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Random Access Memories


Go to hell.
So, the album has been out since Tuesday, I was wondering what everyone thought. If you haven't heard it, here it is on YouTube. The song name as it is being played is in the bottom left corner.
And here is a great remix, so good I have to throw it in

I like it, honestly. It really is different, but it's the evolution of the artist. I need to listen more, some of the tracks are definitely a miss with me, but I do love some of the others. Get Lucky is a current favorite.


Go to hell.
Is that a BUMP in the night?

No, it's just your mom's head slamming against the headboard.

Tim Static

Its very very good. Isn't the Daft Punk everyone's used to, but that is a good thing. An artist can only keep doing the same thing over until it gets boring & stale. Pushing the boundaries a artist sets forth is a great thing. *cough Metallica cough*.


Both of the Pharrel tracks are good. I'm not really feeling the whole album though.

Edit: I recorded the album off if iTunes, so I have listened to the whole thing a few times.