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I initially dropped rain because negative was messing up really bad. i would get random geyser kicks during my rhk cancels. I decided to look pass that and revisit my favorite character. after being in the lab with Rain i found yet another problem.

If you mash 4 or 3 really fast rain does stance changes rather than his 33 or 4 3 strings. I was doing ladder and i would try to do the strings on approaching opponents repeatedly. I would randomly get stance changes. (actually it may only be his 4 3 string)

Initially i taught my qanba fightstick was messed up so i tried it with both of my ps3 controllers and my Madcats sf x tekken limited edition TE stick and i got the same result. Has anybody else had this problem?

It seems to me like this could be a major problem. In the heat of the moment when your nervous and input you buttons faster than usual you get a stance change rather than a normal attack and lose. Is like Rain has his own unique input bug. Is this something you run into a lot or is it just me cause i just started using the character today?.


Go to hell.
Never. I used to main Rain and I did so on the glitchy ass MKKE, and this never once happened.

And why are all these people yelling in the thread title? Does it get our attention more when we have the sensation we are being yelled at in type?


24 Low Hat!
4+3 is another input for the stance change button. Thats why you can do an xray as 4+3 block, because the game reads the 4+3 as a stance change and will execute the xray.

This affects every character, but probably Rain most frequently because of his ever-important 43 string. Just do the inputs slower and you'll be fine.


good to know. so it is because I'm a rain rook. LOL I literately tested it with all 4 of my controllers. i didn't know 43 was a stance change for every character. This could be problematic since i like to hit my buttons really close to each other. Thanks guys. I was surprised no one mentioned this before in the rain forums