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Lord of Chaos
This thread will be for anyone who has made moves or a completed movelist for a character(s) they would like to have in the game. If you want to send me a moveset, please send it by inbox or post it on here and I will add it to the list.

Some basic stuff first :
- He would be a bit larger than Bane or Lex Luthor. His arms/tentacles would be long and somewhat thin, and he would float for his stance. He would have an airdash as well. His model is the same as the Fortress of Solitude, but the tentacles are bit longer.
- His idle animation is just him floating. All the tentacles are limp until used in an attack. Similar to a cape, but they are used.
- Crouching animation would have him lay flat on the ground.
- He would be a power character. I.E. when he throws a car he'd throw it by coiling his tentacles around it. When cracking open Atlantis glass he'd just bash into it.
- The Starro in the Fortress of Solitude follows Doomsday.

Special Moves and Other
Costume 1 - Starro
Costume 1 (2P) - It

Intro 1 - A man, woman, and child walk out, kneel, and bow down to Starro as he enters the field.
Intro 2 - Starro dissolves into the screen in a teal colored mist.

Down + Forward Medium (Can be done in air) .:Blacklight:. A basic dark violet beam fires from two tentacles. The meter version causes the beam to fire in two directions (Forward and Diagonal up)

Down + Back Heavy .:Blitz Comet:. Starro flies upward in a diagonal motion forward with a trail of dust behind him. Energy collects in front of him as he flies upward. If he hits you, it juggles you similar to Wonder Woman. MB causes him to slam you back down with his body.

Down + Back Heavy .:Blitz Comet (Air):. The same, but he goes downward in a diagonal.

Down + Down Heavy .:Nebula Burst:. Starro does the pose from his first comic appearance and elongates his appendages. All 5 of his tendrils can hit depending on where you are on the screen. The move comes out fast, so it is possible to combo into. There is no meter version.

Back + Back Medium .:Starro Clone:. Starro splits off ,forming a clone. If it hits you, it latches to your face and you walk back toward Starro, vulnerable to attack. Think Quan Chi.

Back + Down Light .:Spectrum Shift:. Starro's color blends into the background, but he is still on the screen. If you attack him or throw a projectile, it will not hit him.

Down + Back + Forward Light .:Black Hole:. Command grab. Starro flattens on the ground and spins rapidly for a moment. If you are near him at this time he grabs you by the ankle. He then spins you along with him around in a circle three times at moderate speed, and then throws you down. Meter version spins you five times, and does a slight more damage.

Back + Forward Light (Air Only) .:Ozone:. Starro spins horizontally, deflecting projectiles and people. He stays in the air for a moment.

TRAIT .:Nullification:. Starro's blue center glows. When near him, he will steal your meter slowly.

THROW .:. Starro flings you upward and then lays flat on the ground. All of his arms jut upward in a spiral fashion together, stabbing you once, and then he throws you away.

Outro - Starro lifts you with his power off the ground, and a Starro clone latches to your face. He then lets you to the ground, you place your fists together, and stand with Starro. He then laughs triumphantly with you as his minion.

Super Move .:Planetary Mass:. Starro lifts up into the air swiftly, facing downward, and then stabs downward with his tentacles. The tentacles then swirl around you, and you both teleport off into space. You look around suddenly and there are multiple Starro clones. They begin to brutally attack you, spinning into you and attacking you. One of them latches on to your face at last, and you are mind controlled. You then spread your limbs, accepting your defeat, as Starro has become of planetary size and slams into the Earth, causing a white screen and you plummeting back to Earth.

Waiting Action .:. Starro looks around while slightly spinning.

Concerning the Physics on this Guy

Starro would have normal physics like the rest of the cast. His physics would be most customized, considering the fact that he's a giant starfish. For instance, when he flies through Metropolis or down the Fortress of Solitude, he would curl and uncurl for his physics. His arms would become limp when in the transitions and grabs, as to simulate him being hurt or crippled, and to look more realistic.

His crouch animation has him lay completely flat on the ground, with some of his tentacles occasionally flailing slowly upward.

Normal Moves
L - Low
M - Medium
H - High
MB - Meter Burn
L .:Arm Jab:. His right normal tentacle stabs outward.
M .:Star Sweep:. The same tentacle swings in an arc downward.
H .:Shooting Star:. He lunges himself forward, doing a bashing move.
F + H .:[Bar Galaxy:. He spins like a wheel. One of the tentacles thickens and elongates, as to do the ground bounce.
B + H .:Nova:. All of his tentacles shoot out at you, doing the wall bounce.
C + L .:Trickster:. One of his legs slides under you, tripping you.
C + M .:[D)ouble Trickster:. He sweeps under you with two tentacles.
C + H .:Heliocentric:. He spins while lying on the ground.
J + L .:Asteroid:. Two of his tentacles shoot downward diagonally.
J + M .:Meteorite:. He lays flat and all of his tentacles spread outward straightened out.
J + H .:Meteor:. He spins like a wheel again in the air.
F + L .:Infrared:. Three of his tentacles straighten and shoot toward you.
F + M .:Ultraviolet:. One tentacle elongates and goes straight through you in a curved pattern.
F + M .:Visibility:. He spins forward horizontally, similar to a cone shape. (F + F + MB for Bounce Cancel)
B + L .:Spiral Galaxy:. Two of his tentacles curl around him thickened.
B + M .:Cluster:. His tentacles coil around his body in a random fashion, all five of them protruding at a different location.
B + H .:[Binary Stars:. He spins with great speed. (B + B + MB for Bounce Cancel)
DF + M .:[D)ual Planes:. He crouches, and two tentacles thicken, elongate, and shoot out. The tentacles then arc as to hit you, and then come back to him.

Combo Moves
L > L .:Tentacle Takedown:. Starro stabs you with one tentacle/then the other.
L > M .:North Star:. Starro stabs you with one tentacle/then arcs the other upward, throwing you back.
L > M > M .:Crash Landing:. Starro stabs you with one tentacle/then arcs the other upward/and lastly brings it back down, thickened, slamming you into the ground.
M > H .:Stardust:. He brings a tentacle down in an arc/then spins and brings the opposing tentacle down too. This leaves you in a combo-able state.
M > H > H + ^ .:[Pleiades:. He brings a tentacle down in an arc/then spins and brings the opposing tentacle down too/and lastly fires a beam from his tentacle, which shoots you upward.
F + M > L > H > H .:Zodiac:. He spins in a cone shape into you, which knocks you upward a bit/then leaps up to you while pointing three tentacles upward/then spins like a wheel/and then spins like a wheel again, only with energy around him, flinging you backward.
F + M > H .:Geocentric:. He spins in a cone shape into you, which knocks you upward a bit/then one of his tentacle wraps around you while you're in the air and slams you into the ground behind him as he turns in the motion with it.
B + M > H .:Ultranova:. Starro's tentacles shoot out around him in a random fashion/then he forms an energy bubble around himself, which knocks you upward.
H > H > H .:Syzygy:. Starro bashes into you/then leaps onto you, wrapping his body around yours/then zaps you using his energy expulsion.
DF + M > M > L + ^ .:Stardeath:. Starro brings up the two elongated tentacles in an arc, hitting you upward/quickly he shoots two different tentacles upward in an arc, stabbing you back down/as you fall he stabs all five of his tentacles into you; you remain there for a moment and then fall.

Intro Quote .:. "The age of the Starro species has come about."
Outro Quote .:. "And you too shall now serve me."
Basic Clash Quote .:. "Submit to my will!"
v. Aquaman, The Flash, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, or Martian Manhunter
"I'll strangle you once more.."
v. Superman
"You ignorant fool.."
v. Sinestro
"I'll be taking my rings back.."
Secondary Clash Quote .:. "This planet belongs to Starro.."

Sample Combos

Combo I .:. M > M > H +^ > F+M > L > H > H

Combo II .:. B + M > H > DF + M > M > L +^

Combo III .:. M > M > H +^ > Down + Down H > Down + Back + Forward L + MB

Combo IV .:. M > H > DF + M > M > Super Move

Combo V .:. M > M > H +^ > F+M > Back + Back M > F+M > Super Move


Star Labs Win Animation - Starro elongates his arms and spins slowly facing the screen.

"Starro has returned to Earth, seeking to conquer it, but first he desires to rid of the other villains, as to reign supreme conqueror of Earth."

