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Request: Chameleon and Khameleon


Scrublord McGee
-Playstyle: Punish/Zoning/Meter-reliant
-Notable Normals:
---B3: Scorpion's F4; can be cancelled into Spear or TKP
---B2: Smokes's B2; can be cancelled into Spear or TKP
---B1: Ermac's B1, except no crumple if fully charged; can be cancelled into Spear or TKP
---3,2,1: Reptile's 3,2,1, except it juggles; can be cancelled at any point into Spear or TKP
---Elbow Dash stolen from Reptile; EN version starts a juggle
---Teleport Punch stolen from Smoke: EN version starts a juggle
---Spear stolen from Scorpion, except does not stun; EN version has armor and stuns
---TKP stolen from Ermac; EN version has armor and stuns

-Playstyle: Punish/Rushdown/Meter-reliant
-Notable Normals:
---B+2, 2, 1 (stolen from Jade's F+2, 1, 2)
---1, 3 (stolen from Mileena's 2)
---Square Wave stolen from Kitana; EN version has armor and is faster
---Ball Roll stolen from Mileena, except does not start a juggle; EN version has armor and is faster
---Flash stolen from Jade; EN version is the same
---Blood Drop stolen from Skarlet; EN version has armor and is faster


I don't play Runescape
For Khameleon
B+2, 2, 1 (stolen from Jade's F+2, 1, 2)
1, 3 (Stolen from Mileena's 2)

What do you think of a costume design similar to Reptile's alt?


Scrublord McGee
For Khameleon
B+2, 2, 1 (stolen from Jade's F+2, 1, 2)
1, 3 (Stolen from Mileena's 2)

What do you think of a costume design similar to Reptile's alt?
Hehehe: I'll go ahead and give some more feedback on your concept if ya help out with mine ^_^

Anyhow, Costume 2 or MK 1? If Costume 2, I liked the armored vest design on the ninjas that have them (Scorpion, Reptile, and I believe Smoke), but for C/Khameleon, I'm thinking a more generic armor vest would work. I'd also like to see translucent skin (not clothes) with only glowing eyes.


I don't play Runescape
See I was thinking about the skin. For some things I thought it was pretty cool, like Kameleon's hair, but not their skin. I say the Reptile Costume 2 because I know a lot of people want Human Reptile and Lizard Reptile. Since they're both Saurians you could have both designs. But I like the idea of a generic armor vest, a bit more. Maybe because white would look better on it.

Glowing eyes would be pretty cool, if they don't stand out to much (like Rage eyes) I think they'd rock in fact. Give a darker look to them that Reppy doesn't have.