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Problem with DLC characters


Hi everyone,
I've been lurking in this forum for quite a while and I believe it has helped me improve my gaming quite a lot. But I've come across a pretty annoying problem. Here's my story:
- When the latest MK came out, I was visiting some friends in Portugal. They had a PS3 and MK was a sure-purchase for me, so I decided to buy it there so we could play together.
- Rain is my favorite character (has been since MK3), so I was properly excited when they decided to release him as a DLC character. As soon as it came out, I went online and bought it.
- The problem is Rain never showed up in my MK. After doing some research I discovered that DLC is region-coded, so I couldn't use the DLC I purchased in the American store with the game bought in Europe.
- I then decided to make an European account (using a German friend's address), but their store doesn't have ANY MK DLC...

So I'm here begging for your help! Is there any way I can get the DLC characters (particularly Rain) with my current disc, or do I have to re-buy MK (this time in a GameStop/Amazon.com) in order to do that?


Rain should be released worldwide by now, unless Germany banned MK for content reasons. I'd say give it another go in the store in case you missed it, check news feeds to see if MK was restricted there (can't see it but you never know). If all that fails, you're probably going to need a new disk :'(


Thanks Justice! Just created a British account and can see Skarlet, Rain and Kenshi...
But does anyone have any idea: a) when Freddy will be released?
b) how I can buy them without a British credit card?


I was under the impression that Freddy and the discount pack were already released worldwide. Maybe someone with more knowledge could verify this?

I would double-check at your local gaming store or maybe a Google search would give the answer, but I think that you can put any kind of funds into your account and it will automatically be converted at time of purchase. Not entirely sure though since I only have an NA account.


In the swedish PS store freddy was available as single DLC the first couple of days but now he's gone.

He's still in the discount pack though.

Fishy man, that Freddy.


I tried inputting my credit card data, but was told it was not accepted. I'm guessing that is because my billing address is outside the UK and you're not allowed to change it to another country if your account is British...
So does anyone know another way of buying stuff there? I guess those cards would work, but it takes so damn long for them to arrive...

By the way, just checked now and the British store doesn't have Freddy (or the discout pack...)...