Mission 1 - A Star Reborn : "Starro has recently returned to Earth to conquer once again, but he must regain his knowledge on Earth heroes."
*Metropolis Scene 2

The mission has you do the basic move inputs to learn Starro to beat the mission.

Mission 2 - Lex Corps : "As his first target, Starro seeks out Lex Luthor. Defeat him as his power increases through the match."

Just a fight. Difficulty is raised throughout the fight.

Mission 3 - Mindless Muscle : "Bane and Solomon Grundy hear of Starro's destruction, and wish to challenge him. Defeat the both of them while their damage is increased."
*Gotham City Scene 2

Same as the description says.

Mission 4 - The Joker Gang : "Joker decides to join in on the fun. Attach a Starro clone to each Joker gang member to progress in your reign of terror."
*Gotham City

You press the correct button as a joker member comes at you from the screen horizontally. They will then walk past you as mindless zombies.

Mission 5 - Yellow Is Power : "Starro spots Sinestro, and wants to wield his rings once more."

Occasionally Sinestro will pull out his power battery and charge up. If you knock him out of this state he will drop one ring, which you can then pick up. Do this 5 times and the mission is over.

Mission 6 - Femme Fatale : "The ladies of evil refuse to stand down. Defeat Harley Quinn and Catwoman while Killer Frost drops the temperature."
*Wayne Manor Night

Over time you will freeze and have to rapidly move to break free. Similar to a Joker mission.

Mission 7 - From The Deep : "Starro challenges Aquaman in his own home."

Defeat Aquaman while underwater.

Mission 8 - Lanterns' Light : "The combined forces of the Green Lanterns, Sinestro Corps, and the Red Lanterns attempt to stop Starro."*Stryker's Island Scene 2

You fight Green Lantern, who is aided by Sinestro and Atrocitus in the background. They both drop boulders when GL commands so.

Mission 9 - Brave and Bold : "Members of the Justice League again return, attempting to stop Starro."*Metropolis

This is designed after Starro's first appearance. With Green Lantern in your right arm, Wonder Woman in your left, Aquaman in your top arm, The Flash in the bottom left arm, and Martian Manhunter in the bottom right, you must mash buttons to win.

Mission 10 - The Star Conqueror : "Now is the time to rule over Earth! Defeat Superman, Doomsday, Lex Luthor, Batman, Green Lantern, and Ares to conquer!"*Watchtower

Each of them only have one life bar. Defeat all of them to win.

Costume I - Poison Ivy
Costume II - New 52
Costume III - Elseworlds
Costume IV - Batman & Robin Movie
Costume V - Arkham City

Intro - The ground ruptures, and an enormous closed red flower emerges on a large vine. The petals slowly open to reveal Ivy, who descends on a vine exclaiming "Time to feed, my children."

Down Back 1 : Sinister Kiss - Ivy blows a kiss, which comes out at pink spores. This goes little distance, and stuns you temporarily.
MB - You become stunned longer, allowing her to combo afterward.
Down Forward 1 : Vine Snap - Ivy points at you and a thick vine arises from the ground, snapping you backward.
MB - Three vines rise up out of the ground in succession, carrying you across the screen.
Down Down 1 : Ensnare - Ivy points at the ground, from which a bud appears. The bud will remain on the screen for a bit of time before disappearing. If you manage to step on it a mass of vines folds up, wrapping around your legs and keeping you in place for a small duration.
Back Forward 2 : Playful Poison - Ivy moves her torso back, awaiting for you to attack. If you do, she points quickly and a large thick vine shoots up from the ground, launching you into the air for a combo. If you don't attack, she is left vulnerable.
MB - She leaps up afterward and kicks you across the screen.
Down Down 2 : Feed My Children - Ivy points once more, and a larger bud appears. If you get too close it opens up and a large carnivorous plant lashes out, throwing you backward.
MB - The plant grabs you in its mouth and flails you around.
Down Forward 3 : Morning Glory - Ivy gracefully tosses a flower toward you. This flower has minimal range. If it hits you, the flower bursts into a MUCH larger flower, throwing you away. The color of the flower changes each time.
MB - The flower explodes on contact, giving off spores as it does.
Down Back 3 : Rosebush - Ivy triumphantly raises her head and arms to the sky, allowing a horde of roses with sharp thorns to shoot outward from her body. They don't leave her body, but rather shoot out and come back in quickly. Holding this move causes her to spin, and eventually she'll shoot out the thorns. Holding it for the max period increases range.
Character Power : Photosynthesis - Ivy raises her head high to the sky, and a beam of light pours down on her. She then glows slightly green. Ivy has a bar for this, which has three flowers to mark segments. Ivy can charge 3 of these, giving her a boost. Each special move she uses will have increased damage with each bar (3 special moves each time). Ivy can also continue to hold the move after the 3 are charged, she will slowly regain health. Her trait charges at a medium pace, and has a cooldown after all 3 are used.
Clash Animation : Ivy raises herself on a beautiful monstrous rose. She then rides it forward as she crosses her legs, watching you. The rose has a large thick stem trudging through the ground, along with large roots that pave in and out of the ground. When you get to the actual clash, she points at you and the roots swirl into one large vine drill.
Outro : Ivy summons a large gathering of beautiful flowers. A monster flower with a cage scoops you up and closes the cage. Ivy then sits on top of it, where a magenta rose sits. She crosses her legs and exclaims "No one stops my children."

SUPER MOVE .:. Familia Florum - Ivy waves her hand violently at you. A row of vines and roots erupt from the ground, jagged and thorned. They rush toward you and hit you. Larger and sharper ones erupt in what seems like a wave, carrying you across the screen in a cinematic. Ivy gracefully lifts herself into the air on a beautiful flower. Two large vines tangle you upward into the air quickly as the wave ends. Below the camera shows many large carnivorous flowers spawned and snapping. Ivy then waves her hand and the vines release you and you fall. You can hear your screams for a little while. Ivy happily exclaims "Feed, my children, feed!" She chuckles softly twice. The sequence then ends as she descends down to your body, face down on the ground. This move can be connected easily, for the row of roots is quite fast.

New 52 (Possibly)
Teen Titans
Starfire would be a Power character, and she would float. Her hair would be normal length, as in long. It would progress from red to flames, and the flames would be a particle effect like Lobo's cigar. The end of her hair is flimsy and less effected by gravity, as to simulate the flames.
Intro - Starfire rips through a ship in space, flying down to Earth. She smashes down, standing up from her crater. She then exclaims "Don't you look delicious?" for men, and for women "Out of my way, whore."
Down + Forward L : Starbolt - Starfire shoots out a green blast of energy. It travels fast with low damage. They are good for interruption. MB throws three of them.
Down + Back L : Don't Touch - Starfire blows a kiss at you. If you hit her she swings her arm around, punching you square in the face. This causes a small explosion, sending you across the screen.
Back + Forward M : Supernova - Starfire flies forward toward you. If she connects, she flies you up into the sky, embraces you, and then causes and explosion, throwing you away. MB causes her to grab you, spiral upward, and then explode.
Down + Down M : Tamaranean Strength - Starfire smashes her fist into the ground. This causes the ground to crumble, glowing fiery underneath the cracks. This lifts you up and over her head. MB causes an explosion.
Down + Forward H : Starpower - Starfire concentrates a beam of green energy at you. It is fairly fast and does regular damage. It too can be charged. In the air it aims downward diagonally. With MB this move does 3 hits.
Down + Forward H + Up - The bolt aims upward if on the ground.
GRAB .:. Starfire punches you upward. She then flies in from the right side of the screen and punches you, her hand glowing. She then does the same but from the left. She then elbows you back to the opposite (or same) side.
TRAIT .:. Ultraviolet Radiation - Starfire begins to glow violet. Any projectiles that come into contact with her will be absorbed and turned into meter energy.
SUPER MOVE .:. Tamaranean Blaze - Starfire rushes forward with her hands glowing green. She then grabs you, flying up into space quickly. She punches you twice, which stuns you. Starfire then reaches for the nearest satellite, smashing you in the face with it. You then fly back down to Earth, flaming from the atmosphere. Starfire latches onto you, embracing you, and then spiraling down to Earth with you rapidly. You then smash into the ground, and she flies back down to the screen.

