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Reptile= safest fighting game character ever?


I need help...Desperately. Reptile is THE only character in this game that gives me trouble. He has to be the safest character in this game. from his run to his magical safe acid ball of death. He can use the acid ball UP CLOSE! and get away with it. Why? Cuz he's Reptile. Makes no since.

His when you block his run he can just poke the chicken shit out of you and there's barely anything you can do about it. Since I use Quan all I can do is use Trance and hope I catch him.

Reptile=best in MK9? No one in the game needs to be nerfed more then this Mo fo lol

Immortal Reaver

Team Sub-Zero
Jump his close force balls, land with a jump punch then combo. Smoke is pretty good against Reptile. You can stay back and shake the projectiles, or smoke through them to punish.


NJ Jobber
you can punish blocked run. You can punish up close acid ball. If you are fast, you can sometimes punish acid hand on block. He is not a broken char and DOES NOT need another nerf.


Crazy 88 king
As a reptile user I can say make use of quans fast uppercuts.Be carefull trying to punish the elbow dash it recovers quick.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
His dash isn't safe...you just have to be fast to punish it. EX dash, Quan Chi can uppercut between the first and second hit if it's crouch blocked.

Reptile's best strings are safe, but only 1 of them actually leads to damage anywhere on the screen, so it's not like he's gonna always have high/low mixups that really hurt.


It must've just been online or something because I couldn't do ANYTHING vs his run other then a little poke. Or is Quan just a slow puncher? The guy I faced every time he did the run and I blocked it all he had to do was jump back and bam he wins. close up acid ball to pokes?! It was crazy. I was honestly getting mad lol.


Reptile definitley doesn't need another nerf. His Elbow Dash is dangerous and punishable by the quick. Teleporters seem to work well against him. Still exploring...

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Yeah, no...Reptile doesn't need another nerf. I get annihilated by rush heavy characters with Reptile. Liu Kang makes me want to just chuck my controller when I play him. Ironically once I started playing Reptile solely all I've seen is Liu Kang...hate that bastard. One string and I'm just going for a ride.

Corner Reptile, and block his dash, his wakeup options are so bad that all you can do is just lay there without fear of punishment by another full fledged combo. He's a difficult character to master, this is coming from someone who used to main Kano...now that character takes little to no learning curve with a ridiculous edge on most characters.


Monster Island Tournaments
Not by any means although playing online vs Reptile can be deceiving if the connection isn't strong. I use Reptile and have faced a few Reptiles and trust me you can punish a blocked elbow dash (thank you THTB lol).

If the connection is laggy, it will seem like you can't punish the elbow dash so don't take the online matches so seriously. Rep already got nerfed pretty hardcore so he definitely doesn't need another.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Yeah...laggy matches as Reptile makes me just default the match. Can't dash, can't do his advanced combos, etc. Kills his tools completly.

Dandy J

i can see all the amine
youre playing online and most of quan chis normals are slow. like thtb said his uppercut is fast, try that. but yea, lots of things are very awesome online


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
If I'm not mistaken, Quan Chi can just do 112 xx trance, 11 xx teleport, then proceed to his offense. Or you can just uppercut...Quan Chi's uppercut is one of the faster ones.


Can we make a sticky stating that people aren't allowed to complain about things being "safe" online?


Reptile elbow dash is unsafe on block, I dunno Quan Chi punishers but at least you can punish him with uppercut
also his slide is unsafe too


Yeah, it took awhile for me to realize that I was playing online and for some reason the properties on moves get changed crucially. Online makes my Shang Tsung look like a total monster but when when I went to practice mode I couldn't move so fast anymore. When is this online patch coming out by the way? I don't have a redeem code (Gamefly) and I've been lucky enough because of the PS store being down