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Reptile Combo Linker to practice mix up

Been working on juggles into a 12 hit combo i just cant get the timing down. Maybe You guys can have some practice and help me out.

Start with a Jump LP then you do a quick combo of X X Y then Slow force ball then link them in the air with A,Y then juggle them with a Fast force ball finally ending the combo with A,Y,X to a POWER SLIDE.

so its Jump or juggle to X,Y,Y SLOW BALL,A,Y,FAST BALL,A,Y,X,POWERSLIDE
i do slow or fast ball 32 slow or fast ball 321 slide or ex slide for 30/32% damage

thats all i can do cuz im not used to the combo system yet

1 - FP
2 - BP
3 - FK
4 - BK

Ninja Edit: 321, run-dash, NJ Punch, slow ball, 32, fastball, 321 ex slide is my new BnB. (47%)


Jesus Fucking Christ
The best I've gotten is 50% midscreen with Reptile. Jump-in BP FK,BP,FP into dash-punch, jump launch as you pass under the opponent, FK,BP into fastball, slowball, FK,BP,FP into EX slide. You can throw his forcehand thing in there to extend, much easier to pull off these strings in the corner.

The combo systems feels funny coming from UMK3 where specials have to be input on contact. In this game it's a matter of succession. So doing 321-dash means you're buffering directions during the 321 and following IMMEDIATELY with backpunch to get the dash-punch cancel, as if it were part of the chain.

NINJA EDIT: Just saw your ninja edit, Roll. We have the same combo with the last bit swapped. I tried throwing an extra FP between forceballs but didn't have luck. I'll see if I can add any hits. I hope NRS doesn't fuck with Reptile, he's a blast to combo with.