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Probably streaming tonight - expect positivity+personal thoughts only if any

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I might if requested

I think it's important we all discuss that out and move on ASAP

We just got accepted to F ing EVO guys , A NON CAPCOM GAME MAKING A THREE-peat

We need to recover ASAP from this, efforts have been made so if you guys want me to stream and have people on to discuss it more I can and will around 11:15ish est if not I won't bother. I welcome all STB guys , bill stickers, death, revolver, whoever I just want us all to recover and get on with this for no other reason than focus on EVO and what we have accomplished

16 bit was wrong, he admitted it, we all know it now we need to figure out how to go forth and make sure this won't happen again ever. Also I want to talk about FR 2013 and reiterate how brackets are being done and also I hope to find out from shin Blanka before tonight what FR plans are because FR was reported as not wanting to be a part of EVO road this year.

As always: twitch.tv/streamofthehut


NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
I'm wondering if a lot of the bad taste of this that people are experiencing will go away once SCR comes and goes, next week.


yo fuck that middle school shit how about some serious training for the biggest tournament in america!? By next week no one wil remember this issue people need to open their eyes to how huge this is to have 3 years at evo... This is special, we have essentially proven ourself as a worthwhile community that has the support of the FGC as a whole. Were playing an AMERICAN MADE FIGHTING GAME that is slated to make its return. WE ARE BETTER THAN ANIME!!!! GET HYPE


Master of Quanculations
What are these "issues" that need to be discussed and moved on from?

I`ll be home around 11 eastern time. I`d come on and shoot the shit for a while about whatever. You know where to find me.


Formerly Kevo8390
I say go for it pig. Not to start drama or drag it out further than necessary but a lot of people just saw the video from the gga stream and don't know the rest of the story. I think it would be good to get all the unknown details out in the open.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
The people have spoken

No one wants mass drama to continue so basically I'm taking totterY's advice an Mcnasty as well as everyone else in this thread's advice and will stream just matches and ill talk about some MUs, strats and community success

If I mention the "drama" it'll be my personal thoughts and what I think will and should happen . Ill be very clear and to the point but all in all if I'm able to stream (must wait for wife to go to bEd first) ill focus on positivity and clarity as well as MUs


What's a Smarrgasm?
Ill be in the stream and if you do a call i wouldnt mind being in there just to talk and hang out. My internet is still too poor to play though :mad: