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Pre Final Round 16 interview featuring MR MILEENA!


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
Hello everyone i have a special treat you all, i had a chance to interview the always classy, playboy millionare, Mr mileena! I made the video for you guys to get into the mind of one of our beloved tournament players. i think Final Round 16 will be the hypest tournament for mk9 ever, so i want to interview as many people going there to get some thought from them before to "hype" us up, and maybe stir some drama we all love!!

Note: this is my first video ever so please go easy on me, i am not show off gameplay either, i just don't like talking with a black screen or a still image :) i will be doing injustice videos when it come outs, like character breakdowns, tech, combos, and tournament things so sub if you like the content!


A prop on the stage of life.
you know you know you know you know



Lol, I have never noticed how much I say You Know when I'm nervous or like shy, you know?

You know...you slowed down with it as the interview went on. And this was great for the community! I need to see ONE poke blown up by a levi cancel...for some peace of mind. (lbsh who practices against sindel anyway? :) ) And don't sell yourself short either! The meta may have developed more, but you still practiced the game ALOT since then. Win or lose, I can't wait to see what you bring to FR. Great interview Zyphox


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
You know...you slowed down with it as the interview went on. And this was great for the community! I need to see ONE poke blown up by a levi cancel...for some peace of mind. (lbsh who practices against sindel anyway? :) ) And don't sell yourself short either! The meta may have developed more, but you still practiced the game ALOT since then. Win or lose, I can't wait to see what you bring to FR. Great interview Zyphox
thanks i told joe he is underestimating himself, i say he gets at the very least top 8 :) who should i interview next?


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
you also giggle a lot :)
"i'm like an angel"
"kenshi's kinda mean"
aww you sound so cute

"top 32" and the downplayer of the year award goes to...
lol he lied so hard when he said he isn't mean online, pffftt LBSH


Twitter: @xxQUANTUM
Joe, if you go 0-2 its nothing to be ashamed about. A buddy of mine is a real fan of yours, and me too obv. we'll be cheering you on.
