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Q&A's Regarding The Injustice Cast - ONLY ON PLAYSTATION 4!

Blind_Man is planning on streaming from his PS4 and doing a Q&A section to teach new players about his character, Raven. After Raven is done, he'll be doing Lobo with me, the most fraudulent Cage Redfield, since I do not have streaming equipment. If anyone else has this kind of problem and would love to educate the community on their characters, hit up ducky on Skype or here and try to get something settled.

We're trying to figure out a schedule, since Ducky is busy this week. If you're interested, try setting up a schedule with Ducky. Also, more than one character specialist can be added to the Q&A. For example, AK Glass_Sword, if he's interested, can cover Raven questions with Blind_Ducky.

Also, since this is being streamed from PS4, remember that this is NOT going to be archived. If you want to watch/be a part of this thing, you have to show up at the scheduled time agreed upon by the character specialists/Ducky.

Note: If you're down with this, you have to know that, due to this being streamed from his PS4, The stream will not hear you; Ducky will relay everything you say to the best of his abilities when you answer a question regarding your character.


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Raven Q&A session: Questions Answered on January 2nd, 2014.

Q: Favorite oki set up?
A: Ending a combo in the corner or midscreen with lift. If certain characters wake-up, the wake-up will be reversed. To do it, end a combo with lift, dash up, and jump 3.

Q: how do you deal with someone that's just prepared to sit there and wait out demon stance?
A: I continue pressuring them with pillars and pull. If every pillar hits, it does 20% chip, but some characters can interrupt pillar into pillar, like Zod. They have to eventually get in, even if they have a life-lead, so I wait for them to come to me.

Q: Favorite match up with Raven and why?
A: Probably GL? The matchup is balls for him, she does really well. She also does well against Hawkgirl.

Q: Batgirl vs Raven MU ?
A: Batgirl wins because I can't really zone her well, and she's a 50/50 vortex character, so she's dog shit.

Q: What can Martian Manhunter do against her...
A: He beats her, however he cannot zone her, unlike P2W's claim that he cannot be zoned. I can't really do pillar to pillar. When he's in trait, his normals fucking destroy me. He cannot use his zoning tools since they are all punished by Raven with soul crush or reflect. After OH tele on block, Raven loses the post-game mind-game.

Q: what's the best punish for OH tele blocked when crossing up?
A: D1 or 11 xx lift.

Q: what are Ravens best frametraps?
A: from f13, you kinda get a get a d1 check, but it'll be useless in the future. Same with 223 to d1.

Q: any stagger string?
A: B23 kidna counts, since theres a mix-up between canceling it or not. I can cancel it on lift, I can not cancel it and do soul crush or MBB3. There's a really good mind-game behind it.

Q: How does she use her air normals?
A: from the wake-up reversal setup, the jump 3 is crosses up. J2 is a really good air to air, she will win most of the air-to-air battles with it. J1 sometimes wins in some situations where J2 loses, so there might be a use for it. Deep J3's are + on block. She also has a 50/50 from MB Pull with an amiguous J3. If you delay it, it crosses up, if you do it faster, it doesn't. It's basically a vortex, since you can loop it.

Q: any use for Demon mode teleport, like offensively?
A: its her only true wake-up, so there's that. I have used it for punishing a read. Other than that, it leaves her in the air for a long time.

Q: Do you feel Raven will continue to get better over time as the meta evolves?
A: Well, 223 will become useless in the future since there's no mix-up to it. People will have a better understanding of how to deal with her demon stance. She'll probably have the same fate as Doomsday, where the character becomes worst over time and everyone learns how to fight her.

Q: what about her wake-up game?
A: it's shit, all her wake-ups can be stuffed fairly easily, like lift or soul crush. Her lift is -9, so if you can't stuff it, you can punish it.

Q: is delaying her wake-ups a good answer to meaties?
A: I dunno... lemme me test it. .... Yeah, it does actually help. It makes a good difference, but you can still just block and punish.

Q: ducky, what are some key things you do in the Green Lantern MU
A: You just want to zone him out. GL gets fuckin bodied in the matchup. He can punish soul crush in when in lift range, but his mobility is really bad for dealing with her zoning. You can also reflect all his zoning back at him for a full combo or just to eliminate his projectiles, even the rocket power to oa's rocket frame trap (you can't punish it, but you can reflect it back at him and fuck him over). Keep him out, if he does turbine to get in, he gets punished when doing it both on the ground or air. If he trades with pull, he can get full combo'd, so he can't risk trading rockets with her while she's in demon stance. He's only an issue in B1/lift range or when he opens her up.

Q: What are her harder MU's in your opinion?
A: Flash makes her trait totally useless, as well as soul crush. Pillar to Pillar can be interrupted with charge, but pillar to soul crush works. Her wakeups are all stuffable, so he can stuff them for 60%. He also out-footsie's me since B2 is amazing. He can't do anything about b23 with charge, but it's still a shit matchup. Grundy is also a bad matchup, since he armors through everything. If he opens me up and activates chip trait, I'm basically screwed because I can't really open him up anymore. He can also armor through all my zoning tools. DD isn't as bad as originally thought to be, it's only bad if he has trait up. It's a 5.5, like Superman. Aqua is also bad since he can just cancel into trident rush and she has to hold that. He can interrupt pillar to pillar with FTD. If he blocks a soul crush, he gets 2 free dashes.

