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Queen N'zinga (Culture exhange) Celebrating Independence day tomorrow

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
My country has suffered from slavery not so long ago, and as consequence has one of the richiest stories from the greatest african men that ever existed, for those who don't know, nearly 1000 years ago, africa was one of the most advanced realms that ever existed, there were unity between realms, when we got colonized, most of our infra structures, medicine and technologies were all destroyed, so don't believe everything you see today, some people, like myself still study the past of our continent.

Tomorrow will be Independence day, so i felt like sharing this Heroine, who among the great hierarchy of warriors who fought for the libertation of my kindom she is a turning point in the history who put things much more our favor since the time she lived, until the time she died.

The Queen Nzinga Mbandi N'gola is one of the fiercest females that ever existed in the world history. (I dunno who did the art, but he did a pretty good job)

Nzinga was Born in 1580, when Angola was started to be colonized by the portuguese. Prophets from the N'zambi Kingdom foretold that if N'zinga ever made to adult age and became queen, the kingdom's river would be flood with blood of her victims. They also foretold that the nation would be invaded by the white men coming from the overseas, and that i would bring deceases and starvation, wars, sadness and misery in Angola for sentries (i think we're still at it).

N'zinga has became an Angolan Icon and the sign of the strength within the african females.

Her personality suggest that she was a very dominant person, with lot of authority, definitely she was a arrogant bitch who killed lots of enemies and allies as well, she sent many men to death, specially the ones who betrayed her. (This behavior was fruit of her childhood, she spend her days playing with swords, spears and fighting within the royal guard and sitting side by side her father in the throne room when she wasn't training)

In Portugal she is known as Mrs. Ana de Sousa, but to us she is a Heroíne that definitely stands out among the many warriors Angola has produced as Ekuikui, Mandume, and of course, her N'zgola Lineage is very well known to produce the greatest warriors.
N'zinga is the daughter of the King N'gola Kiluange. She usurped the throne because her brother was too yong to rule when Kiluange died.

Her Habilities:
-Skilled Martial Artist (Bassula, which later evolved to capoeira, Antient Tomahawk's style, which is now lost, spear an shield fighting, Catana fighting)
-Skilled Hunter (N'zinga hunted since childhood)
-Exceptional marksman (Her weapon of choice used to be a very long bow with a very strong string, its believed had some insane range)
-Steath Skills

N'zing most popular portrait, the drawing was included in the history book from the 90's (great school days)

N'zinga's statue in the Heroine's park

Closer look

The name Angola came from the kings name, they all were name N'gola, the Portuguese added the "A" in it and became "aN'gola", its pronnounced "Ann -Goula"

Some of those names are native so i will go ahead and translate and breakdown some for you:

Bassula - it means sweep, its a martial Arts developed by fishermans, its grappling style with lots of sweeps based into Close Combat, they can fight in the sitting position or crouched, capoeira has a lot of base from it, the ground work included.

Angolan Catana - Different from the japanese, Angola's Katana is written with C and spelled the same way, it was a weapon developed to kill, and had multiple purposes, such as hunting, the slaves concealed the weapon as a tool for agriculture.
N'zambi - God.
Kimbanda - Warlock, where the prophets who had the visions, and they had magical powers, today they're still warlocks in my country, but they becomed evil and trick idiots into demise most of the time. (Lesson for another day)

This story is very real, and is very treasured in my country, because this person was a major character who started a revolution and succeeded on the battle against tiranny and slavery, but she was also somewhat evil (casuality of who she needed to be IMO), but she is a heroine well known and has statues and all those stuff, sadly no angolan ever developed a story around this i dunno why.