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Question on playing online competitively

My immediate area is pretty lame about organizing tournaments and having things where all the top gamers in the area can get together. So I was just wondering how many tournaments will there be online?

And on top of that, if I were to get very proficient at winning matches online, what would you say the learning curve would be to transferring those winning ways to IRL play...with the lag difference and all.

Thanks in advance, and I look forward to playing with you all
As far as I've seen not many tournaments are done online to often
All I've really seen are the full sponsorship ones ran by level - up and EVO

If you played super there were people who ran streamed lobbies (PJS) with random events he did, thats all I really know of. There are a number of things that can go wrong with an online tournament.


I went online for a bit today... completely unplayable unless you just want to mash or spam. The match making system is kind of bad as well, for instance before you accept a regular player match they tell you everything about the guy your playing except for the connection speed which is the only thing that matters disregarding DCs. Ranked matches don't even bother giving you the option to accept, it just pits you against some idiot who can't figure out what character he wants to play.

That said, I haven't completely lost hope for online play and am hoping for a patch in the next month or so.
I went online for a bit today... completely unplayable unless you just want to mash or spam. The match making system is kind of bad as well, for instance before you accept a regular player match they tell you everything about the guy your playing except for the connection speed which is the only thing that matters disregarding DCs. Ranked matches don't even bother giving you the option to accept, it just pits you against some idiot who can't figure out what character he wants to play.

That said, I haven't completely lost hope for online play and am hoping for a patch in the next month or so.
Yea I played one match and only one match. Everything was a \good 1-2 seconds behind which is, as you said unplayable