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Problem with x5 xp multiplier???????

So, i don't know if this is a topic many have explored or not.....but since release the xp multipliers have been bugged. (i think) Unless it's suppose to work like that....anyways....if u lvl up and collect 10 access cards, go to the archives and cash it in on 5x xp for 50 matches and exit the game for any reason before u play all 50 matches u'll lose the 5 times multiplier. I don't know if this is how it was meant to work....but i think it's a bit ridiculous if that's the case. How many of us play 50 matches in a row? I almost never do....i beat a battle on hard and then jump online for 10 to 20 matches. Is this a problem everyone has or just me?


King of the Jobbers 2015
That is how it was meant to work. 50 matches are around an hour and a half.

Also who gives a flying fuck about level lol
Ok....well at least i know it's not bugged....but dammit that sux. I don't care about lvl....i care about getting everything unlocked. lol Lvl don't mean anything.....i've beaten lvl 80's and i'm only a lvl 60 something....i just didn't think that was how it works.

AK Black Preon

Ok....well at least i know it's not bugged....but dammit that sux. I don't care about lvl....i care about getting everything unlocked. lol Lvl don't mean anything.....i've beaten lvl 80's and i'm only a lvl 60 something....i just didn't think that was how it works.

Well there are those people who have that glitch to where they are level 519. So if you get that then.. well... you wouldn't even need all your EXP multipliers.