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Razer Onza

Anyone have any experience with this? If so how is it for MK9/SF4/MVC3? Looking to get a new pad and need to get as much info as possible. Sorry if this is in the wrong section, please move if it is.


Heard from several sources it's absolute crap. Never heard anything good about it.

In the beginning I was very anti-stick for MK and I searched around a good bit and even ended up buying that $60 silver 360 controller with the Option Select dpad thinking it was the best I was going to find.

I'm back to playing on TE Stick and waiting for a good opportunity to try out a hitbox for the game.


EDIT: Longer version, I find that for consistency/speed when using pad I constantly have to switch between Analog and DPad.

Example: For Kano "instant back airball" (think instant fireball--you never jump, you just airball down from standing basically) is a relatively easy UB~U~UF~F but "instant forward airball"'s Uf~f~df~d~db~b~f is simply too slow (for me anyways) to perform on DPad--I end up wasting frames during input and then starting the roll from too high (and thus eating up even more frames) on a regular basis. Analog, of course, solves this problem but then I lose out on the accuracy of the DPad for combos unless I'm constantly switching between the two methods. This works out fine EXCEPT that it now introduces a delay in between every switch, the possibility of accidentally hitting an erroneous input on the analog every time you switch up to it, and, in the end, the whole thing just feels like a big pain in the ass.

Conversely, getting used to block button in the weird position on stick (I come from a Soulcalibur background) didn't end up being that bad after all.