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Pre Final Round Interview EP#2 With Gamerblake!!!!!


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
i am pleased to bring you all episode two of final round interviews, featuring the awesome gamerblake!!!! I now understand why gamerblake is so loved in our community, we literally talked for hours after the initial interview and he has much knowledge and wisdom.

Please leave a suggestion and some questions you would like me to ask for the next person for me to interview thanks!!



What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
GamerBlake90 damn no shot outs to your sponsor kombat Houston for getting you to Final Round and upcoming Tournaments???!! Smh blown up!
actuaally we continued talking afterwards and i was still recording and he shouted all you guys out, but something happened to my file converting from mp3 to wav so i wasn't able to fit it in like i had hoped, but dont worry he definetly didn't forget you guys :)


Blue Blurs for Life!
actuaally we continued talking afterwards and i was still recording and he shouted all you guys out, but something happened to my file converting from mp3 to wav so i wasn't able to fit it in like i had hoped, but dont worry he definetly didn't forget you guys :)
It's all right, Zyphox, I do still owe Cat an apology for the oversight. Why I chose now as a "convenient" time to forget part of my shout-outs, I do not know. :(

Of course, with so many people to shout out in th community, it can become a tedious task to remember a whole list. Regardless, to everyone that reads this post, know that I appreciate all of you who have touched my life in one way another. This certainly includes Kombat Houston.

Soon as I make enough money off my new partnership with BroadbandTV, I'm moving right down to Houston.