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This is my first real thread on here outside of the introductory one I made so bare with me. If this is the wrong section to ask this, I apologize.

I've been browsing this site for a long time now, prepping myself for when I finally got MK9. Well, I finally got it, but here's the thing. I find myself unable to do anything online.

I've practice combos out the ass, I've got them down, pull them off seamlessly against Expert computer, yeah, not a big achievement I know, but still doesn't explain why I fumble around online.

I think MK9 had shown to me that I have a case of performance anxiety and I cannot, for the life of me, pull off any combo I've learned for any character whether it be Cyrax, Kabal, Sub Zero, Reptile, you name the character I've studied it practiced it for hours since I've gotten the game before I ever went online.

I can do them just fine against my friends in real life which is really odd, think that it would affect me there too, eh?

The question is, why is this just now showing up? Any other game I play that involves online whether it's a MOBA like Bloodline Champions or an FPS like TF2 and the such. I perform perfectly in those games. It truly baffles me as to why I cannot do anything in a fighting game.

Any ways to truly counter this? This problem has plagued me since I started online and now my record is atrocious because of it, it's irritating to no end.

Thanks for reading my wall-o-text, sorry again if this is misplaced, figured it would go here since it affects my gameplay.


Also, if you want to add me to PSN to chat with me there or, hell, get a free win on your record, go for it.


I know this sucks to hear but:
1. Online sucks
2. Your friends may suck.
3. Some People are good.
4. Practice

I'm pretty realistic so hopefully I didn't offend. I think, that with practice the anxiety will go away. You will drop combos, it happens dont get discouraged. Play music, it always gets me playing ten time better(IDK why). I think the reason you can't do well in fighting games is because you haven't commited yourself. I was in the same boat as you, I used to be pretty beast in CoD (OH MY) 3.0kd average. But once I started Fighters I sucked ass, then I commited myself to getting better and now I can say I'm halfway decent. But about the fps, now I'm just trash at them. =D Just keep playing, don't worry, and you'll get the hang of it.


Online does sort of limit your options but pulling off combos shouldn't necessarily be an option it limits.

I've always sort of lived by the rule that if I can pull it off 10 times in a row in training mode than I will pull it off maybe half of the time in a real match. Playing real competition is very different than training mode because you need to run through the motions of knowing when it is practical to do the combos you have practiced. That's why you need to take it one step at a time, take 1 or 2 things into training mode and get them down. Then focus on pulling them off in game (even though you will be losing) eventually you will unintentionally understand the situations in which it is practical to pull off what you have practiced and over time it will just become part of your muscle memory game. Repeat this learning process and eventually you will have a pretty big arsenal of options that give you the edge over your opponent.

Long story short: Just keep playing and trying to improve, you will get there.


A prop on the stage of life.
The thing is you may need to change up some ways you go about doing those combos. My friend jumps alot vs. me. When I start a combo and hit him but he jumped and is already in a juggle state I can't do the combo properly and he falls to the ground. If you can't land your combos online I suggest this: Instead of focusing on getting a combo, just simply annoy with sweep kicks, overheads, and throws. Just get little hits in that irritates your opponent into doing a special move. As long as its not raiden or reptile most of the cast will have moves that you can punish. This is where your combos come in. Not the little 3 hit ones either, the ones you've been working on. Now onto something I've noticed about jumpers. Sometimes its good to neutral jump punch if you suspect someone is going to do a jump in. You'll need to get combos down that work off a neutral jump punch in these cases. Most matches you won't be able to do your extended combos whenever you want and need to rely on being good with poke checks, overheads, and throws like I said above. Good luck on your online journey.