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Requesting the aid of the willing


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Hello everyone, I have a few questions and even a few requests to ask of the community.
I do belong to a group out here in my area, but unfortunately due to personal responsibilities (work, school, and family) I just do not have the ability to make it to regular meet ups during the week and practice in honing skills to become more competitive in the scene. My hopes are to start competing in the future when I finish school after this year is up. I need help badly!!!

I need a more disciplined way when practicing alone, because random online matches are not cutting the mustard, practicing executions can only go so far and facing the AI is only helping me develop dumb habits that become too hard to break. Does anyone have a methodology when it comes to practicing alone that may be useful.

Finally I have a request, I need a coach/trainer or whatever you may want to call it, I need someone that would be willing to communicate through online connections and teach and train my scrubby @$$ on a more regular basis. I have nothing to offer unfortunately I can’t pay anyone to help train me. My request is if anyone on PSN would be willing to do such things. I’ve tried working with some before and all they wanted to do was body me and not even give feedback, I am asking if someone would be willing to work with me and communicate during regular sessions to help me improve and get better, Someone who has a bit of patience.

I am typically online after 8pm EST every night until about 1-am EST. My PSN name is The_Spore666 or you can find me on as Son-of-Slaanesh
If anyone is willing to help feel free to reply or send me a PM.
p.s. I never ever make requests like this, but as of now I just don’t see myself being competition ready when the time comes, thank you all TYM has thus far been very helpful and this has been a great community to be a part of.
Also I am training on MK9 and mostly Injustice my mains are Mileena and Harley Quinn.

MOD EDIT: I made the text white. It hurt my eyes and I wanted to read this easily.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
This is why I love online training. Most folks have odd hours and no venues. It lets everyone play and learn.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
This is why I love online training. Most folks have odd hours and no venues. It lets everyone play and learn.
Yeah I have but one place to go for offline training and I have a buddy, who doesn't even take time of his own to practice, hell the guy has issues learning a basic 3 button string with Smoke, the (correct if I am wrong) 3,D1,2. Anwyay thats why I decided to turn to the community figured someone would be willing to help me to leave my scrubby days behind.


"Does anyone have a methodology when it comes to practicing alone that may be useful." - Play to learn, not to win.

Without anyone to practice with in your local area, you're best bet is to go into online matches and put yourself in situations where you can practice specific skill sets you need. Getting crossed up'd? Keep your finger on your d2 button or whichever move is your antiair, dont do anything but antiair attacks and combos. Facing someone with great pokes? Stop your strings early with the intention of blocking then counter-poking/pressuring your opponent. Figure out what your biggest current problem is and focus on it, not mashing out your win button. :D


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
"Does anyone have a methodology when it comes to practicing alone that may be useful." - Play to learn, not to win.

Without anyone to practice with in your local area, you're best bet is to go into online matches and put yourself in situations where you can practice specific skill sets you need. Getting crossed up'd? Keep your finger on your d2 button or whichever move is your antiair, dont do anything but antiair attacks and combos. Facing someone with great pokes? Stop your strings early with the intention of blocking then counter-poking/pressuring your opponent. Figure out what your biggest current problem is and focus on it, not mashing out your win button. :D
Thats an intresting idea I never considered anything like that.