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Project: "My Opinon on the Charachters' Gamplay"

Since rants or general discussions on what a certain charachter needs or doesn't need often end up in the wrong threads or forums and I personally, hopefully not only me, find it really hard at times to locate and find specific threads or discussions, I wanted to create a thread where everyone can discuiss his ideas regarding the charachters in the game, their moves, gameplay ecc...I will write down the charachter's list and next to it my thoughts on the "product", everyone is free to disagree or add, that would be great, I would really love to see what other players think of the charachters and how they feel. (It would be great if you guys would use the same layout as me in order not ot make it chaotic!)

Scorpion: Hellfire shouldn't be able to stop certain moves like stryker's roll or baraka's charge and it shouldn't be guaranteed on wake-up (maybe only EX). Overall I think he is fine the way he is.

Liu Kang: I think parry (this goes for any other charachter who has one) should have a lot more recovery. Overall he is ok.

Kung Lao: I won't go into specifics so i'll only say this; he has way too many tools compared to the rest of the cast, there's charachters (pretty much all of the cast) who barely have some of 'em...I think he can live without dive kick or teleport or low hat, one of 'em can go as far as i'm concerned.

Sub-Zero: The clone stays too much on screen to me, (there's time is ridicolous how you end up into it like you forgot it was there lol), and maybe just maybe, his 22 string seem to have prioritys over way too many things, but i'll be glad to be enlightened on the matter.

Sindel: She's perfect, she's a zoner and she works how a zoner should work.

Ermac: Telepush should be a little slower on startup and both push and slam should have a smaller hitbok (mostly TKS that sometimes grabs you almost when you're behind ermac's head)

Reptile: I think elbow dash should be as punishable as kabal's dash, it's even faster and so i don't see why it shouldn't be as punishable, and maybe a limit of two whifeed dashes in a row than a 3 seconds cooldown to do it again (just an idea)

Kitana: Too many fans in a combo, I mean they work like other "combo extenders" but she can throw a million of 'em...a great zoner with 50% bnb...hm i dunno...

Johnny Cage: They either make his crazy fast strings less safe or nerf his damage output (right now i feel like i would be fighting xiaoyu in tekken with paul's damage ability O_O)

Jade: Give her a normal normal for God's sake!!

Mileena: Have u guys noticed how small her hitbox become when she's doing a d+4?? hitting her out of it is hard as hell!! and i'm not sure she needed a low combo starter...

Nightwolf: Maybe his shoulder should be even frames on block, not +...

Cyrax: No resets and since net lasts so long, the damage scaling on combos done after the net should be a lot more than it is now

Noob: He's fine

Smoke: Great charachter to play, I think he is fine even though I don't see the point into removing OTG bomb...well

Sektor: He's fine

Sonya: She's fine

Jax: More damage!! otherwise give him a normal combo starter and enhance his combo ability

Kano: He's fine

Stryker: He's fine

Shang Tsung: I'm not a fan of "skulls-only" combos, they're unbreakable and they do a ton of damage, I think the opponent should just drop on the ground after a few of 'em...

Baraka: If he had a serious normal combo starter he'd be an extremely competitive charachter

Kabal: Much like KL i feel he has too many tools both as a zoner and up close (at least his execution is waaaaaaaaaaay harder than KL's)

Raiden: If his teleport would take him a little further from the opponent, still being safe, he would get a lot more love...

Rain: He's fine

Kenshi: He's fine (maybe the low combo starter is a bit too much for a charachter already solid without it)

Skarlet: Remove her ability to hit slashes after slide...as of now her damage potential along with her extremely practical and annoying zoning makes her close to broken in my opinion (sub-zero players will agree)

CSZ: Dive kick unsafe and I'll be happy

Sheeva: grond stomp should be faster, as of now is an hard move to hit, and her damage out of normals should be higher (POWERHOUSE!!!)

Quan Chi: Why did they reduce the stagger after sky drop?!?!?!?

