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Breakthrough Rain Forum Revitalization


What's a Smarrgasm?
Alright guys, I've been pretty lazy so far with my modship regarding this character. Most of that attributes to school and the level of interest i have for the game diminishing. However, I am working on a big project for the forum that should bring about some more discussion and hopefully, excitement toward the character. I have already BUMP'd a couple old but good threads and am looking to do a couple huge write-ups next week after my dreaded calc test :mad:. I will be completely redoing my matchup chart, doing a pressure guide, some write ups on overall strategy, and i will also look into exploring some more with the character and throwing around ideas with other rain players. So look forward to this guys seeing as this forum has become lethargic over the past couple weeks.

Bee tee dubs- YOURE ALL AWESOME;)


As long as we don't see Rain in tourney, his thread won't work ^^ We need our 'Rain Madzin'.

Anyway, if I can help (recording something or wathever), let me know.