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Possible cheat or just a troll?

So I got matched with the same guy twice in ranked play. I played my cage against him twice and both times was obviously winning and he quit in the first round.

I sent my usual bait text msg that I send to rage quitters and he responded that he had a mod that gave him a win for quitting. I almost believed him because he sucked and had a decent record.

I reported him for kicks, but did I
Just get trolled?


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Possibly. If he isn't trolling, then good call on reporting.


Sinestro's might!
Could just be the typical "lol my dad works for xbox, you gonna get banned cheater". But I would have reported.
I'm actually not even sure what to call him aside stupid.

Let's consider both scenarios here:

1) He actually has the mod he spoke of. Would he really be silly enough to actually let people know that?

2.) "I GET WIN BECUZ I QUIT U MAD?" Doesn't sound like something that'd piss me off. Sounds more of a "Lol okay. Well I'm going to go find a new match" kind of thing to me.


Could be trolling you but then again, I'm pretty sure there are cheaters on ranked matches. I remember playing a player, the match was clean with minimal lag so during the first round, I beat him. Second round comes and as soon as I'm about to lay a BNB on the player, the screen starts stuttering and lagging real bad. My inputs are delayed by like 1 second plus, I can barely block, jump or do anything at this point. In the midst of all this, the other player was landing combos impossible to land in that kind of lag.

The player seemed to be one step ahead all the time as well. It's as if he knew my every move. Nothing worked at all. Then when I lost he sent me a message saying "ROFL Fail, you fell for it" or something like that. Don't even know what the hell he meant lmao.

next time you play a ranked match check the opponents record, if he has a good record, chances are you are in for one MAJOR laggy fight. The "good" record ranked player tend to be the laggiest of them all for some "odd" reason.