I've been playing around with the new patch for a few hours now and overall I'm liking it. But I have noticed some funky things going on centred around Zod.
First, I was playing against AI Zod on Themescyria Docks and I had Zod with his back to the left corner (the one with the interactible cannon). I did a Cat Dash from nearly point blank and Zod did something that looked like a back dash. Now I know that a perfectly-timed back dash has invulnerability frames on it, but I went right through Zod, causing no damage and found myself with my back to the corner. I haven't been able to re-create this on command so no vid, but it did happen and that's a scary thing.
Secondly, I didn't notice it at first but after the first stage transition (to Themyscryia Throne Room) every time Zod popped his trait the game would slow down to what seemed like 5 frames while that Phantom Zone monster was behind me. It would then instantly return to normal speed the moment the creature left the screen. I think the AI used it before the stage transition ( I think I would have noticed lag that bad) because of the way it spammed the trait, but didn't notice the lag until later. Also too, my system had been on for about 24 hrs straight (I passed out while practicing and listening to the OBS Show ) and my system may be tired/overheated/whatever so I have shut my system down and will try again later.
All this done with me as Catwoman and AI Zod on the various stages of Themescryia.
First, I was playing against AI Zod on Themescyria Docks and I had Zod with his back to the left corner (the one with the interactible cannon). I did a Cat Dash from nearly point blank and Zod did something that looked like a back dash. Now I know that a perfectly-timed back dash has invulnerability frames on it, but I went right through Zod, causing no damage and found myself with my back to the corner. I haven't been able to re-create this on command so no vid, but it did happen and that's a scary thing.
Secondly, I didn't notice it at first but after the first stage transition (to Themyscryia Throne Room) every time Zod popped his trait the game would slow down to what seemed like 5 frames while that Phantom Zone monster was behind me. It would then instantly return to normal speed the moment the creature left the screen. I think the AI used it before the stage transition ( I think I would have noticed lag that bad) because of the way it spammed the trait, but didn't notice the lag until later. Also too, my system had been on for about 24 hrs straight (I passed out while practicing and listening to the OBS Show ) and my system may be tired/overheated/whatever so I have shut my system down and will try again later.
All this done with me as Catwoman and AI Zod on the various stages of Themescryia.