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Public Test Realm/Matches for Patches

Something that Starcraft 2 does, that I feel is a really good idea for fighting games.

Public Testing of patches. Just set up a new match-type and practice mode type, and then rather than doing a "in theory fix" and finding out that it didn't help or did more damage than good, you can actually let the playing community try things out and see how it works in reality.

I think this would work a good balance between wanting patches to improve/tweak the game and wanting a stable game.

And for the record, i think that NRS has done an excellent job balancing the game, I just think that this is a great feature that should work it's way into the genre.

I completely agree. Not only would this defuse some "armchair Daigo" players who base all their arguments on theory rather than experience, but it would probably also silence a lot of anti-patch sentiments by involving people in the process.

I'd love to see a system like TF2's. In that game, people can play on beta servers, choosing to use any of a number of different weapon variations the developers are experimenting with in an attempt to help decide which one should become official. The same system could apply to character variations, allowing players to choose Jade A, Jade B, or Jade C and see which one they feel is most balanced, for example.