Q: How do you feel about other armor heavy characters like Bane?
A: I think it's 5-5. A lot of Bane players think it's worse for Raven, but I can still kinda zone him out. Obviously if I try zoning him, he can charge through. He cannot dash inbetween pillars and I recover in time from throwing a shadow raven if he reacts with a charge to block in time.

Q: How's the scorpion matchup
A: It's 5-5. Raven has a setup where he cannot wake-up without taking a huge risk/putting him in the neutral game, which is shit. Also, I can reflect hellfire.

Q: Good advice for beginner players who are trying to break into the character?
A: Learn how to zone with her. You have no reason to rush in with her, unless you NEED to get the life-lead. Practice pillar placements. A big part of her game is reacting with the proper pillar placement during your pillar zoning. Online this is worthless, but it's very important offline. Be patient, get a life lead, chill out.

Q: is her MB reflect good?
A: it's good, but if you forward jump, you risk getting crushed.

Q: Is there a good way around raven's pillars rather than just taking the chip damage and waiting for trait to run out?
A: they can start forward dashing and disrespecting the pillars, it can throw off the Raven player temporarily. However, you can soul crush those peoples to death. You have to find a way to respect her while disrespecting her, which is a bitch.

Q:Worst strings you recommend Raven players avoid and why?
A: F13 which is a shittier b2, F2233 has no hit advantage and theres no mix-up with it. B12 is ok for checking them, b123 is good to send them full screen or if you're ballsy, you can cancel b12 into lift. Her sweep is actually good. From f22u1, you get a free jump-in that looks like it will cross-up but won't. 11b2 and 11f2 both launch, which is meh and theres more scaling. 113 is also just there.

Q: what is b23 used for?
A: whiff punishes, there's a mix-up with it n shit.

Q: Could you discuss her walk speed, footsie game, and the importance of solid spacing?
A: her walk speed is really good. The animation of her back walk makes some moves whiff like low hook or zatanna's pillar. B23 is an amazing punisher, soul crush is good for whiff-punishes, lift is good. Spacing is needed for soul crush and pillars.

Q:Are there any stages raven players should avoid? (other than rooftop)
A: Rooftop isn't that bad anymore since it was nerfed. Arkham Asylum is bad vs power characters since the TV's are nearly unavoidable. The flower is the only interactable she can mb dash cancel and soul crush to punish them on the way down. You can't do that to the TV's. Hall of Justice is her best stage, since the rumba gives her a free pillar, as well as some unblockable setups. In ferris, if she launches the rocket, she can react with a pillar if they jump it. Themyscaria is bad because trees.

Q: Aside from wake ups, what are her other weaknesses Raven's need to adapt around and overcome to be successful?
A: her anti-air game is balls. Lift is a bad anti-air for reactionary anti-airs. Get used to air-to-airs with j2. She gets jumped on and her wakeup game is bad.

Q: Last question: Thoughts on Killer Frost match up and good advice for struggling Raven players?
A: She's a vortex character, so she's already retarded and wins. I don't have a mu number for it, but she wins. Her daggers can get reflected and ice berg gets punished by soul crush and vice versa. Slide doesn't duck soul crush. Soul crush is pretty good. She also loses the post slide mind game. If I'm in trait, she can't iceberg at all, but she can interrupt pillar to pillar.

Lobo Q&A Session: January 7th, 2014.

Q: What are his best/worst MUs and why?
A: I personally belive Batman is an easy matchup, simply because I've played it to death. Batarang zoning is easy to get past without trait bats, Batman's free on wake-up, etc. But Batman is an offensive monster, which is something Lobo can't really deal with. Hawkgirl is another easy matchup due to buffs helping out with that matchup. Green Lantern is a particularly shitty matchup and so is Grundy because they straight up don't let Lobo play his game.

Q: Beginner tips for people picking up Lobo?
A: Learn how to properly load trait. Do it mid combo, and whenever the opponent is backing off in neutral. Learn how to use standing 3, that is a very important normal, as it anti-airs and is very good in the poking game. Also, learn hwo to use the 33/33/33 and training the opponent to block your mix-up options and opening them up with tick throws.

Q: Would you say the Lobo vs Bane MU has changed post patch?
A: Before, I felt it was a 4-6 since Bane was able to just infinitely shit on Lobo. Now with the buffs, I have a wake-up option and the ability to actually keep him out. Plus, with the 2 shell buff, I deal even MORE damage when he's debuffed. And when he's debuffed, I can easily chase him down and open him up with some of my mix-ups.

Q: Favorite footsie string?
A: most of his strings are shit and have no range, so just use Standing 3.

Q: Does Lobo have a big or small hitbox? Can he avoid certain things others can't?
A: He has a normal hitbox, but he can avoid mid projectiles and Double Punch with his forward dash.

