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Reflection done on the Kommunity


Hey guys,

I've been a member of the MK "Kommunity" for a very long time. It has had it's ups, it's downs, and it's uglies. None the less, this community has survived a lot and grown, even evolved. People have stepped up, contributed some amazing work, some great gameplay and really done a lot for this place. I think Storms, Tim Static and the rest of the admins aren't thanked enough for their contributions here to be perfectly honest. These guys really do create a hell of an atmosphere for all of us to talk gameplay, right down to character forums. They put a lot of love and time into this site, some of which we will never see. And the rest of you really put forth great arguments that are passionate about characters, frame data, tier lists, etc. It makes this place a wealth of knowledge. I've met some of you at GGA, some of you I haven't. But each of you here, have made this place one of the best MK places on the net that I have ever been. Not direspect to other sites that are out there (they are good too!), but this place really makes me feel right at home and all of you make it that way. Thanks for accepting some shy kid who enjoyed putting up his quarters as a kid to play his round at MK (being me). Thanks for your creative ideas, input on characters, and advice. I'm proud to call the TYM community my friends. I'm glad and hope some day you all get to drop out to Galloping Ghost and hang out with me and the other great people there. I don't think this community gets enough love at times. But you should. You've all got the same passion I have, to play fighting games, MK, and share it with a lot of love.

God bless you dudes (and dudettes) on this holiday weekend. I hope you are all safe, sober and having fun. I'm so lucky to be part of this place.