ALLRIGHTY THEN...lets start arguing :headbang:


Sinestro's might!
Scorpion:Seems like a decent character. Does not have that many weaknesses or advantages. hellfire is annoying. spear gets me more than it should. keep him how it is though

Liu Kang: a zoning liu kang is killer for me, I hate them so much and the armour on enhanced moves is really made it harder to fight him for me

Kung Lao: Too many tools, needs to make his tools more blunt and dangerous if he has so many. No pushback on spin, greater recovery/less stagger on ground hat and a slower dive kick (its like 6 frames). If that got fixed I would be happy with him

Sub-Zero: Mirror match is actually a hidden minigame: Chess Kombat. Here your goal is to get a life lead and sit on it, otherwise it is a big game of baiting, counter baiting, bluffs and general sitting and waiting.

Sindel: people say she is 5-5 with sub but I see it more as 6/4, I just find it hard to break her zoning and her overhead/lows up close. Once I get in its easy but getting in is the problem.

Ermac: Ermac has some pretty odd hitboxes for his specials. I think that telepush, on block should be more punishable, as punishable as a teleslam maybe. Hard getting in on this guy but once im in he is not that difficult.

Reptile:I think elbow dash is fine, but I have ice clone so... not really a balanced opinion. I think that reptile is a good 5-5 with Sub for me and I respect the match up. Just remove those damned glitchy balls of his.

Kitana: Everyone hates her fans. I am no exception. Maybe a limit to how many times you can fan in a combo? Would not be unreasonable.

Johnny Cage: Lots and lots of pressure. This guy is tought to beat up close. I do think he should maybe have some of his moves made unsafe, keep his pressure game but make it less... easy? Something like that.

Jade:A good character but it feels like she is missing something. She never seems to start a combo, only punish through Glow or a blocked special. She needs a safer normal string that leads to a bnb.

Mileena: Lots of pokes. Plus her sai hits mid level so I cant slide under it. Very annoying to me. My least favourite match up.

Nightwolf:Good solid character, I respect him. Nothing too broken or nothing that is weak and pointless. Except his sweep. But cant have it all.

Cyrax: Needs some serious redesigns, character seems to be flawed by nature. Damn his resets and damage are far too high for anyone and for any fighting game.

Noob: People thought this guy was great on day 1. Look at him now. A great zoner though but has some issues with damage. you cant win with 8% spam.

Smoke: A good character which kinda forces you to play carefuly- note his smoke bomb and shake/vibration. Seems to have trouble with rushdown but is a good character overall.

Sektor: Strong mixups with this guy. I feel that he is underrated. He has great anti-air, projectiles and damage posibilities. Yes his teleport is unsafe but that is his trade off.

Sonya: I think she is a strong character that people tend to ignore. Has a good deal of tools and combo starters and I respect that.

Jax:Boy oh boy does he have match up issues. This guy has a hell of a time against some players and does ok with others. Not sure how to fix him really. But he needs a fix.

Kano: Guy is fine, his tweaks have made the porridge just right. First one was too cold, then too hot but now he is good.

Stryker: Could do with better zoning abilities for a zoner, could also do with better normals and proper armour on his rolls.

Shang Tsung: Love this guy, I think he takes a high amount of skill to play well. My only complaint is that his damage is mostly unbreakable but if that is his gimmic then let him keep it.

Baraka: This guy was recently buffed and very very underplayed and underrated. He is a good character. Has a low and overhead starter for combos and now has armour on blade charge. I think this guy could benefit from a few more tweaks but he is now pretty good in my eyes.

Kabal: His projectiles are a bit too powerful. Only complaint really, his dash REALLY scales badly and I do not envy that.

Raiden: General annoying character for me but I deal with him, gets too much hate imo.

Rain: Yet to play as him or against

Kenshi: Solid character, what all DLC should be like for this game. I see him fitting in from the start.

Skarlet: Tweak her daggers a tad and it should be fine. A lot of people forget that if you think you are having trouble against her, she is also having the same bad trouble with a whole other bunch of people. I think she is DLC made bad, too good vs some and too bad against others.

CSZ: He is sub-Zero so im happy. Dont like his inputs for bombs though, interfere with combos that start with 3 and you dash to try them.

Sheeva: Had quite a few buffs, but she still slow and boring to me. But still i think she is underrated.

Quan Chi: At least his uppercut is good and he has runetraps. Apart from that crunchy has some bad match ups and is not that great overall.

This is my opinion on the characters.