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Really annoying ranked problem.


Reppin' The Royalty!
hey fellas, I dont know if this has allready been posted about, But sometimes when i go into a ranked match, i wont be able to do anything at the Fighter select screen, apart from change the Stage (So helpful <.< ) or quit. neither Mine nor my opponents Gamertag will show up, And the screen will stay like this untill i either quit, or annoyingly yank on my net cable. Now im not a rage quitter, i hate them.. and would never yank because i've lost.. but this is the only way i can think of not to give my opponent a free win. Luckily though, One of the opponents name was easy to remember and i messaged him, clearly stating he wasnt getting a free win off of me, He then replied with somthing along the lines of " Im doing it for the Multi achievement, get off your high horse" Which leads me to believe its actually controllable by the said opponent your facing? - Anyways, just wanted to know if any of you have had the same problem.
- CSB.
Just thought i'd post the name of the guy. His XBL is Boegany.


Kitana Prime aka MK's Rated R Superstar
This happens to maybe once or twice everytime I get on and when it happens I just back out or 'quit' as you put it.

I don't get a win or a loss for it. Ever.


Come On Die Young
This happened to me once too, I wasn't sure if it was controllable or just a random glitch.


Kitana Prime aka MK's Rated R Superstar
Yeah, just about anytime it happens, I check my W/L and it doesnt change.

Then, after my next match I check again just to see the changes. Only my most recent matchup result shows so I know 2 matches are not being accounted for.


This is abused by some people.

I -think- what people do is as soon as they see their opponent, if they are afraid they are going to lose the eject the disc from the console.

I know for a fact that Wilsonjbandera on the PS3 1v1 ladder abuses the hell out of this. hes awful, has 4k+ wins and less than 1k losses. I beat him a couple of times easily, mystified at how he got the record he has. and ever since when I get matched up with him the above scenario described happens and I get a 'pu$$y' email after.

I ask him how many disconnects he has and he wont answer, you can only see disconnects in chat rooms not their ranked disconnects.

Vulcan Hades

Franakin7 tried to pull that one on me and I made him wait like an idiot for a couple of hours lol. I'm guessing this gives him auto-wins.

Now whenever it happens to me I just quit. I don't really care anymore.


Kitana Prime aka MK's Rated R Superstar

Never take the MK online leaderboard positions for skill.
It's based on the # of wins you have. It just means you play alot.
There's more than a handful of Top 100 ranked dudes on XBL that make me scratch my head at times.
However, there are also some REALLY GOOD players sprinkled throughout.
Basically, the 'good'/'bad' balance is there so you cant take records for anything.
NO ONE is unbeatable.

Remember, you can respect the player, but play the character!

Top 100 XBL, highly annoying, please dont jump or I'll take 35%+, Kitana player,


Grodd for Injustice 3
Leaderboards don't really reflect skill or anything, so just back out and move on

Lt. Boxy Angelman

I don't bother with Ranked Matches. Not worth the frustration.

Zyns, I do believe there are ponies dancing around your Shaolin Monk's head...

...Pony Tier?


Reppin' The Royalty!
No, its not that i care about my W/L - because that means nothing.. i just hate giving them the satisfaction of a free win, because there so unwilling to at least try and win. the only way your gonna get better at this game is to have you ass handed to you on a plate a good coupla times, and realise your mistakes and work on them. Using this shit online helps no one.


While I want to think its not within the realm of possibility its likely possible.

However at the same time theres a lot of discprencies in the record system as apparently in ranked 1v1 the highest combo ever was for 261% damage with Noob Saibot.

I like to think it happened :D

I used Xbox from release to 1.04 and with the patch I stayed on PSN where a version of this bug occurs however it doesn't fuck up the game you just don't see their name its just blank.

They can plug and quit like it were a normal game.

I have a video if it happening for PSN if you'd like for me to find it.

Before the match the stats page reads blank and only from within the 'players met' field on PS3 can you find out who they were.


Meh, all the more reason ranked matches are a waste of time. It also reinforces the notion that online ranking is meaningless. Say you were to get first on the leader board, chances are the vast majority of people will just assume your a plug puller.
It comes from your opponent quitting lol

I thought it was a glitch at first but then when it happened 3 times in a row w/ the same dude i thought it was too crazy to be coincidental


It's happened to me before. Sometimes when I win it says game session no longer available and my win doesn't count. Just ignore records, they don;t mean squat, especially in this game where the online is so laggy, atrocious, and random.