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Tech Raven b3 mix ups


My blades will find your heart
I always end up trying to follow up a B3 midscreen and get blown up for it. Never thought about using throws, nice find.

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
I always end up trying to follow up a B3 midscreen and get blown up for it. Never thought about using throws, nice find.
Really? Her throw is one of the best in the game in terms of animation.. Lots of people kan't react to it or need to adjust to it to tech it on reaction.


Good job working out some options if they low-block the b3. Couple of questions:

1) is b2 actually throw immune or are you just hitting them before the throw connects? You're at +11 and throws have a 10f start-up so it takes them 21f before the throw connects, where-as the b2 will connect on frame 16.
2) I nearly soiled myself with excitement when I saw j1~teleport~j1 but then realised it didn't combo. How much of a gap does the opponent have to poke out? If it can beat d2s then that is seriously legit. If not then it's still worth a yolo to try and catch them off guard.

And lol her throw is so dirty :p