Waiting Action : Starfire runs her hand up her leg, bringing her hand to her mouth. She then blows you a kiss, which is shown by a fiery pair of lips.

Clash Animation : Starfire's hands glow green, and she flies forward, spiraling. She then shoves her hands at you.

Special Moves

Down + Forward Medium .:Sledge Toss:. A charge move similar to Hawkgirl. Steel winds up his hammer like a baseball bat, and it begins to glow silver. When toss it will fly straight at you without moving. A large silver spark will bounce off, and he will call back his hammer. He is safe when the hammer tosses, so he can block even if it's out. MB causes the hammer to hit you in front and then back, allowing for a combo afterward.

Back + Back High .:Silver Sheen:. Steel puffs out his chest, and his whole body shines silver once. If you hit him when he shines he will immediately smash you upward with the hammer, grab your throat, slam you into the ground, and then kick you away. MB slams you twice.

Down + Back Light .:Steel Cannon:. He places his arms outward, and compartments open up on his wrists. Two steel spikes fly out at a high velocity, slicing through you. MB causes two sets of two spikes.

Back + Up High .:Flight:. Steel lifts up into the air. He can fly for a few game seconds, and is able to use projectile moves.

Front + Up High .:Compression:. Steel leaps up into the air, his knees cocked upward. He then arcs forward and slams on top of your head. MB version causes ground bounce.

Forward + Forward Medium .:Sonic Grenades:. Steel places out his arms again. Two grenades slide into his hands. You can hold them for a few moments, and they will automatically toss out, or you can normally do the move. The grenades burst open, sending out shockwaves, which throw you back. MB causes them to stay for a longer time.

Clash Animation : Steel rushes forward with his hammer and delivers a powerful strike.

Swamp Thing's appearance will be his normal incarnation, but more monstrous and swampy. He will have long vines and moss dragging from his arms and body, and twigs will jut out here and there. He has two primary trunks on his back that jut out unevenly. He also looks shabby, but still maintains human posture. While he fights and gets hit and such, twigs, leaves, and grass will drop from him. He will also drip swamp water.

Special Moves
Down + Back M .{Swamp Wrath}. Swamp Thing plunges his arms into the ground, creating a puddle of swamp water. Infront of him juts out a large broken tree trunk, which throws you upward. The effect also throws out leaves and some twigs, and the tree trunk has vines growing around it. MB causes three of them to go across the screen in succession. Midscreen.
Down + Back + (Holding Back) - The trunk sprouts close to Swamp Thing.
Down + Back + (Holding Forward) - The trunk sprouts far from Swamp Thing.

*Only works Anti-Air* Down + Down L .{From Below It Comes}. A thick root shoots up from the ground as Swamp Thing plunges one hand into the water. If you are in the vicinity when in the air, it will grab you and pull you down, slamming you to the ground. MB causes it to slam you twice and then ground bounce.

Forward + Down + Back L .{Spinal Vine}. Swamp Thing hunches over, and sharp twigs, leaves, twigs, and vines all shoot out from his back. This move is good for anti-air and combo ending. MB causes it to shoot up higher.

Back + Forward H .{Call of The Swamp}. Swamp Thing's leg sinks into the water. In front of him a small wave progresses, and a large vine flies out of it, going forward a bit. If you are hit by this it will drag you back to him. When they are coming back to Swamp Thing he can press H again to punch them into the air. No MB.

Back + Back H .{Play Dead}. Swamp Thing suddenly crumbles away. Quickly he regenerates behind you in a new body. The previous remains still stand where he teleported from. If you come into contact with them, a wood hand will slide out and claw at you, which knocks you forward. The debris of his body will eventually decay away.
Back + Back + (Holding H) - He teleports in front of you instead.

Down + Forward M .{Root Strength}. Swamp Thing lunges forward, his whole body heaving. When he comes into contact with you, he throws you across the screen. By using MB, a large tree trunk will shoot up and throw you back to him, arching across the top of the screen.

Down + Up H .{Biosynthesis}. Swamp Thing makes an action where it looks like he's hugging his whole body. Slowly he begins to sprout randomly colored flowers on his body. If one flower sprouts without him getting hit, it will stay. He can grow a maximum of 6 flowers on his body. When he hits you (has to be un-blocked) he will gain a small meter bonus. The flower then curls up and dissolves away.

CHARACTER POWER .{Elemental Shift}. This is a unique trait. By pressing...

Power .{Earthen Power}. Swamp Thing's body grows thicker with wooden armor. This gives him a small amount of super armor, and it will not run out unless you knock all the armor off, or if his Element meter runs out.

Down + Down Power .{Flame Power}. Swamp Thing's body grows a large flame on the inside, giving him a ghostly orange glow from the core. This gives all of his normals fire attributes, which do slightly more damage. The Element meter will run out faster with this, for the attacks do more damage.

Back + Back Power .{Ocean Power}. Swamp Thing's body gains a layer of water around it. He gains a higher amount of defense to special moves, and they will do a little less damage than normal. This meter runs out normally.

Down + Back Power .{Whirlwind Power}. Swamp Thing's body looses a bit, and visible air currents flow through it. His special moves now have wind effects around them, and they cause the opponent to float for a longer period, allowing for a stronger combo ability. This meter runs out like the Flame meter.

SUPER MOVE .{Emerald Swamp}. Swamp Thing drives his arms and feet into the ground. An area of swamp water surrounds him, which is the hit confirm area. If caught, the water will continue to expand. Trees will immediately begin to sprout, along with many other forms of Earthen vegetation. Large vines and roots grab you and coil around you, hoisting you up into the air. Swamp Thing then sways his hand swiftly upward in an arc, and a giant tree shoves you into the air. Before you can go higher, another tree hits you from the right, then the left, then the right, left, right, and left. They are all sharp ended. As you fly up more, you eventually see Swamp Thing right above you. He then punches you square in the abdomen, sending you flying back down through all the trees you hit. You then smash into the swamp floor, water spouting along with leaves and twigs.

Clash Animation : Swamp Thing runs forward and shoves his fists at you.

- His primary costume is the one in the game.
- He uses a duo of a large scythe and his right hand needle-claws.
- His moves use his "violent dancing".
- He would be very agile and swift, very hard to get away from.

Down + Forward M .{Dark Harvest}. Scarecrow draws back his scythe. The scythe shines with a metallic luster as he holds it, charging the move. When let go, he slices in an arc downward infront of him. The move at full power can knock you across the stage. No MB version.

Back + Down + Forward L .{Hallucination}. Scarecrow rushes toward you, his claw drawn back. He then grabs you, stabs you with the needle claws, throws you to the ground, stabs his scythe into you, and sweeps you away. MB causes him to stab you twice with the scythe.

Back + Forward M .{Fear Gas}. Scarecrow swipes his claw upward in an arc, releasing a cloud of green gas. The cloud advances forward, and then quickly dissipates. If you get caught in it, you hold your eyes, allowing him to combo you. In the air it simply knocks you to the ground. MB causes the cloud to be bigger.

Down + Forward H .{Terror Turbine}. Scarecrow launches forward in a slight upward arc spinning his scythe around him as he flips sideways toward you. The move does 4 hits, 3 for the spins and one final one. MB causes him to stab you into the ground for the 4th hit.

Down + Down H .{Violent Stance}. Scarecrow stabs his scythe into the ground and leaps onto the staff part. He remains there unless a succession of buttons is pressed, or if you press a different normal move.
L - He simply jumps off and punches you.
M - He jumps off and slices you with his claw.
H - He spins the scythe out of the ground, slicing down your body vertically.
Back L > M > H - He slides the scythe forward, slicing your feet. He then kicks it upward, slicing your face. Finally he brings the scythe back down, stabbing your spine; he flips forward three times with you still on the scythe's end. The final hit slams you into the ground.
Down M > H > H - He dive kicks off of the scythe, still holding on to it. He then brings it over your head, stabbing you into the ground. He then reaches down and stabs you with his right claw, exclaiming "Fear me...".
Forward H > M > H - He leaps off, sliding under your body behind you. He then "dances", slicing you with the right claw twice, and then kicking you forward. You impale on the blade of the scythe, and he grabs it, throwing you forward.

