is checkers, etc etc.


It's called: blocking low and standing up after f+3. It's not like the shit is lightning-fast.

Have I missed something, though? How is b,f+3 a reset? The only iterations I've seen of it are combos that do not reset damage or the accrued juggle properties.

For the record, SSF4 is not a good game, and many top players agree with that sentiment. Even Daigo was quoted as saying "It's not worth my Ryu".

I would like to explain the many reasons why, but I'd rather not derail the thread. I'll be brief: meaties are useless, reversals are far too easy, footsie is way too limited, hit-boxes suck ass, too many option-selects, comeback mechanics are retarded (period), etc etc.

Alpha 2, Alpha 3, CVS2: deep games.

Also, not all fighting games are chess. DOA is tic tac toe, Soul Calibur is checkers, etc etc.
U mad or something? Street Fighter 4 is a great game that you don't have too play.
Calm down
Telling the person who is making statements based on reason and logic to "calm down" just makes you look more foolish than you already do.

I'm not trying to insult you or even make the conversation personal, I'm just letting you know that you look pretty retarded right now by trying to insinuate that I am in any way emotionally distressed by the discussion.

Rather than responding to the substance of my post, you resorted to a generic, out-of-place internet meme, and proceeded to exclaim that SF4 is a good game without any sort of detail as to why.

Perhaps we should draw the distinction between "good" and "I like this". You like the game, and that is most certainly your right. Does your liking it make it good on an objective level? No.


I respect both Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat 9 and even though I consider myself an MK9 player I do enjoy Street Fighter. I mean, there is no reason to dislike Street Fighter just because you play MK9. It's a solid game, it's fun and even though I enjoy MK9 more, I do believe that SSF4 has less problems than MK9. With that said, I find MK9 more enjoyable and am a bit better at it.

Now on to the point.

No one in here should be salty because Snolla wants to take an MK break, it's just another fighting game that deserves respect and he didn't say he was quitting anyways. Also though, I do agree with randomdps, but the thing is randomdps, is that Snolla is just being lighthearted about it. I guess all I'm asking is please please please don't let this turn into a SF vs MK or whatever else gets thrown into here.

I believe that people who play FGs, regardless of what they play should all support eachother's games for the FG community to grow as a whole. Nothing was more disgusting than those SF or Marvel players adding "sucks" at the end of the MK chant and it'd be just as disgusting if we did the same.