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Question - Reptile Reptile BNB's


fear the moobs
Can someone tell me all the bnb's more all his variations. i feel like there's way too many threads showing way too many combos and i'm a lazy gamer. I'll update this with whatever anyone posts to help the other lazy gamers


Lol good luck bro. When it comes to reptile...coming in these threads expecting a solid go too place is a needle in haystack. Reptile has way too many options for combos and damage for variations. And everyones already burnt out for typing them and putting up links for sources to them for the 999th time in every other threads. So noones gonna help here.

Im suprised ppl actually responded to my last attempts at getting information about combos, cuz i dont keep up. Lol must have caught them in a good mood


im sure if it was any other character..wouldnt be a prob, but reptile...... and theres a nimble variation too? aw man..too many bnbs and everything.


NRS, Guilty Gear, and KI, the holy trinity
F412 bf2 f21 1+3 mb F412 bf4
B2 F21 1+3 mb NJP JIP f21 1+3
B3 EXdb2 NJP JIP F21 1+3.
these are the ones I use as a casual reptile that rarely used the character