CHARACTER POWER .{Insanity Injection}. Scarecrow's claw fills with a glowing orange fluid. He has one chance to attack you with the POWER button again. If he misses or if you block, it goes away and has to refill. If he hits you, your controls are temporarily reversed.

SUPER MOVE .{Painful Phobia}. Scarecrow rushes forward, stabbing you in the face with his claw. You grab your eyes, and the screen goes into your eye view. You see the screen slowly become black, and Scarecrow rising and getting bigger. You open your eyes to see Scarecrow wave his scythe. From out of the darkness a giant black widow spider rushes, bites you by the abdomen and swings you around twice. It then flings you upward. From the dark sky a large ghost flies, grabbing you and flying up higher, making an arc and flying back down. It then throws you to the ground. You slowly compress into a clear box, falling to the ground rapidly. The ground cannot be seen for a while. Eventually you smack into the ground, still in the box. Scarecrow then steps on the box, crushing you, and ending the super.

*The super is a reference to his fear gas emitting phobias. It is also a reference to some of the most common phobias {Darkness, Spiders, Ghosts, Small Spaces, and Heights.}

Clash Animation : Scarecrow runs forward quickly, and then flips with his scythe.

Intro - Kirk Langstrom walks slowly as he injects himself. His clothes then rip away and Man-Bat emerges. He then lets out a blood curdling scream.
Down + Forward L - Sonic Screech (Air Able) : Man-Bat screams, sending out three light blue waves of sound. It normally throws you back. MB causes you to be stunned.
Down + Back L - Echolocation (Air Able) : Man-Bat screams again, sending out one smaller ring of sound. It moves incredibly fast. If it hits a projectile, Man-Bat will launch up into the air and fly until the projectile is completely over. If it hits a physical move or physical special attack it will dissipate. MB throws the projectile back at you.
Back + Down M - Blind Flight (Air Able) : Man-Bat flies forward at full speed. He stretches his clawed feet toward you and grabs you by the torso. He can then..
L - Step on you and kick you away. (Air = Bite you twice)
M - Bite you and throw you upward for a combo. (Air = Throw you downward)
H - Throw you to the wall for a wallbounce. (Air = Flips backward and throws you away)
Back + Forward M - Night Fury : Man-Bat slices forward, then back around, and then slices you upward. MB causes him to screech at the end, throwing you away.
Down + Forward H - Winged Terror : Man-Bat flies upward in a diagonal. If it hits you he grabs your head with his foot, spins around, and throws you back at the ground. MB causes him to spin three times.
Down + Back H - Horror Flesh : Man-Bat raises his wings high up and screeches loudly at you. If you hit him with a physical move, he quickly grabs you, wraps his wings around you, and bites you three times.
Down + Down H - Wing Span : Man-Bat brings his wings back and flaps them harshly once. This creates a large air current that neutralizes some projectiles and throws you back. MB flaps his wings twice.
TRAIT .:. Flight - (Criticize the Hawkgirl inspiration. Be a hero c:.) Man-Bat flies similarly to Hawkgirl. He is much faster than she, however.
L - Hits you with his foot.
M - Claws at you.
H - Smacks you to the ground with his wing.
SUPER MOVE .:. Bloodlust : Man-Bat flies forward with his wings outstretched. He kicks you with both of his legs into a cave. (which is suddenly there <-<...>.>.) You then see a mass of bats come flying at you. They then cover the entire screen, making it black. The bats then clear out once, and you see Man-Bat on your back. The second time they clear he is mauling you. The third time he claws your face from chin to forehead. The fourth time they clear you look forward and see a shadow flying toward you. Man-Bat then latches onto your chest and flies back out of the cave, tossing you to the ground.

Clash Animation : Man-Bat flies forward, screeching. He then does a kick similar to Black Adam.
Outro - Kirk flies away, at a cutscene is played. He is then seen flying into a cave scene, where he flips upside down and closes his wings. He keeps his eyes open the whole time. Small swarms of bats slowly pass by now and then (think Aquaman outro).

The Metallo in the game would be the one present in Stryker's Island. His powers would be shown as green energy, similar to Lex Luthor's ax.

Metallo is a Power character (clearly).

Intro - Metallo is shown with his chest cavity open. He then places a kryptonite crystal within it, and the patterns on his body light up. He then clanks his fists together and assumes his pose.

Down + Back L : Ax Assault - Metallo forms two axes, one on each hand. He then slices forward with the right, then the left, and then kicks you away. MB causes him to slice four times and then kick.

Back + Forward L : Power Piston - Metallo forces his hands together, forming a piston shaped apparatus. He then activates it, throwing you across the screen. MB causes it to do more damage.

Down + Forward M : Eye Laser - Metallo looks forward and shoots two green lasers out of his eyes. They travel fast, similar to Superman, but are longer in length. MB makes them fire for a longer time.

Down + Back M : Mechano Construct - Metallo points forward and from behind him an amalgam of junk forms into a humanoid shape quickly. The construct then rushes forward at a fast-walk past with its hands upward and slightly flailing. If it hits you it creates a small explosion, forcing you backward. MB causes it to hold you in place.
Down + Back M + Up : The construct is instead a flying bird-esque form. It swoops in at a low arc and does the same thing.
Down + Back M + Down : The construct is instead a spider-esque form. It crawls forward faster than the human or bird, but deals less damage.
Down + Forward H : Kryptonite Ray - Metallo opens up his chest, revealing his core and firing out a thick stream of green energy. This move can be used in the air as well. The move does 2 hits. MB causes it to do 4.

Down + Down H : Mercury Form - Metallo melts instantly into liquid metal. He then slides under you, which causes you to slip. This is also a teleport.

TRAIT .:. Kryptonite Core - Metallo taps his chest, causing the M to glow noticeably brighter. Metallo will now absorb projectiles and do slightly more damage with his normal moves.

SUPER MOVE .:. Emerald Automatons - Metallo fires a burst from his chest, which is short range. If it hits, a beam forms, shoving you back, but you block it. As you stop blocking a human construct runs into you, punching you in the face. This knocks you back, turning you around to another, which punches you as well. Many automatons then flood you, punching and kicking. Metallo then opens up his chest cavity completely, firing a very large concentrated beam from it, exploding you and the automatons. This move does 16 hits in total.

Clash Animation - Metallo runs up like normal. His arms form together into a large hammer-like object. He then shoves his arms at you for the clash.

Idle Animation - Metallo taps on his chest with a finger, and then twists one of his arms.

Outro - Metallo pumps one of his arms, which forms an ax. He then does the same to the other, forming
a hammer. The hammer goes away, and he lifts up the ax arm in triumph.


- His stance shows him floating higher than most character due to height. He has one leg crossed over the other, which is dangling.
- His normal costume would use the orange tuxedo design.

Intro - A hat spawns from the 5th dimension, growing to size. It then pops up very cartoon like, and Mxy then pops out under the hat. He spins while doing so, raising an eyebrow, and then taking stance.


Down + Back L : Distortion - A clear effect spiral appears. The spiral swirls quickly and then dissipates. If you are caught in it you spin with it once and then are thrown back. MB causes the field to be bigger.

Down + Forward M : Tesseract - A portal appears infront of Mxy. If any projectiles go into it, they will shoot back out at you at a random place on the screen.

Down + Back M : Wormhole - Mxy laughs, spawning another portal above his head. Out of it swirls a pale green serpent, which goes diagonally down infront of him. This causes you to slide backward on the ground. MB causes groundbounce.

Down + Back + Forward M : Putty In My Hands - Mxy moves both of his hands forward, causing a small but noticeable distortion midscreen. If you are in the field, he contorts you like a marionette. He pulls your body wide, then thin, then diagonally thin, and diagonally wide while giggling. This motion is done cartoony and fast. MB causes him to bounce you into the ground like a ragdoll.

Down + Back H : 5th Wall - Mxy splits into atoms, swirling inward to a portal. He then reappears behind you.
Down + Forward H - He appears infront of you.

Back + Forward H : Woo Hoo! - Mxy leans, kicking his feet together cheerfully. If you hit him he produces the effect of a hologram, not being hit by the move. MB causes the hologram to confuse you, making you vulnerable.

Down + Down H : Otherworldly Portal - Mxy points at the ground under you, and a pillar of light shoots upward from the ground. The pillar blinks pale orange and green. It spirals in a tubular fashion, and is thick enough to surround your body entirely. This pillar flips you up into the air in a forward arc, allowing for a combo opportunity. This move tracks slightly.

