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Remembering the last 4 days...

Tim Static

So this weekend has brought us some fairly significant anniversaries in the music world, so i wanted to make a thread dedicated to these 4 very special, and sad dates.

This past Saturday, September 24, was the 20th anniversary of the day Nirvana's Nevermind was released to the world. May have been the most important album released ever, and if you were't old enough, or even born or alive at that time, you may not get what I mean. Think of a decade of glam, over the top, big hair, pretty boy music of the 80's (allbeit, some of that shit was good...but....) then things just getting ridiculously boring and stupid....then this comes outta nowhere:

It wasnt even the best song on the album, but it set the tone for the coming years.....and one of the best things about what Nirvana did was it helped introduce me to music & bands I might of never of heard of had it not been for that song & album. It literally changed everything, and it was such a great breath of fresh air. (Fun Fact: a friend of my older sister made the Smells Like Teen Spirit video too! lol)

Then yesterday, September 25th was the 31st anniversary of the death of legendary Led Zeppelin drummer John Bonham. Not only was Bonzo one of the best drummers of all time, but he was a huge influence on me deciding to play drums, and how i played the drums. No one hit as hard as Bonham and no one sounded like him. Legendary doesnt even quite describe what and how this man should be represented in his life, and after in death. Died way too young, and the fact it was an accident still bugs me. Cant believe he's been dead now for about as long as he was alive. RIP Bonzo.

Then today, September 27th, is the 25th Anniversary of the bus accident that killed Cliff Burton in southern Sweden while touring for the Master of Puppets album. Cliff was and is still widely considered one of the best bass players ever, and the best bass player in the metal genre. He was pure musical genius, adding so much to an already very good band. I could go on and on, but just listen to the music he made. Check the DVD "Cliff 'Em All" and just watch how great he was. Another, taken from us way too soon. I was only 8 when he died, but i already had Ride and Puppets on cassette. haha. RIP Cliff.

Thank you for reading. This stuff is important in my life. :coffee:


All of the big hair, glam rock of the 80s was good. (I'm exaggerating but I actually do listen to it on almost a daily basis.)

Regardless, this was a very good post and a very good read. So here's to a week of sad moments in rock history.
