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Question for all stick guys.


Noob Saibot
Hey everyone,

I learned a wealth if knowledge from this site so far by reading up on sticks and whatnot.

Anyway, my first time playing stick will be Tuesday when I get the BE of Injustice since the arcade days. I've been hearing mixed feelings both here and from google in speculation of the stick.

I am definitely getting the BE of the game but still want to pick up a "better" stick within the next week or so. My options are the following...

1. Eight arc Fusion

2. Quanba Q4RAF

3. Madcatz Tournament Edition

I'm kicking myself for not researching sooner and seeing that Madcatz had their tourney sticks on sale but that's the way of life.

I hoping to get to some offline your use this year and need something reliable, responsive, and comfortable.

I have Buckethead fingers so size doesn't matter all that much.

Thank you very much in advance for your help!