TRAIT .:. Incomprehensible - Mxy laughs at you while pointing. His special moves then cause boosted damage for a small time.

SUPER MOVE .:. Mxyzptlk Puzzle - Mxy flies at you full speed. This causes you to stumble back a bit, not able to see what he's doing. He then strokes his chin a bit, grinning widely. He then points at you, switching your legs to your torso, head to your legs, and torso to your head. He shakes his head no, pointing again. This switches your legs to your arms, right arm to your left leg, left arm to your right ear, and mouth to your abdominal section. He points one more time, switching your arms to your legs, your head to your right arm, your torso to your left arm, and your legs to your torso. He then cackles darkly, stretching you horizontally like rubber and then letting you go. You snap back together in the right place, flying backward from the hit.

Clash Animation : Mxyzptlk flies forward in a reclined humorous pose. He then suddenly lifts up and causes a distortion for his clash.


General stuff:

- Injustice design.
- Insurgency design (military inspired winter outfit, with ice grenades and a knife in the belt.)
- Classic parka look.
- New 52.
- Citizen Cold.
- Commander cold.
Clashes :cool:
Batman: I beat a madman like you regularly.
Captain Cold: For a so called genius you're pretty stupid.

Captain Cold: You won't be able to hurt me.
Superman: My eyes can do that for me.

Aquaman: Surrender, NOW.
Captain Cold: I'll leave you like fish in a fridge.

Solomon Grundy: Grundy don't stop!
Captain Cold: I'll make you stop.

Captain Cold: Fire all the lead you want.
Deathstroke: I only need one shot.

Killer Frost: Oh you silly man in that parka.
Captain Cold: You're lucky i go easy on the ladies.

Ares: You're nothing to me!
Captain Cold: Don't underestimate me, you'll regret it.

Bane: I broke the bat, i'll break you!
Captain Cold: Try again, i broke the flash.

Shazam: You look like a cereal box villain!
Captain Cold: I'll knock you out cold. :cool:

Black Adam: You're hardly a challenge.
Captain Cold: I've fought people better than you.

Batgirl: Another Mr. freeze rip off?
Captain Cold: Heh, my cold is better than his freeze.

Catwoman: Guys like you unsettle me.
Captain Cold: I'll go easy on you kitty.

Cyborg: That little toy is not getting you anywhere.
Captain Cold: This toy is better than the whole of you.

Captain Cold: You're gonna be one ugly popsicle.
Doomsday: I'll destroy you!

Captain Cold: Bringing a bow to a gun fight?
Green Arrow: I've got some other tricks, trick arrows.

Harley Quinn: You're ugly!
Captain Cold: What do you care? go back to your clown.

Joker: You look more funny than me!
Captain Cold: Shut it, clown.

Wonder Woman: I'll take you down, villain.
Captain Cold: Try and deflect this!

Captain Cold: I'll break you in pieces.
Lobo: No way, reforming gets boring after a while.

Captain Cold: Earth cops don't scare me, space cops won't either.
Green Lantern: Fear isn't really my thing.

General Zod: Kneel to me, human.
Captain Cold: Don't get any funny ideas.

Sinestro: You'll be scared to live after i'm done with you.
Captain Cold: I've seen some nasty crap already (yeah...)

Captain Cold: Really big wings, as if shooting you wasn't easy already.
Hawkgirl: You can't keep up with me in the skies.

Raven: I'll hand your skull to Trigon!
Captain Cold: That's creepy, how about i give yours to trickster?

Lex Luthor: Even humanity is full of freaks now.
Captain Cold: Careful baldie, you don't want to make me angry.

Nightwing: Guns? those are no problem to me.
Captain Cold: Don't get your hopes up, gotham boy.

Captain Cold: Think fast if you want to keep warm.
Flash: I always do, Len.

Martian Manhunter: I have no problem with ice, little man.
Captain Cold: That's the least of your concerns.
Intro: Captain Cold walks slowly rolling his gun in his hand then sheaths it. Says: "Let's get this over with"​
outro: Captain Cold walks away leaving an ice grenade near the opponent, he says: "nothing gets past the cold field". Then he is seen drinking a beer in a poker game with mirror master, weather wizard and heatwave... Shoutouts to ShowboatingPenguin for his sig.​
Cold Shot: freezing ray in a straight line. MB goes the fuck through projectiles.​
Anti Air Cold Shot: diagonal freeze ray, normal version makes the target fall. MB version encases the target in a statue of ice that connects the enemy to the ground, allows for a combo.​
Ice Grenades: he tosses a grenade which freezes when explodes, MB throws three grenades at different places.​
Death From Above: Captain Cold aims to the air with two guns and crosses the cold beams, creating a stalactite that falls on the enemy. MB creates a boulder of ice that causes ground bounce. deals double damage againts frozen characters.​
Rogue's Assault: Captain Cold charges the opponent to the ground, then stabs once with a knife and rolls away. deals double damage againts frozen characters.​
Frosty Trip: he shoots the floor creating a thin layer of ice. last for a short time and trips when landing from a jump.​
Cold Field (Trait): Captain Cold uses a button in his gun. Contact with captain cold freezes the enemy. Depletes after connecting, absorbing one projectile or after 5 seconds.​
Cold Beatdown (Super): Captain Cold fires at the enemy's feet, encasing them in ice, he makes a stab to the gut, freezes the face and breaks the ice with a pistol whip, then headbutts it. the camera changes to show the whole character get frozen by a wide beam. this super leaves the enemy frozen.​
i wanted to make him different from killer frost because people say he would be a clone, i think he would use setups and play anti zoner mostly, wanted to give some moves a "shattering" feel, which is why added double damage on frozen targets.​
Witch Blast (BF1): Circe fires a purple energy ball from her staff. when meter burned it travels slowly allowing for better space control.
Witch Blast (Air): Circe fires a bolt of purple energy diagonally. MB fires three consecutive blasts.
Icarus's fall (air): Circe travels vertically and lands with a hit from her staff, creating an arcane explosion that knocks the enemy mid screen. MB gives ground bounce.
Polymorph (DB2): Circe transforms an enemy in the air to a random animal (chicken, frog, kitten) and kicks them as they fall, leaves them a little farther than mid screen, when MB she swings the staff instead of kicking, the opponent transforms back and circe gets a wall bounce.
Prometheus's Fire (BF3): Circe stomps her staff againts the ground, this creates a fire eruption at the enemy's feet. MB creates 3 advancing pillars of fire in a row.
Trickster (DB1): Circe's eyes glow pink and she does a pose, if attacked she fades while the real circe appears at the other side of the stage.
Levitate (UU): Circe hovers in the air for a moment or until cancelled, from this stance she can move horizontally, use Witch Blast and Icarus's fall.
Deceiving Sorceress (Trait): She laughs and her eyes glow pink. The next time Circe uses a special move, another move's animation is used that has no effect if it reaches the opponent, but both the real move and the mirage are seen normally.
: Circe creates a magical seal (not the animal) in the ground in front of her, if the opponent touches it, the seal electrocutes the enemy while Circe snaps her fingers transforming the enemy into a random animal, she laughs while firing a potent magic blast that illuminates the screen, the enemy lies in the floor full screen away.
Circe is a zoner with a lot of moves that puts her full distance and is good at mind games.​
Power Girl
Intro: Power Girl comes flying, says "Don't worry, i'll try not to hurt you that bad". Gets into her fighting pose.

Outro: Power Girl says, depending in gender (if male) "You should have kept your mind in the fight" (if female) "My milkshake is better than yours" (lol i don't know.) (if superman) "Don't worry cousin, i still think you're the best." then flies away.


Kryptonian Crash: Power Girl flies towards the opponent fists first, carrying them near the corner. Hits mid.

Flying Beauty: Power Girl can dash horizontally in the air, this move is cancellable into Pure Power, Kryptonian Crash and Kryptonian Landing

Pure Power: Power Girl stomps her feet to the ground, creating a small shockwave at the opponent's feet. MB launches the enemy allowing for a combo. Hits low.

Pure Power (air): Power Girl agressively falls to the ground, landing on both feets creating a shockwave at the enemy's feet. MB launches the enemy allowing for a combo.

