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Projectiles not showing up

STB Bodam

"Game... Blouses."
It's happened before and it's been happening ALL DAY now today.

For Rain my Lightning and Bubble are invisible. If I Teleport, there's no water surrounding Rain. For Noob, the Shadow Tackles aren't invisible but they don't have the surrounding purple stuff around it.

It's actually somewhat helpful...but really strange. Is it just me or is this happening for everyone?


I have had this happen to me before, it's annoying as someone who tries to reflect, I'm losing out on a major piece of my game. It's either your connection or your xbox. I've tried restarting my xbox before and that will sometimes help.

STB Bodam

"Game... Blouses."
Hmmm...that's funny because I just played a Kenshi player and he was definitely having a hard time with it, it seemed.


Hitomi's Pet
This happened to me a few times against a Sektor. It's pretty miserable when it happens, especially since when you mention it you're accused of making excuses (I suppose if someone said the same thing to me, I'd probably think they were being ridiculous too).

The only fix I know is to restart the console. Even then, it comes back sometimes.


Dojo Trainee
Yea i think its a glitch. I remember spinning with KL and there was no blue color around him, he didnt throw any hats etc.


i Use a modded cyber now
sometimes the game acts retarted. I was playing noob with CD jr and his shadow tackles werent overheads. we were like "wtf!"
Don't worry this happens to a lot of people including myself. All explosions and projectiles don't show up on the screen and the gameplay looks like a Matrix slo-mo fight sequence. Either a bug in the game or your console is overheated/overworked. Rebooting always cures the problem for me.


The Free Meter Police
this JUST started happening to me tonight. no idea why. my xbox isnt overheating thats for sure. it seems to just be another game bug.

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
Yup it is another bug. This and another bug always happen to me. In the other one, the characters' clothes get really weird and try to stay in one place. Then they stretch all over the screen as you move. Both of these are really annoying and only go away after a restart.

STB Bodam

"Game... Blouses."
Yup it is another bug. This and another bug always happen to me. In the other one, the characters' clothes get really weird and try to stay in one place. Then they stretch all over the screen as you move. Both of these are really annoying and only go away after a restart.
That happens so much for me.

I forgot who it looks really funny for. Uhh... I think it's Kenshi, his band looks crazy and Noob's little garb on his pelvic area makes it look like homie is happy to see you. Oh, and Nightwolf's alternate is pretty awesome, too (when that happens).