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Match-Up Discussion - Alien Punish That! A thread of every Alien move you can punish


Insipired by the @Shenles videos on MK1, this thread and others i'll be making will focus on listing every move a character has that's punisheable and how to do punish it, if anyone has a pressure sequence that you'd like to know the counterplay to just ask me

  1. B2: -10 On Block, punisheable by most pokes, jabs and some fast specials
  2. D2: -20 On Block, pushback forces you to use fast advancing moves to punish
  3. B3: -9 On Block, punisheable by jabs and pokes up close but needs fast advancing moves from afar
  4. F3: -13 On Block, same as B3
  5. S4: -10 On Block, same as B3
  6. B4: -15 On Block, can be punished by advancing normals, most specials and Run-In jabs even when spaced
  7. F4: -17 On Block, same as B4
  8. D4: -12 On Block, same as B3 especially while on Acidic
  9. J4: -17 On Block, easily punisheable unless done froma Jump Back
  10. S11: -2 On Block, can be made to whiff from S1's max range
  11. S12: -12 On Block, punisheable by jabs, pokes and most specials, might have variable blockstun?
  12. B11: -6 On Block, punisheable only by the fastest attacks in the game
  13. B113: -11 On Block, punisheable by jabs, pokes and fast advancing normals
  14. B11~U4: -14 On Block, same as B113
  15. F13: -7 On Block, punisheable by pokes and jabs
  16. F134: -9 On Block, same as F13
  17. S21: -12 On Block, punisheable by pokes, jabs and fast advancing normals, can be made to whiff on S2's max range
  18. S214: -14 On Block, punisheable by most normals and fast specials
  19. F23434: -14 On Block, same as S214
  20. S33: -9 On Block, punisheably by jabs and pokes
  21. S333: -7 On Block, but pushback makes it safe
  22. B34: -13 On Block, same as S214
  23. F34: - 12 On Block, same as S214, can be made to whiff at long range
  24. BF4: -10 On Block, punisheably by fast normals but might dodge certain Highs due to animation (same goes for air version)
  25. EX BF4: -28 On Block, punisheable by most moves in the game (same goes for air version)
  26. DF3/EX DF3: -17 On Block, punisheable by most normals and specials but it might reguire unique punishes due to its block animation
  27. DB3/EX DB3: -15 On Block, same as DF3 but without the animation bit
  28. BF1/EX BF1: -17 On Block, same as DB3

  1. DB2: -8 On Block, punisheable by pokes and jabs up close but safe from a distance
  2. DB2~B: -8 On Block, same as DB2 but only safe in max distance
  3. EX DB2: +1 On Block, has gap you can Armour through after point blank distance
  4. j.DB2: -21 On Block, punisheable by most Run-In moves unless done low to the ground at long range
  5. EX j.DB2: -16 On Block, punisheable by fast and/or long range moves if done high up, safe if done lone to the ground at almost any distance
  6. DB4/EX DB4: -8 On Block, punisheable by jabs and pokes but safe if it hits on later active frames

Konjurer Moves

  1. DB1: 53f long animation, can be punished in neutral
  2. DB1~DB1: 45f long animation, can be punished in neutral

Tarkatan Moves

  1. S21: -6 On Block, punisheable only by the fastest moves in the game
  2. BF2: -15 On Block, followup jails on block
  3. BF2~1: -20 On Block, has Armour gap in 2 and 4 followups but they can't be poked out of
  4. BF2~1~2: -20 On Block, punisheable by most moves in the game
  5. BF2~1~4: -11 On Block, punisheable by pokes, jabs and fast specials/advancing normals
  6. BF2~1~TH: -25 On Block, punisheable by most moves in the game
  7. EX BF2: Same as BF2 but followups can be delayed, giving more frametrap potential
  8. DB1: -15 On Block, Punisheable by most normals and fast specials
  9. EX DB1: -11 On Block, same as BF2~1~4
  10. DB2: -13 On Block, punisheable by most normals and fast specials
  11. EX DB2: -20 On Block, punisheable by most moves in the game

Like i said earlier i will be making more of these in alphabetical order and if you want me to add pressure sequences then just give me examples and i'll add them