Kryptonian Landing: Usable while in the air, Power Girl diagonally falls with a kick. Hits high.

Deep Breath: Power Girl takes a deep super breath, sucking a lot of wind and the enemy towards her. MB version releases the wind, giving her a wall bounce. (i told you she sucks!)

Smackdown: Power Girl grabs the enemy, knees the stomach, and blasts them away with heat vision.

X-ray Vision (Trait): Power Girl's eyes glow blue, and the enemy's bones are now seen in blue, over time each part of the enemy's body will glow red indicating a weak spot (legs, head, torso.) when hitting a weak spot additional damage is taken and the enemy is easier to juggle.

Kryptonian Beatdown (Super): Power Girl punches the enemy, grabs both feet and toss them to the air, she catches up to you on the sky punching while using her heat vision, then speeds up and goes for an axe kick, sending you to the ground.

I tried to give her some mix ups, and her trait takes advantage of that.
Injustice, Injustice 2, and these

Intro: He is doing boxing footwork, says: "Back off now, i won't go easy on you".

Outro: He goes away silently, he is seen in a boxing ring punching a guy in the face, the frame freezes there.
Flurry: Wildcat deals a barrage of punches to the face. MB gives more punches, and allows a combo

Pounce: Wildcat makes a huge pounce at the enemy, covering a lot of space, knockdowns on hit. MB punches the enemy while on the ground.

Rising fist: Wildcat makes a shoryuken style punch, this is a good anti air.

Knockout: Wildcat makes a huge swing to bring a devastating punch, this knocks to the ground, good for ending combos. Unblockable if charged.

Counterpuncher: Wildcat makes some footwork, baiting an attack, this move dodges high and mid attacks and then makes a quick jab. MB leaves the enemy stunned.

Suplex: Wildcat grabs the enemy with both arms and does a suplex.

Howling Wildcat (Trait): Wildcat let's out a roar that hits mid range, if it connects, the opponent is stunned and is afflicted by a hitstun status that instead of juggling, he/she just falls to the ground, this makes combos easier and longer.

Raging Champion (Super): Wildcat roars and makes a superman punch, if it connects, He deals a strong punch to the stomach, then a few punches to the face, sweeps the leg, gets over the enemy with a pounce and deals a few punches.
This one may seem a little boring, but i wanted to make a boxer, he's... rushdown.

- Zoom
- Kid Zoom
- Inertia
- Cool as fuck White Lantern Zoom
- Black Lantern Zoom

Intro: Zoom comes running from a speed zone portal, he slides his arm to brake and says: "Let's make this quick".

Outro: Zoom vibrates his hand through the fallen enemy's chest, and snaps his fingers, destroying a lot of the background, then leaves in super speed.

Sonic Boom: Zoom makes a kick from a distance, creating a sound wave projectile, the closer it is the bigger the damage is. hits crouching targets too on meter burn.

Tornado: Zoom makes circles with his arm, creating a horizontal tornado, knockdowns on hit.

Race Around The World: Zoom runs to his side of the screen, then appears to the back of the opponent.

Whirlwind: zoom spins in place creating a gust of wind around him, this move juggles and can be used as anti air, can be held for a moment until it hits 3 times, if held too long it will make zoom dizzy leaving him vulnerable.

Vibrating Hand of Doom: Command grab. zoom stabs you with his hand, from chest to the back, then kicks you away.

Inertia Tap: Zoom taps the enemy, paralyzing and leaving him/her vulnerable to attack. MB version steals speed, increasing zoom's attack speed slightly.

Trait: Zoom can use two different traits with shared cooldowns, commands are Back+4 for Quick Thinking and Forward+4 for Momentum.

Quick Thinking (trait 1): Zoom's body crackles with red lighting. He can launch faster projectiles, which are also faster to activate and recover from. Last 6 seconds.

Momentum (trait 2): Zoom's body crackles with yellow lighting. For each consecutive hit, zoom's attack speed and damage increases, the move is cancelled if hit or after 8 seconds.

Negative Speed Force (Super): Zoom taps the enemy, stealing all of his/her speed, he begins to run as he chokes you with both hands, dragging you from time to time (you can see dinosaurs, a city from the future, etc. in quick succession) when you come back to the stage, he phases his hand through the chest and you fall to the ground.
Zoom is an hybrid, his trait allows you to choose when to zone and when to rushdown better, not a flash clone, eh?

Appearance: I'm not satisfied with the atrocitus in game, but it's fine because he's not a character, if he were however he should be bulkier, and vomit should pour from his mouth.

Intro: Atrocitus steps out from the red lantern battery, glowing red, he flies towards earth and upon landing says "You will feel my rage!"

Outro: Atrocitus lifts the enemy with a burning hard light whip. Bleez, Dex-Starr and Zilius Zox descend near atrocitus, and he throws the enemy to them.

Blood and Rage: Atrocitus spits napalm at the enemy, exploding on contact. MB deals additional damage.

Hellish Hate: Atrocitus glows red and creates a set of hard light blades on his arms increasing his damage output.

Darkest Dread: Atrocitus strongly closes his right fist, piercing his own hand, blood drips and he gains an aura around him, when close to Atrocitus the enemy will lose health regardless of blocking.

Brutal Punishment: Atrocitus creates a napalm whip and tries to grab the enemy, if it connects the whip glows with a crimsom light dealing damage. MB makes atrocitus smash the enemy to the ground after the move, giving him a Ground Bounce.

Bloody Vengeance: Atrocitus grabs the enemy's skull and crushes it. MB makes him follow it with an uppercut, juggling the enemy.

Rage Of The Red Lanterns (Trait): Atrocitus uses his control over the red lantern corps to force a random ally to aid him in battle, can be used while attacking.

- Dex-Starr: Dex-Starr claws the opponent while blasting a little napalm, this attack deals little damage but does not scale or affects the gravity of the juggle.
- Bleez: Bleez spits fire and quickly follows with a flying somersault kick, this attack deals moderate damage and juggles.
- Zilius Zox: Zilius bites the enemy and spits him with napalm, this attack deals big damage but ends the combo.

We'll Burn You All (Super): Atrocitus grabs you by the neck and takes you to Ysmault, a bunch of red lanterns spit at you at the same time, then atrocitus touches the giant battery with his ring, causing it to fire a giant laser that launches you back to earth.

For reference:

Zilius Zox:
Just wanted things to pack a punch, give him big damage, what do you think?
Black canary

- Injustice.
- Classic (modern age)
-um... this one

- dinah drake
- new 52

Intro: Dinah arrives at the stage in her bike, takes her helmet out, says "I've taken care of bigger problems than you" then gets into a fight pose.

Outro: Dinah says "You should see me when i'm trying" gets back on her bike, and goes to Star City.

Canary Cry: Black Canary lets out a scream, knocking the enemy back on hit. MB causes wall bounce.

Anti Air Canary Cry: Black Canary lets out a scream to the air, knocking the enemy back.

Canary Fly: Black Canary screams to the ground to propel herself diagonally to the air. This can hit targets in the air, if used again she will flip in the air and scream again, coming back to the ground in a zig zag motion with a kick.

Skill Over Strength: Black Canary gets into a pose, if she gets hit she will throw the enemy across the screen.

Arm Lock: Black canary grabs the enemy's arm, similar to rain's x ray move, then kicks him/her. MB breaks the arm and adds a knee to the stomach. High grab.

Catch Me (Air): While in the air, Black Canary gets ready to land on the opponent's neck/shoulders with her knees, then she does a handstand making them fall. This move can also be used after one Canary Fly. Air, overhead grab.

Mind Your Step: Black Canary dives going for the legs, she rolls making the enemy fall, then she breaks the leg. Low grab.

Dazing Shout: Black Canary shouts, hits mid screen, leaves the targets stunned grabbing their ears. MB lasts longer.

Desperate Measures (Trait): Whenever Black Canary makes a successful parry or grab, her Canary Meter fills a bit, Black Canary can press the trait button making the next scream move deal a lot more damage, or deals damage over time in the case of Dazing Shout.

Blonde Bombshell (Super): Black Canary deals a stunning shout to begin the super, then she knees the stomach, followed by a spinning heel kick and then an axe kick. she gets close to the enemy and deals a big scream, destroying the background and making the enemy fall to the ground.
She has several grapples and a parry which help her build strength for her scream moves, also has fast normals.