Q: What are some other things people should learn when picking up Lobo?
A: Learn how to block and play patient. You have nothing in terms of a "get off me", so you'll be blocking for the most part whenever you come up against Batman or Flash. Another thing to learn that you can't just do what you please in the neutral for the most part. You're spending the game dashing in or avoiding things, not loading up trait and deciding to trait zone all day. Keep in mind what the opponent is doing and react to whatever they do as best you can.

Q: What are lobo's best combo starting strings/pressure tools?
A: 113 is your fastest string that deals the most damage, so you'll be canceling into this in most of your bnbs. As far as pressure goes, 21/2 is your go to, since it leads to the 33/33/33.

Q: What's the whole meta behind Lobo? Just curious aside from getting in what's his meta?
A: Basically getting in, abusing 33/33/33 whenever and playing patient when needed.

Q: What are lobo's bad match ups?
A: Flash, Nightwing, Grundy, Superman, Zod, Deathstroke (very slight advantage), Aquaman, Killer Frost, Ares (maybe), Doomsday, GL, Batgirl, Sinestro, Bladam

RESERVED for character coverage and questions asked/answers answered for each session.
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RM Truth

Unintentional Tier Whore Follow me @TruthRM
My fraudulant ass can teach ppl batman if good players like King and Arma won't be able to.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

This is an awesome plan.

Someone needs to cover Deathstroke so people can be reminded he's still very much a dangerous character, he just isn't being played to the max by more than a handful of people. I would, but I know I'm nowhere near sharp enough with him to credit my opinion.
Tyrant Grundy?

Someone needs to cover Deathstroke so people can be reminded he's still very much a dangerous character, he just isn't being played to the max by more than a handful of people. I would, but I know I'm nowhere near sharp enough with him to credit my opinion.

My fraudulant ass can teach ppl batman if good players like King and Arma won't be able to.
Right now, we just have Lobo and Raven to be confirmed characters that will be covered so we can gauge the interest for this project. If Raven and Lobo get viewers and garners enough attention, we'll start doing other characters.

Isn't this just a spiritual successor to Pig's Kryptonite Academy?
More or less. Only difference is, Ducky'll be relaying all the information from the character specialists.

ATM, Raven will be done sometime in the middle of either Christmas to Frosty Faustings or Frosty to DTN, and Lobo will be done some time later.


Scrub God Lord
This sounds great, it must be recorded.
can some1 with the right equipment record it?
some1 can just record it from their ps4 while the stream is live.


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
If you need a Shazam player or something im always willing to teach people. Sadly noone wants to learn him
This sounds great, it must be recorded.
can some1 with the right equipment record it?
some1 can just record it from their ps4 while the stream is live.

If this is doable, then we'll need another person to record the Q&A section. I'll have to talk about it with Ducky and see what he has to say about it.

Also, to the people saying that you're willing to do other characters for us in the future:

That's awesome, but right now, we don't even know if many people are that interested in the idea yet, seeing as how this thread has barely any replies to it since it's creation. It all depends on how well the Raven and Lobo Q&A's do. If no one bothers to watch those Q&A sessions, then we aren't going to bother talking to one or two people about future characters, simple as that.


Blue Blurs for Life!
Cage Redfield Blind_Man

I apologize for being late, but this thread is promoted now. My only concern is how you'll go about discussing Sinestro (if you ever do) since you ARE using the PS4's streaming feature, meaning you'll have to deal with his inability to link d1 - Shackles...which can hurt the accuracy of your demonstrations with the character. Lord knows what other abilities he and other characters have lost in that version.

I'm sure you guys have something up your sleeves, so I'll just hope for the best.


Princess of the Sisterhood
Cage Redfield Blind_Man

I apologize for being late, but this thread is promoted now. My only concern is how you'll go about discussing Sinestro (if you ever do) since you ARE using the PS4's streaming feature, meaning you'll have to deal with his inability to link d1 - Shackles...which can hurt the accuracy of your demonstrations with the character. Lord knows what other abilities he and other characters have lost in that version.

I'm sure you guys have something up your sleeves, so I'll just hope for the best.
All we have to do is point out that d1 shackles is glitched on ps4. That is the only difference between this version and the ps3 & 360 versions.
Bumping the thread because we'll be doing this Thursday on the 2nd.

Anyone that wants to know shit about Raven, save that date and tune in n stuffs.


Blue Blurs for Life!
Title of thread "ONLY ON Playstation 4!"
Eeeh, while I did write up that part of the title, now that I'm looking at it again, it's kind of misleading. I mean, while the stream will be based over at the PS4, what Injustice players can learn from this new program can be applied to both the PS3 and Xbox360 versions. I guess I put that there to highlight that since it's being done on the PS4, any potential demonstrations with Sinestro might be hindered a bit since he can't link D1-Shackles on that version (see my replies to Blind Man for my point).

I might re-edit the title in a bit.

Also, to everyone else reading this thread, please support the stream when it happens. Link is www.twitch.tv/blind_ducky.