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Pre-MLG Dallas Interview #7 - DMG CD Jr



We got a double-header tonight from NetherRealm Coverage. Considering how close we are getting to Dallas, I'm going to try to release all of the interviews that I have before everyone leaves on Thursday. So tonight, TYM and the rest of my readers are in for a treat. First up tonight is an interview with DMG CD jr. His tournament resume speaks for itself and he always impresses the masses. In this interview, Jr and I discuss his use of Kung Lao recently, a Kung Lao mirror with Perfect Legend, his performance at Seasons Beatings, Injustice, his matches with GGA Dizzy and Wafflez at SB, his time at T13, his matches with REO and much more. Here is the link to our interview: http://netherrealmcoverage.blogspot.com/2012/10/pre-mlg-dallas-interview-with-dmg-cd-jr.html.

Stand by as I ready quite possibly the most hype interview of the bunch. I think most know what I'm talking about.

Check out my previous interviews here -
Showtime - http://netherrealmcoverage.blogspot.com/2012/10/pre-mlg-dallas-interview-with-kh.html
Big D - http://netherrealmcoverage.blogspot.com/2012/10/pre-mlg-dallas-interview-with-obsbig-d.html
Pig Of The Hut - http://netherrealmcoverage.blogspot.com/2012/10/pre-mlg-dallas-interview-with-tfarzr.html
REO - http://netherrealmcoverage.blogspot.com/2012/10/pre-mlg-dallas-interview-with-knobsemp.html
GGA Dizzy - http://netherrealmcoverage.blogspot.com/2012/10/pre-mlg-dallas-interview-with-gga-dizzy.html
GGA 16 Bit - http://netherrealmcoverage.blogspot.com/2012/10/pre-mlg-dallas-interview-with-gga-16-bit.html


"How would you feel about going head-to-head with a Kung Lao player like Perfect Legend?
I feel like my Lao is already better than his and if he doesn’t think so we can do a ft 10 mirror match for $100 but knowing PL he won’t do it."

Okay I love Jr, but LOL.


Good questions as always Mr. Crum. This was an interesting interview because CD Jr. seems to feel ready for damn near everyone except REO. XD