Intro: Amazo comes flying and says "your abilities will make it easier to serve my master".

Outro: Amazo pick ups the enemy with one hand, scans him/her, drops the enemy and flies away.


Strength of Steel: Amazo makes a thunderclap, knocking the enemy away. MB gives a wall bounce. Inspired on Superman.

Fierce Blitz: Amazo morphs a lasso wrapping it around the enemy, then runs at superspeed and delivers a punch. MB makes him deliver a lot of fast punches. Inspired on Wonder Woman and the Flash.

Android's Superiority: Amazo lifts into the air with a tornado engulfing his lower body, he is able to use Tornado Rush and Lighting Bolt. He's vulnerable to air to air and anti air attacks. Inspired on Red Tornado.

Tornado Rush: Amazo flies forward hitting the enemy with the tornado if it's on the ground. Only usable on Android's Superiority. Inspired on Red Tornado.

Lighting Bolt (Air): Amazo fires a lighting bolt in a diagonal motion. MB makes the enemy stunned, granting a combo. Inspired on Black Lighting. Also usable in Android's Superiority.

Phantom: Amazo makes himself intangible, if attacked he will go through the enemy and backhands him/her. Inspired on Martian Manhunter.

Atomic Overload: Amazo levitates and emanates nuclear energy from his body, deals initial damage around him, and the radiation deals damage over time around Amazo. Inspired on Firestorm.

League's Annihilator (Trait): Amazo replicates a move from a fallen justice league member. Picks at random.

Powerful Screech: Amazo screams at the enemy, knocking him/her back. Inspired on Black Canary.

Elastic Wheel: Amazo transforms his whole body into a giant wheel and runs over the enemy. This can be charged for armor. Inspired on Plastic Man.

Golden Shield: Amazo glows golden with a force field, taking less damage for a time. Inspired on Booster Gold.

Ultimate Weapon (Super): Amazo blasts you with heat vision to connect the super, then gets in close with super speed and lifts you by the leg, he knocks you away with an energy blast from captain atom's powers and before you land he uppercuts you, as you are on the sky he replicates green lantern's powers and makes a hard light boot stomp you to the ground.

Yes i killed heroes to come up with this moveset :).



I would like Starfire's visual design to be mixed with her armored New 52 costume, Nebezial's fanart, and New 52 Blackfire.​
  1. Nebezial's fanart has awesome bio-luminescence and I love the star crest in the middle of her chest. It has an alien feel to it, yet she's similar to her iconic look. I'd be happy if she just looked like this actually. Here's a bigger version.
  2. She should be similar to her famous iconic look, even though I'm not a fan of such obvious sexual attention. I don't mind skin; I like how it is done in the fanart and Blackfire's costume.
  3. Lastly, I like the alien look of Blackfire's costume, and I think it would be awesome for Starfire to have a similar design. In all of these images, her hair is in flames at the ends, as she is the living flame of a star.
  4. Most importantly, her speech in these images show that she is a passionate princess; a leader with the strength, intellect, and prowess to bring justice and fight for love. She's not just someone who sleeps around.
These abilities make Starfire an evasive character with a lot of space control, especially in the air. I tried to make her unique because there are characters that have similar abilities, and I didn't want her to resemble Superman or, potentially, Martian Manhunter.​
  • TRAIT: Energy Absorption - When activated, Starfire engulfs herself in an energy shield for a few seconds, absorbing the next attack. If an attack is absorbed, she heals for a small amount, and her next attack will deal fire damage over time. Starfire cannot move or attack while the shield is active. Can be cancelled, but will still go on cooldown.
  • CHARACTER POWER: Float - Starfire can double jump and float by holding any upward direction, similar to Storm in MvC3. Starfire can activate any normal or special move to cancel her float. She does not have an air dash besides her command backdash.
Why this? With Hawkgirl having flight mode, I had to find out a way for Starfire to use her flight in an original way. Floating has a lot of applications for Starfire's kit.​
  • Command backdash: Starfire has a command backdash that's similar to Morrigan's in MvC3, where she can hold it to keep moving backwards. This puts Starfire in the air, so she cannot easily block. This can also be activated while in the air.
  • Rising Star: Inspiration from Nova in MvC3. She flies forward and does a backflip kick, knocking the opponent in the air if a hit connects, or vaulting off of the opponent if it is blocked.
  • Falling Star: When activated in the air, it becomes a quick diagonal dive kick, causing a ground bounce if a hit connects, or valuting off of the opponent if it is blocked. I added vaulting because it creates interesting gameplay with her float.
MB Versions: Leaves a fire trail that works in a similar way to Firebrand's trail in MvC3.​
  • Command grab - Fiery Kiss: Starfire blows a kiss that burns the opponent. If it hits, she throws them against the opposite wall. Great as a combo ender.
MB Version: Causes a wall bounce. Good for extending combos.​
  • Regular grab: She does this, causing the opponent to blast away. She first carries them to the opposite side if it is a reverse grab, then blasts them away.
  • Backdraft: By making an explosion behind the opponent, Starfire can pull enemies towards her with a fiery backdraft. This doesn't do damage; it works like Storm and Magneto's pulls in MvC3.
Why this? This works well with her fire trails, and is an awesome way of extending combos if the opponent ends up too far away.​
  • Starbolt Barrage: This is a projectile technique used by Juri in Street Fighter,Fuhajin. Starfire quickly releases a barrage of Starbolts which can hit opponents that are grounded. If held down, she can proceed to fight as normal. When the button is released, she can immediately cancel into Starbolt Barrage.
MB Version: Becomes a laser that releases much quicker and crumples the opponent. Kind of like Doctor Doom's Plasma Beam in Mvc3. Would work awesomely with Backdraft.​
Huh? Depending on the button pressed, the trajectory of the projectile changes. This means that she can release multiple bolts at different trajectories in very quick succession. This is Starfire's main zoning tool, and it is great for extending combos because it can be held and cancelled into. These can be activated in the air - not only making it an insane harassment tool with her float, but also turning it into a great combo ender if Starfire is in the air and the enemy is grounded.​

Wall of text, I know... Thread's been a bit dead, though, and I really want her in the game. :p I like thinking about creative design and movesets for characters; it's my dream to do stuff like this one day. I know it's crazy, don't judge me. :oops: What do you think?

Brainiac could be a defensive zoner that utilizes replications, drones, and psychokinetic traps to mix up his opponent and deliver devastating damage when he opens up the opponent. With his superhuman strength, Brainiac could have heavy, impactful normals. I made sure that Psychokinesis came up in his specials, as I believe it's one of his most interesting powers.​

  • TRAIT - Replication: Similar to Morrigan's Astral Vision, Brainiac could replicate himself on the other side of the opponent, duplicating his attacks. I made this his trait because it would be insane without a cooldown as a normal special.
  • SUPER - Skull Ship: Brainiac's super would be a great way of bringing his signature Skull Ship into the game.
  • Psychokinetic Traps: Ground, machine-like traps that control the opponent's mind and forces them to walk towards or away from him. Good for opening the opponent up to combos.
    • MB Versions - Possession: Meter burned version of Brainiac's Psychokinetic Traps, turning his traps into command grabs that stun the opponent by forcing them to walk towards or away from him. Great as a combo extender if you make them walk towards him, or a combo finisher if you choose to make them walk away from him.
  • Robot Army: The heart of Brainiac's zoning comes from his ability to summon machine aliens and drones from his robotic army. By attacking from different angles, Brainiac's robots can be devastating when mixed with his slow-striking normals, psychokinetic traps, and especially his replication trait. When meter burned, Brainiac's robots gain the ability to do one of the following:
    • Transform into independent firing turrets
    • Cause ground or wall bounces
    • Juggle opponents by pushing them away or throwing them towards Brainiac
    • Grab stun the opponent
Without meter, Brainiac's robots are great zoning tools that mix-up the opponent and work as great combo finishers. When meter burned, Brainiac's robots can work as combo extenders. Summoning turrets is a great way of allowing Brainiac to use his replication to its full potential, effectively turning him into a mix-up, zoning monster. Turrets could also push back the opponent far enough into a psychokinetic trap, forcing them into a dangerous position.

