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Practice Mode: Is There A Way To Have The AI Do The Same Move Over & Over? (Spam Practice)


Wanted to know if there was a way to do this?

I would like to have Sinestro spam me to death with his projectile orbs and then slam the boulders on my character.

Same with DeathStroke, spam me to death with his assault rifle.

I would like to get better against these match ups and if there is a way to have the AI in practice mode repeat these moves over and over against it would help.

Anybody know how to do this?


It would be awesome if I could record some Doomsday corner pressure to go up against.. so I'd like to know if this is possible too.


Well-Known Member
I did that for deathstroke. Learn to do each gunshot as fast as possible, fire-recover frames-fire... get that down.. record about 5 of those and you can try to defend against it.
Go to AI Options an turn on REVERSAL MODE (in custom type set). Now go down one to REVERSAL ATTACK and change that to desired special/super. Whenever you strike the foe it will counter will said attack.


Go to AI Options an turn on REVERSAL MODE (in custom type set). Now go down one to REVERSAL ATTACK and change that to desired special/super. Whenever you strike the foe it will counter will said attack.

Now what's this about AI record? I'm new to all this - can someone explain in detail (like the post I qouted above) the record feature and how it "exactly" makes the AI repeat moves? (I thought record was for you to record your own moves - how wrong I was)


Noob Saibot is BACK!

Now what's this about AI record? I'm new to all this - can someone explain in detail (like the post I qouted above) the record feature and how it "exactly" makes the AI repeat moves? (I thought record was for you to record your own moves - how wrong I was)
I'd be interested in this also, it would be amazing to record what I want to learn to deal with!


Shadow Priest
Truth be told, I need a human mind. Practicing with a buddy, or online give better results than recording it yourself.


This guy looks kind of tuff...
Go to ai options. Hit r1 about 3 times where it says record. Record what you want with the 2nd char (sinestro/ deathstroke) when you are done hit select and the char would do all you recorded and you can move with the first char. Also turn off the reset option where it says playback so it won't reset the entire thing after its done and instea. Keep doing what you recorded back again


Ok, I get how to record now and set up a loop per say for the move to keep repeating.
Go to Practice options and LB/L1 RB/R1 to switch modes. Get to record and you'll record what you want tyhe AI to do.
Right, but how do I take over of the AI to control it?
For example I use Green Arrow, when I go to "record" its just recording my character (the 1st controller player starting on the right side of the screen) So do I need a second controller to take over the player on the left side of the screen?

As it stands I can only control the (The First Player) character during record.

*EDIT* never mind I found it. I keep thinking you guys meant the "other" record available. Thanks fellas.

To everyone else there is a RECORD option in the AI section. Just hit A button, accept it, and it will let you take control of the AI Character. Once you replicate the moves you'd like to practice against, go the "playback section" and make sure it is set to off.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Ok, I get how to record now and set up a loop per say for the move to keep repeating.

Right, but how do I take over of the AI to control it?
For example I use Green Arrow, when I go to "record" its just recording my character (the 1st controller player starting on the right side of the screen) So do I need a second controller to take over the player on the left side of the screen?

As it stands I can only control the (The First Player) character during record.
Not that record hold on I'ma check myself...

Oh my bad not in Practice options. It's in AI options.