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Prices too much on games


Yh so ps3 games are soo expenisve now

I really want Portal, duke nukem, mortal kombat 9

But there all £40 pounds each but mortal kombat is £32.99. even on Internet/play.com/amazon/ebay prices are the same

Any1 know when the prices will go down to £15-20 pounds

can any uk person lend me a game maybe. When am done wit it ill send it bk recorded delivery

Times r hard now


I had a job interview last week on wednesday. Jus waitin for the response. They said if the interview was succesful they gone get bk to me by july 13-14


after taxes games are 65 dollars which is just too fucking much, luckily for me i don't like that many games lol.. but my son does and he drains me lol.. but games have always been expensive and i don't think it's ever gonna change


Forum General Emeritus
Tim Static said:
yup, i remember NES games were $50 brand new, N64 started (price gouging) at $70-$80, etc etc. fuckers.
I remember seeing NBA Hangtime in stores for $80. What a fucking joke.

Tim Static

DCIguy said:
I remember seeing NBA Hangtime in stores for $80. What a fucking joke.
haha i bought MKT for $80. sooo embarassed, and thus, another chapter in my hatred for Trilogy
I have much fonder memories of not buying games the second they came out. The problem is that's almost impossible to do today, cause if I picked up Call of Duty right now, I'd get what... a month or two out of it's multiplayer before I had to buy the next one? It's a damned if you do-damned if you don't double edged sword.

I've never paid over $50 for a video game until the 360 came out. Hell I don't even remember games being priced higher than that back then. True story, I just bought my first downloadable content the other day - it was the MK Klassic skins.


Your Source For All Things MK Arcade Related
Ok. Easy to answer this dilemma. In 1991, for my 12th birthday, my mother bought me Double Dragon and SMB2 for my NES. They were $50 EACH at Toys r Us brand new! Fast forward nearly 20 years later and games like MK9 are only $60. The games in 1992 were overpriced, not the ones now. Just my opinion.


In 1992 i remember getting Street Fighter 2 for $72. I forget when Strider came out for Genesis, (89-91 maybe), but I remember my mom getting it for me for Christmas and it was around $78. Finished Strider in 4 to 5 hours when I first got it. So disappointed. It looked pretty though.


Forum General Emeritus
Ththuvhul said:
In 1992 i remember getting Street Fighter 2 for $72. I forget when Strider came out for Genesis, (89-91 maybe), but I remember my mom getting it for me for Christmas and it was around $78. Finished Strider in 4 to 5 hours when I first got it. So disappointed. It looked pretty though.
HAHA! I remember getting Duck Tales and Rescue Rangers on the NES back in the day. I beat the games in a day and returned them the next day for a full refund :p


Your Source For All Things MK Arcade Related
DCIguy said:
HAHA! I remember getting Duck Tales and Rescue Rangers on the NES back in the day. I beat the games in a day and returned them the next day for a full refund :p
So ironic you say that. Me and my cousin beat SMB2 and DD on that very night.
I almost never was able to buy new games back in the day, always had to wait a year or so to get the game i wanted sucked ass. I remember most of my Nintendo/Super Nintendo games came from garage sale specials. Used to try to hit every garage sale possible and try to snag all the good ones lol


yh i remember i bought Donkey kong country 3 for the super nintendo for bout £60

I also remember buyin Super metroid the big box edition with the official big guide which was bout £80. Super metroid was such a bad ass game. gd times

My dad bought me both games when i was a lil kid


Has anyone ever owned a NeoGeo console? Weren't games for that system outrageously priced? I remember one of my friends saying games were around $130.00 and the system itself was around $600.00. Insanity.
No one remembers how much some 3DO games were! Now that's some insane price point failure! Weren't some of those like 300 bones!??