Overall, I would describe his moveset as a mix between Black Adam (traps/normals), Raven (combo extension/meter burns), and Lex Luthor (mix-ups/zoning). Maybe even a little bit like Magneto in MvC3. However, I think his turrets and replication add a lot of depth to him, building an even more unique playstyle.
Swingline Trait:
Trait - Swingline: Batgirl kicks the opponent as she swings towards the opposite wall. Batgirl can cancel swingline to fall to the ground, or cancel it by using an attack move. If Swingline is not cancelled, Batgirl sticks to the opposite wall and can move up or down.
  • Similar to Hawkgirl's flight, Batgirl cannot block and has different normals while she is swinging or hanging on the wall, such as a drop kick. Batgirl can also throw her projectiles while swinging or while hanging on the wall.
Bolas: Batgirl swings her bola towards the opponent, tying them up if the hit connects.
  • MB Version: Batgirl ties the opponent up and pulls them towards her.
Tear Gas: Batgirl throws tear gas, slowly covering up the screen with gas. Useful with Swingline! Can only see the fighters' shadows.
  • MB Version - Smoke Bomb: Smoke slowly covers up the screen, and the opponent's next attack will miss. Cannot see fighters at all.
Sonic Batarang: Batgirl throws a Sonic Batarang on the floor. The distance must be controlled. After a brief delay, the batarang activates, damaging and stunning the opponent if they are near it.
  • MB Version: Rather than throwing the batarang on the floor, the batarang will hit the opponent, immediately activating the sonic shock.
Evade Stance: (I originally had this for Black Canary, but...)
Evade Stance: Batgirl uses her cape to evade an attack, briefly putting herself in an attack stance (similar to Raphael in Soul Calibur). Inputting a button while in this stance will immediately activate certain special moves. Stance can be cancelled earlier by moving.
  • Command Grab - Roundhouse Kick - Batgirl does a roundhouse kick that floors the opponent as she pulls their leg (Dragunov from Tekken!) This can be activated independently without using Evade.
  • Cape Flourish: Batgirl flourishes her cape, dazing the enemy without dealing damage. This can only be activated by using Evade.
  • Bat Swarm: Batgirl punches the ground, surrounding herself with a swarm of mechanical bats that knock the enemy away. This can only be activated by using Evade.
What do you guys think? I tried to make her as far from Batman as possible. I think by giving her two unique mechanics: Swingline and Evade Stance, she becomes nothing like him.​

EDIT: Gonna add Black Canary and Obsidian to this post soon, or I'll make another post if someone else replies. Probably after my math exam tomorrow lol. >.O I already made a little bit of their movesets, but I didn't do a full write up. And maybe later I'll do some other people like Poison Ivy and Zatanna.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
I posted a thread on the character in my avatar before, but it was nearly a year ago. Figured I'll add my reasoning behind The Ray here since randomdude pm-ed me hoping for it.

Its no secret from my post history or avatar that I'm longshot hoping for The Ray. Most people don't know who he is so I thought I'd make a thread for folks to enjoy finding out about a character from the DC mythos that has off and on been a big player for them and why I keep hoping for him in this game.

THE ORIGINAL GOLDEN AGE aka not The Ray I'm pushing for just background on the character history

The Ray was originally a Golden Age hero named Langford Terrill and was one of the most prominent heroes of his day in comic books. He was legit one of the big guys on the shelf like Superman Aquaman and Wonder Woman were during the Golden Age. This character was the headliner for the old Golden Age super team "Freedom Fighters" for awhile and this team recently made an appearance on Batman the Brave and the Bold to showcase this golden age group.
This group however was pretty campy and the original Ray dissappeared for years.

In the 90's around the time of Superboy's rise to stardom this character's son was brought in to fill his shoes and for about 2 years was in EVERYTHING DC comics did. His name is Raymond Terrill and he has appeared in 2 series of his own, was a member of the Justice League and Justice League Task Force, got used in Youngblood as a member, and was even recently given a reboot attempt in New 52 (although this was not the same Ray and said character even mentions he is ripping off the REAL Ray of that world).

During the 90's The Ray was probably the most visually spectacular character DC had and he attracted a lot of readers to comics due to how colorful and impressive his action scenes played out with his unique visual look that his energy powers had. This however lead to his decline since it meant any comic that was failing would inevitably get him thrust into its team to try to boost sales eventually leading to his face on too many failed comics. However, DC has never given up on him and in recent years even brought back the Freedom Force just to use him again with an updated look before New 52. He was also featured in Final Crisis distributing the daily planet worldwide during the catastrophe to keep the world united on a global front on what was happening when communications across the globe went down.


Also he can bend light around himself and others to become invisible...I forgot to add that one.

Plus historically speaking he KO-ed Superboy in one punch in his first comic and since he did it WITHOUT resorting to emitting Red Sunlight first so you can only imagine how awesome he is versus Kryptonians...sad he didn't get in for the Story. He'd have been a real threat to bring in to help vs Superman from the New 52 Earth.

He actually taught Superman to use his energy powers during the whole blue/red energy Superman thing in the 90s.
The Ray is the ONLY Omega level power the government has ever employed. Even their Suicide Squad never had anyone on his level and their other standby go to hero Captain Atom doesn't have the level of power The Ray does as is made abundantly clear from their various clashes as well as in Kingdom Come.

The Ray would have offered a lot to the story given his powers and government ties along with his connection to Superman but that failing he is still a great pick in terms of moveset potential and costumes. He has had multiple iterations across different eras and timelines that you could use for story based mission modes as the Red Son alts hint at.

This is why I'm after this character. Hope you enjoyed this.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Also The Ray was in Young Justice the comic and a bunch of other groups including Youngblood, The Justice League and Justice League Task Force So he has a lot of history with most of the cast to use for Clash dialogue.

Also he got booty called by Black Canary ;)
Clash dialogue with Green Arrow would be amazing.

(Later after the booty call and one hilarious mid air celebration the next morning involving The Ray singing Maceo and dance partying in the sky and then having a light construct put a James Brown style ending towel over him that he flings off to start dancing with again lol...)



I added Batgirl to my post since she seems to be a DLC character now.

Swingline Trait:
Trait - Swingline: Batgirl kicks the opponent as she swings towards the opposite wall. Batgirl can cancel swingline to fall to the ground, or cancel it by using an attack move. If Swingline is not cancelled, Batgirl sticks to the opposite wall and can move up or down.
  • Similar to Hawkgirl's flight, Batgirl cannot block and has different normals while she is swinging or hanging on the wall, such as a drop kick. Batgirl can also throw her projectiles while swinging or while hanging on the wall.
Bolas: Batgirl swings her bola towards the opponent, tying them up if the hit connects.
  • MB Version: Batgirl ties the opponent up and pulls them towards her.
Tear Gas: Batgirl throws tear gas, slowly covering up the screen with gas. Useful with Swingline! Can only see the fighters' shadows.
  • MB Version - Smoke Bomb: Smoke slowly covers up the screen, and the opponent's next attack will miss. Cannot see fighters at all.
Sonic Batarang: Batgirl throws a Sonic Batarang on the floor. The distance must be controlled. After a brief delay, the batarang activates, damaging and stunning the opponent if they are near it.
  • MB Version: Rather than throwing the batarang on the floor, the batarang will hit the opponent, immediately activating the sonic shock.
Evade Stance: (I originally had this for Black Canary, but...)
Evade Stance: Batgirl uses her cape to evade an attack, briefly putting herself in an attack stance (similar to Raphael in Soul Calibur). Inputting a button while in this stance will immediately activate certain special moves. Stance can be cancelled earlier by moving.
  • Command Grab - Roundhouse Kick - Batgirl does a roundhouse kick that floors the opponent as she pulls their leg (Dragunov from Tekken!) This can be activated independently without using Evade.
  • Cape Flourish: Batgirl flourishes her cape, dazing the enemy without dealing damage. This can only be activated by using Evade.
  • Bat Swarm: Batgirl punches the ground, surrounding herself with a swarm of mechanical bats that knock the enemy away. This can only be activated by using Evade.
What do you guys think? I tried to make her as far from Batman as possible. I think by giving her two unique mechanics: Swingline and Evade Stance, she becomes nothing like him.​
That Black Canary one that you did randomdude was similar to the one I made in a YouTube video :)

I made two videos a few weeks ago listing moves, traits, etc.


Black Canary